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What is the Kanji?


onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenhundredthousandupdownleftrightcenterbigsmallmoon and monthday and sunyearearly and fasttree and woodgrovemountainriversoilsky and emptyrice fieldheavenlifeflowergrassinsectdogpersonnamewomanmanchildeyeearmouthhandfoot and sufficientseesoundpowerspiritcircle and yenenterexitstandrestbefore and previouseveningbook and originsentencecharacterlearnschoolvillagetownforestcorrectwaterfireball and jewelkingstonebambooshellfishcargoldrainredbluewhitenumbermanyfewten thousandhalfshapethick and fatslenderwidelong and leaderpointroundmixlightcorner and anglemeasure and planstraight and repairlinearrowweakstronghigh and expensivesameparentmotherfatherolder sisterolder brotheryounger brotheryounger sisterselffriendbodyfurheadfaceneckhearttime and hourweekdaymorningdaytime and noonnightminute and partweekspringsummerautumnwinternownewoldinterval and spacedirectionnorthsoutheastwestfarnearbefore and frontafter and behindinsideoutsideplacegroundcountrygardenvalleyfieldmeadow and originalhometowncity and marketcapitalwind and stylesnowcloudpondseaboulderstarroomdoorhousetemplecommute and passgatewaytalksayanswervoicelistenlanguage and wordreadwriterecordpaperpicturepicturemapconstructionteachclear thinkthink and considerknowtalent and agereasoncalculatemakeorigineat and foodmeathorsecowfishbirdfeatherchirpwheatriceteacoloryellowblackcomegoreturnwalkrunstoplivelyshopbuysellnoonsteambowrevolve and timesmeetassociation and groupshipbrightcompanycutelectricityeveryfit and matchhit and appropriatepedestal and machinemusic and pleasurepublicpullsection and departmentsongswordturnusewhatthreadprivate and medarknesscheap and relaxlowevening and nightfalldrinkEngland and distinguishedstationshortwhole and allsection and departmentworld and generationworldsilvershop and roofhot and heatcoldevilliveplaceheavylightweightholdexertionborrow and rentlend and loanridedescend and fallsit and seatrevolve and changemoveslow and latebeginendtravelyoungsomeonemasterbusyalcohol and sakedeepshallowironside and horizontalwake uplie down, sleep, go to sleep, and lay downdouble and timesdeep inside, back, and interiordesk and tablelike and fondattain and pluralopenclose and shutguest and customerremember and awakememberservethingcross, hand over, and transitflavormaterials and feesolve and untieexistnothinguseextinguishwarmdegrees and timesforgetdecidemailconvenienceoffice and bureauprefecturemetropolisthingsendaccepttakewaitthrowpush and press downpracticelearnsharpenresearchqualityquestion and problemtopicsimplicitywinsort of thing and in that casebusinessprofit and advantageskillart and techniqueremainderbranch and supportpay and drive awayreturnurgentdeterminebeforehandpromise and approximatelybundle and bindchange and abnormalarrive and weartake off, escape, shed, and undressseatfortuneworkquickexceed and errorpastDeparturetally, sign, and tokenmedicinereflectcopytruthdiffer and differentpublic buildinglodginglodge, stay, and overnightplayclothespeacewindowfamilyordinal numbertie and bindmarriageantiagainstspecialseparatetargetline and rowflatequalillnessinstitutionmedicine and doctordeathtire and exhaustedpainpourideamachine and opportunitytheory and explanationflypraise and agreebecomemerit and achievementcauseinvestigate and tunesimple and singleorganizeplan and proposaltake alongentangle, connect, entwine, and coil aroundcontinuemutualdiscussgovernment office and urban prefecturechooseadvanceduty and taskgathergraduateretreatcrouch and yieldparticipatejoin and addcompare and ratioconceptreplace and exchangestealescapefight and wardisputeabandon and discardgather and pick upfallswimflowwashcoolbridgeputquietelegance, meaning, and gistattachministry and conservereversesuffertrouble and distresssweethot, hard, and spicyinvite, tempt, and lead toanger and angrybody and somebodyweep and crylaughrejoiceloss and damageburn and bakebloom and blossombreathe out and blowinvite and callinhale and sucksadgroup and associationinstruct and confertransmitreach and arrivalfall, collapse, invert, and overthrowwash and rinsestreet and