How to say "Organ" in Japanese
If you are wondering what's the Japanese word for "Organ" you've come to the right place!
the Japanese word for "Organ" is "Orugan", written in japanese as "オルガン".
Here's a more detailed explanation:
The Japanese noun 'オルガン (orugan)' refers to a musical instrument known as an organ. It typically describes large keyboard instruments, such as pipe organs or electronic organs, used in churches, concert halls, or homes. For example: The church has a beautiful organ「教会には美しいオルガンがある」(きょうかいにはうつくしいオルガンがある). She plays the organ every Sunday「彼女は毎週日曜日にオルガンを弾く」(かのじょはまいしゅうにちようびにオルガンをひく). Note that 'オルガン' is a loanword derived from the English 'organ' and is written in katakana to reflect its foreign origin.
Now, let's make sure you understand this word the other way around too.
What does "Orugan" mean in japanese?
"Orugan" means "Organ" .
If you also want to learn how to write this word in Japanese, you can checkout this page:
How to write "Organ" in Japanese
To make really sure you learn this word, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this word and of the characters that comprise it.
But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.
Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.
This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:
The katakana "オ" is read as "o". The katakana "ル" is read as "ru". The katakana "ガ" is read as "ga". And The katakana "ン" is read as "n".