boulevardbrush and writingpipe and cylindermeasurementclose off, fief, seal, closing, and seal instep on and stephundred millioncooperateaccompany and offeryesterday and previousturn toward and facingmostbeginning and firstcooked rice and foodChina and chinesefullroadothernot yetendfloorstep and stairsvalue and pricefeeling and emotionold timesgoodabilitypossiblenotnumberstreetluggagemeasure and quantitydutygender and sexgive birthfollower and junioraccustomedmiscellaneousdifficultduplicateindividuallaw and methodlaw and rhythmperform, charity, and carry outmanage and elapsefinish and settleart and performanceinevitable and certainimportant and needreportsubstitute and erapricechangeincreasedecreasetaxlacknextappear and currentbe and existfruit and realitysurface and expressmagazine and documentface and maskkind and varietykind and typemusic and bendtogetherby means ofdaughter and girlfruitsection and lessoneffectivereasontrustrequest, rely, and trustpeople and nationdistrict and wardrighteousnessdeliberationtheory and argumentgeneral, things of the same kind, and generallywidely, generally, and normaldeath and deceasedpreserveevidenceexist and supposerecognize and admitcommand and proportioncontraptionfollow and semiequip and provideset up and establishfestivalguessoccasionsail and navigateislandlose and faultknowledge and discernmentthink, remember, and recollectionclimbbarrier and relatedperson in charge and connectionappearance and conditiongovernment and politicscure and reignblame and liabilityduty and responsibilitydiligencefollow and obeysupply and salarysettle and concerningemploymenthave relations with and fordmatter and affaircompare and contrastfeelingwarngovernment and bureaucratpipekilllakeoilcoldwarehouse and storagepleasantsuitablespirit and godchronicle and eratreasurerankhaltcircumferenceEurope and europestate and provincetradeeasytransportwheel and ringjourney and go onrestorestay and detainprotecthousefree time and spare timebothinside and rearplentifulwealth and richlaboragriculturethickorder and extentlead and guidehope and ambitionaloneman and husbandladywifeall, everyone, everybody, and everythingdepositacquireelementbeach and shoregardenleafgrade and ranklistenperformhardcode and rulepermit and allowlectureinterest and entertainsurprise and surprisedslopenarrowspring, play, and bulletenemyshape and figurelineagegrandchildrenframesuspendvirtuebeansreside and benext and followingboatsheepgroup and flockcounty and districtlawn and turfBuddhaoneselfphrase and paragraphten day period, season, in season, and time of monthdecoratecommonsurname and family namemarry and bridebridegroom and groomHow many, how much, and how manyprinciples and ethicssuperfluous, uselessness, and unnecessarylazy, boastful, ridicule, and lazinessrambling, random, and mangagovernment office and agencybed and floordrysweateaves and house counterrespect and reveredrespectZen Buddhism, zen buddhism, and zensuburbsemperorsaint and holycorridor and passagewayyoung man and guyreason and deceasedvegetableexpensetrade and dealproductstatusseasonheat and temperaturewarmreport and newsannouncefamily nameeachway and formhonorific prefix, control, and honorabledistributehit and strikeraise and grow upsystem and controltry and attempttestdefeatrulemanagestyle and ceremonyplan and projectprofit and benefitobtainmanufacturerequest and seekrequestamount and foreheaddifferencedivide and splittime and periodticketrent and farefingerstandard and regulationcontact and touchocean and western styleyear and years olddepend, reliant, and dependentexclusive and specialtytoothban and prohibitiondrunkdangerousdangerous and steepcertainvesselmaterials and timbertoolbase and fundationharbor and portcompletedefeatcapital and resourcesorigin and sourcerequest and wishusual and normalmistake and negativeseason and nodeinvestigateexaminepresent and submitshow and indicaterecordform and conditionparty and factionchoose and selectreformweaveexpand and broadenword and resigncommitteeachievementgather and pickdemand and needpledgeclausealliancejudge and stampevaluateimage and statueelephant and phenomenonwound and injuryexchangecalamityharmrescuehelpmixdisorder and riotgeneral and totalwavefloatleader and commanderdamp and moistdirty and dishonordyeviewmeasure and conjecturesunshineprotect and defenseball and sphereshake, tremble, quake, and earthquakewave, shake, and swingspirit and refinepreciouscurriculum and continuationhistorydecide and cut offsucceed and inheritwidthlandextreme and poleextremity, edge, and uprightvisitgreengoods and freightreel and spinsidedetailedaccumulateturn over, translate, and flipreason and translationmistakechastiseorder and obeybeginning and prefacerowexampleexclude and removeimmediate, namely, and instantfostersecondarypoorscanty and scarcehappinessluck and fortuneblessedness and welfaresaltfishingthin and dilutethick and kindshrinkpluck and extractthanksapologizewish and hopeintentiontoilmediate and jammed inintroduceinviteshine and illuminatebirthprolongdreamsamuraidoubt and suspectrights and authoritydo and sakerecompense and reparationprizegive and involvementwealthsavingsfinish and completeconsentsettlementburndry, parch, and dry updrycharcoal and coalscatterplantdish and platebloodliquidbend and foldpoisonclear and pureimmaculatewatch, supervise, and overseedepict and drawedit and knitreleasesee and lookclothesbeautifulextensive and doctorsupervise, urge, and coachspecial and especiallyescape, avoid, and excuseinstructionnoise, disturbance, and boisterouscause, do, incite, and do humblyarmySquadbreak off and extinctionprevent and defendhinder, obstruct, and impedebottomresist and matchopposite, resist, and confrontpower and forcefearsilkcottonrelation and edgepoetryboast, proud, and pridesincerityprosperneedleore and mineralbeachopen seabay and gulfspring and fountainriver, bay, and inlethot wateringest and consumeloyaltygrace and kindnessfieldlight and lampashesfootrelease and explanationfresh and vividwhalebury and burialceremonysacrificesacrifice and offeringpriest, priest's residence, boy, and monkbag and sackcloth and linenbreasts and milkstore, accumulate, and amassworshipsweepwield and displayshine, sparkle, and radiancecastlereligionpalaceproclaim and promulgateconstitutionbanquetorder and regularityfoundation stone and foundationhalberd, lance, and spearshieldswordfilial pietyold and agedsteamripe and maturesilent and shut upcan and tin canwholesalespread and laystrive and encouragethunder and lightningmist and fogdew, reveal, and exposehallprivate school and cram schoolurge and encouragecenterprayancestorshininggood and virtuouslucky and good luckscrollsellreport and deliverflat and counterbear and carryshares and stocksmake and buildput in and crowdedlimitchange, again, anew, grow late, and renewmove and transferdesire and longingresemblebreaththird person pronoun and heanswer and respondequal and evensmokecup, counter for cups, and cup of liquidrare and differentvote and ballotsignpost and marksecondsituation and conditionplan and policyraiseclimatesupplementbrainworry and distressreform and leatherlife, command, and fateordersterritoryinferemploy and hireraise and recruitpursuecriticizehinder and hurtdisciplinesubjected to, cover, and incurbreak and tearbreak, ruin, and destroysect and factionuse and dispatchcrimesin and guiltcatch up with and apprehendseize, capture, and catchcompeteunitesinkdie, sink, and disappeareternitylong timeiceriverfreeze and frozenstorehouseentrails and viscerascenelight, image, and shadoweffect, echo, resound, and reverberationcircle, ring, and loopboundary and bordersecretsecret and densesevere and strictleave behinddraw nearbuildbuild and fabricatestructure and carepillar and poledistanceleave, separate, and detachboundary and vicinitysurroundexample, model, norm, and limitsneighbor, adjoin, and neighbourroom, chamber, and clustermany and variousbeginning and togetherbelt and wearreturnfragment and one sideditem, clause, and paragraphmark and sealprintingpublish and editionprinting block and editionhoist, display, and hold upcorrect and reviseaccompany, add, and appendbelongabbreviation and strategyin general and approximationthoughtexcessway and routealready and previouslyengravetighten and bindprosper and flourishsanddesert, vast, and vagueimitationpressureurge, draw near, press, coerce, and compelstretchexceed, super, and ultrago across and go beyondtag and billshootsuperior and gentleexcel and excellentfortune tellingbasis and based ondeal withrelationshipmutualself and egobook, register, and enrolllovelove and romancecelebratepurerefined and stylishdiscreet, refrain, and humilitytear and teardropvalve and Dialectprotect and defendwatchnegatestate and mentionjudgesue and appealperplexed and astrayperplexed, in doubt, and misguidedarea and limitsrenowned and authorinvadepresent and presentsfuse, finance, and dissolveseparate and isolatetrunk and maincherryrootboard and platereach and extendchest and breastabdomenloins, hip, and waiststomachcontain and looksback and heightbonedivide, analyze, and analysishealthyhealthy and peacefulagain and twicetemporarymirrordramaunfold and expandhold an event and sponsorurge and presssign, summon, levy, and indicationslight, tiny, and delicateexquisite, odd, and strangepoetry and wordsdirectorpurchase and subscriptionmaster and experteggmatch, animal counter, small animal counter, and small animalviolent and fiercearrive and climaxdebtincline and leantighten, urgent, and tensespread and stretchthrust, stab, sudden, lunge, and protrudewallfall and crashsoldiercore, nucleus, and nuclearmilitaryattack and aggressionfire, strike, and attackburst and explodeviolent and outburstattack and inheritclear, go through, and penetratehuge and giantresist, refuse, and refusalthrive and overgrowngreat, grand, and greatnesspole and barpower, handle, and patternbranchsue, accuse, and lawsuithand over and deferworldly, custom, and vulgarplentiful, rich, and abundantbathealongfavor and bestow a favorwellskinshouldergovernment office, court, and courtspalace, lord, Mister, and milordpig and porkintestinelivercurtainlivelihoodgravemuscle and tendonboxwrapembrace, hold, and hugnotebookchildhood and infancyeyeballsleep and sleepyblink and flashsleep and drowsyrespect, lookup, and look up towelcomereturn and send backattain, chase, pursue, and one by oneattain, accomplish, and finallymeet, treat, and treatmentby chance, pair, doll, and accidentallycorner and nookask, visit, and pay respectsactor and Haikurepent and regretfollow, imitate, and emulateI, servant, me, and icolleague and officialdormitorybiasedwidely, everywhere, and universalholeservant and retainerface and confrontcabinetclan and cliqueeminentrejoice and delightyoung and immaturerice plantwork, earn, and earningsmanuscript and draftcalm and moderatehidebribe and providewise and cleverfrequently and frequentwarehousecreatepunishoffer, present, and dedicatehillfellow, companion, and comradebraveinferior and inferiorityatmospheremultitudedancechild and juvenilefirm and solidchapter and badgeresidencesagacious and philosophypineapricot and plumpeachgo, proceed, and move ontributecongratulateassist and helpemperor and sovereignshoe and shoeshometownomen and trillionmodel and typepeace, gentle, and settledmiserable, cruel, and disasterpluck and extractassist and aidtake by force and robchallengein a tangle and distractsearchsearchsearch and ropeflood and vastpick and pluckexclude, refuse, exhaust, and rejectabolish, useless, and obsoleteeaves and universemidaircloudyodd, strange, and curioushandle and chastityverticalbitter, stagnate, astringent, and reluctantstagnatecarry with and portablejoin and put togetherbook and volumeload and publishcontain and includepare, reduce, and whittle downsurpluseasy and loosesugarrise, ascent, and ascendswellageashamed and shameill and afflictedconsent, agree, and agreementfalsify and fakebitter and acidhandlelungmelt and dissolveslide, smooth, and slipperyexamine a patient and diagnoseprecious and rarecure and healfungus and bacteriasymptomtake, photograph, and photoleapdress and attirecopperstay, pull up, and residentdomesticatestabinvigoratedslanting and diagonalslowly, gentle, and gentlyhard and stiffsoftsoft and gentlecollidefeel, contact, and touchavoid and dodgefill and allocateruin and destroydislikeremove, withdraw, and withdrawalthreaten, dignified, and majestyfear, afraid, and scaryslender, fiber, and finefiber and maintainbelt and gentlemanaccumulatestring, bowstring, and chordarc and archalone, orphan, and lonelyshelfwithercombine and concurrentlyfish and fishingsharpblunt and dullsteelchainsmall bell and buzzerleadlong life, congratulation, longevity, and lifespanmarsh, swamp, and abundantdive, conceal, and lurklight, pale, and faintharbor and havendriftmud and adhere toimpure, turbid, and muddyclear, settle, and luciditywhirlpool and eddyboilpure, purify, and cleansesoak, immerse, and immersedleakditch, channel, and guttertidejuice and soupdrip and dropmoisten and wateredwander and billowthirst and parchedthreaten, shout, and scoldshoutvomit, throw up, and spitlament, admire, and sighrestbalance, scales, and equilibriumpath and diametersubjugateadorn, make up, and cosmeticsprovisions and foodboil and cookhairtonguenoseblindsmell, stinky, smelly, and stinkingset and installdigditch and moatwall and fencefulfill, on feet, and bootswingruler and youpoint, tasty, gist, and deliciousfat and greasefat and obesefatten and fertilizebody, trunk, and torsoskinability and armlegvein and pulsewomb and uteruslimb and arms & legsgallbladder and gutsmembranerecommend and matflustered, bewildered, and confusedpriest, Buddhist priest, and monkhateflagturn, revolution, and rotationsplit and teardetain, adhere to, and arrestdie a martyr and martyrmultiplystarve and hungerstarvesailold and pastchildovercomepregnant and swollenpregnant and pregnancyblack, recondite, and mysteriousgreat, powerful, and luxuriouslivestocklook, gaze, and starehang downhand, depend, connected, apply, hang, and cover withplace, dispose, and set asideclap and beatrefrain and abstainkidnapinserttransport and carrytake, bundle, and graspgrasp and gripunfold and exposeprotect and embracebind and fastenreclaim and cultivationrestrain and suppressattack, cut down, and felladmonish and commandmentbrilliant and geniusoutstanding, greatness, and excellenceside and nearbythrifty and frugalstrike, beat, and slapquietly and lonelyrestful, preferably, polite, and rathermagnanimous and tolerancefight and struggleyearn, bosom, and nostalgiaregret and frugallazyindignant and sighgrudgepleasure, pleasant, and joyjoy and delightspiritually awakened and comprehensionweird and suspiciouslament, mourn, and grievescorch, fret, and charseize, catch game, and obtainharvestshadefall into, entrap, and cave incamp, formation, and army baseattach, append, and affixeddemon, magic, and devilcharm and alluringsmashsulfur and sulphurfollow, sequential, and circulationpunishment and penaltygovernment officeinquiresphere and rangeboilbow, hide, lay, and prostrate oneselfrise and inflationall, various, multitude, and bastardhemp and numbpile, tatami mat, and foldrub and chafescrape, chafe, and gratetrack and ruthat and headgearbreed and pasturetray, bon festival, and lantern festivaldish, board, tray, and platterdancesuspension bridge, pier, and jettyburyvigorous, grand, and robustsolemn and villamad, lunatic, and crazydelay, still, and yetcathunting and hunthuntingfierceprison and litigationcarvelength, height, and ten feetnaked and nudecalamity, misfortune, and evilauspicioushinder and thwartwickedgroup and Squadcrimsoncedar and cryptomeriapillar, building, and ridgepolespace, column, and railingtub, tank, and vatstopper, plug, and corkpivot and hingecoffin and casketoriental chess and chess piecesimple, unaffected, and crudeconsiderhabitsteepgorge and ravinebranch and forkcall, yell, and screamrequest and entrustentice and instigatelike, equal, and likenessmarriage and marrypleasure, amusement, and recreationedge and horizonsoak and picklesecreteflood, overdo, spread out, overflow, and excessivelacquer and varnishgradual advance, gradually, and steadilyflower, showy, China, and gorgeousput between and betweensqueezeclumsy and unskillfulextract, excerpt, copy, and summaryerase and wipeaid, help, and supporttortureraise, hoist, and frytake, act as proxy, and in additionload, board, and embarktowerplatform and podiumsackaccompany and companionsalaryceramic, educate, and potteryMajestystate, line up, and exhibitregret and remorsecorrect and straightenentrust and consigncollapse and crumblerock and shaketrace and tracesplaster and paintpass through and transparentmix up, confused, and mixedabandon and renouncecompensate and compensationgunthreatendragonspin and spinninghorizontal and latitudebladeendure and stealthendure, with stand, and resistantrot and decayskill and adeptone, certain, and that personintermediary and mediatorplot and conspiresong, noh chant, and noh chantinglie and swindlecheat, deceive, and deceitpack, question closely, and stuffedconsent and agreementconsultcorrespond to, that specifically, and the abovehumble and modestyhonest, cheap, and bargainsuppress and tranquilizeforge and trainrefine, train, and temperinglock and tabletinscribe, impress, and inscriptionconsider and modelbellbowlcast and castingmarsh, swamp, and bogwaterfallshallows and rapidsbrown and woollen kimonolazy and neglectplowdecrease and wasteflour and powdergrain and grainsstickyfurnaceflame and blazecalendar and almanacskinend and taillips and liphumiliateurine and peeexhaustlayercover, overturn, and capsizedomination, conquer, and leadershipdoor and front doorfan and folding fanshipwarshipboat and rowboathit, beat, and assaultgrain and cerealshell and huskchicken, hen, and cockegg membrane, placenta, and cellbud and sproutstemgrow thickly and luxuriantfruit and cakewild and roughflutenotebook for record and record bookitem and counter for articlesbubble, foam, and bubblessatiate, bored, and satedillusionbuilding, inn, and restaurantmodel and imitatefreeze, coagulate, concentrate, congeal, and absorbed inswiftgo around and patrolexcel, astray, elude, and deviatealternatefoolishtsubo and two mat areafence and hedgeconstant and alwayscultivateaccompany and accompany a superiordivide and cut upplant and plantingagile and alertdespiseworship, noble, revered, and revereright and best regardsinvestigate and judgeblock up, plug up, and suffocatelook and perusalinspect and inspectionquiet and leisuresorrow, pity, and patheticdecline and waneindignant, angry, and resentspout and eruptmound and tomburge and recommendonly and solelyapprove and semireefmale, brave, and powerfulfemaleelegance and elegantarrange, line up, net, and spread outone of a pair and ship counterear of corn, head of plant, and ear of plantname, title, and praisefollow and allmarrow and bone marrowdemon and ogrespirit and soullumpuglybase, despise, lowly, and meanstone, monument, and tombstonemagnet and porcelaingun and cannonniter, nitrate, and saltpeterlook back and reviewtrouble, torment, annoying, and annoyunderstand, distribute, and partitionappear, exist, manifest, and visiblestubborncrown and acceptsimultaneously, equally, and simultaneousmedicine and dosecut, reap, and prunestrength and sturdybad, bad luck, and villainprisoner and criminalmeritintense and violentbeast and animalpoor quality and burdensomespur on and gallophorse and ridehigh mountain and peakreject, eliminate, and contraryobstruct and interceptrotaxle and axiscontrol and linchpina while and temporarilyfragrancebeginning, do recklessly, and darechantcrystaldescendants and insectsright and absolutelyembankmentpardondaringinvestigate and censureconsider, sense, and intuitionenduregreat, extreme, and veryfrostfall, zero, tiny, and spillspirit, soul, and ghostdeep, faint, and secludedjump and hopstep, practice, and tramplemoney and coinrin, 1/10 bu, and 1/10 senbase, fort, and baseball baseink and black inkfallen and degeneratemonkeyclear, manifest, and patentcolor, colouring, and coloringgovernmental official, officer, and an officialagainboth and pairdescribe and conferyounger brother and sister of one's parents, aunt, and unclegracefulneck and collarborrow, tax, and tariffcoarse and roughmoreover and alsohowever and butvinegarsevere, cruel, and unjustbrewferment and fermentationserve, pour, and ladledairy produce and dairyreward and repaycountry, Japan, and home countryenclosurereceiveoffer, present, and displayeat, call, and summonenlighten and state respectfullymend, repair, and trimline, rope, principle, and cablenet and nettingrope and cordbind and restrainsewexamine, entwine, and twistwring and stranglepattern, crest, and family crestdark blue and navypurple and violetwillowtree and woodmeet, meet with undesirable things, and encounterofficialasiamany storied building, watchtower, lookout, and high buildingnestshelf and build acrossgo and the game of Gomulberryempty and voidplay and froliccaptivecruel and oppressanxious and griefcure, heal, and healingepidemicstupidillness, swiftly, rapid, and rapidlydiarrhea and diarrhoeasmallpox and poxcape and promontorypass, ridge, and crestpeak and summitbeat, hand drum, and drumrecite and recitalintimidate, majesty, menacing, and dignitynun and priestessmisfortune and unluckyhouse and quartersumbrella and parasolprincessprincess and queendaughter, young lady, and misssoil, earth, and rich soillegitimate heir and legitimate wifeold womanirrational and recklessgive and Wu Chinaservant and dudeslavelagoonvalley and ravinecave and penetratebay, inlet, and coaststore, shop, and pavechastityspypierce and sushi countertribute, levy, ode, and poemrobber and rebelmosquitosnakesilkwormbarbarianfireflytake charge of, palm, and manipulatehigh, furthermore, and esteemseedling, descent, and saplingpotatochrysanthemumalgae and seaweedfirewood, kindling, and fuelfief and fiefdomfragrant and perfumesmoke, fragrance, fragrant, aroma, and be scentedyearn, adore, and yearn forrespect and respectfulhole, pit, and minemound and tumulusnotation, genealogy, and scorerecite, chart, and composeaudience with the and audiencediscreet, humble, and respectfullyinstruct and admonishswear and vowpraise and honorhermitcount, older sibling of parent, and chiefattend to and samuraiConfucianism and confuciangood, beautiful, excellent, and skilledbenevolent and humanitylord, marquis, and daimyoedge of and shoreoffer, dedicate, and respectfulplay musiccalm and peacehill, imperial tomb, tomb, and mausoleumrise, prosper, and prosperityresemble and resemblanceevening, early night, and wee hoursstealgo to the end of, suffer, and destitutepreside and managerfurnace, kiln, and ovenguest and vipfew and widowcrown and capsolemn, purge, and solemnlytake in hand, stick, and tenaciouscoarse, shun, sparse, alienate, and neglectstation, barracks, and postmeasure, sho, and gridrun, run fast, and bustleevil and exhaustionmoney and cashloaf, loaves, bread loaf counter, and axereject, repel, and recedeempressplan, craftsman, and artisanhide and concealvermillionball and pearlkoto and harpnourishingaffection and mercymourn, abhor, and mourninglament, sadness, distress, and grievedistant, leisure, and leisurelycomfort, console, and consolationchastise and learn by mistakescordial and courteousreclaim, open up farmland, and ground-breakingTang China, sudden, and chinapolishordinary and commoncongratulate and congratulationsclear and cheerfulconcave and hollowconvex and unevenonetwo, second, and iishell, armor, the first, turtle shell, and asecond and latter3rd, 3rd calendar sign, and third classmourn and condolencered, sincere, and rust coloredladle and dipperhole and cavitydawnleave, dismiss, and quitarticle, sincerity, and engravebottle and jarfear, anxiety, and concernimperial edictlearn, follow, and obeydie and pass onchange, transfer, and transitionrelay, in sequence, sending, and in turncopy and mimeographmodel, clay famine, and moldingheart, inner feelings, mind, and inmostloss, mourn, and mourningpraisebeautiful and lovelycordial, sincere, and deliberatemilitary rank, officer sewing in military, and military officerpeerage, baron, and court rankreligious service, a study, and purificationold man, venerable, and venerable old manelegance, rhyme, and tonegift, bestow on, grant, and boonimperial edict, imperial, and imperial ordersucceed, heir, and succeed toridge, furrow, and ribcommand and commanderemporer, majestic plural, and imperial weimperial seal and emperor's sealcocoonbriar and thornprincess and beautyhillbearcapedeerhorse chestnutbut and narapearslope and heightsmoundcatchsleeveabandon and give upcursefragrance and scentpillowwisteriafang and tuskspit and skewerbribedeedclawjealousy and envyeyebrowsaimthinkneerice bowlfisthoneythroatbeeamazing, terrible, wonderful, and awfulsakehumbledraw close and be imminentcrevicescoldarmpittigerpupilrefreshingwhogloombrocadewickpush openstormbathchairrainbowdarknessbutt and buttocksriddlenecessaryreceivekoreaproudapproximatewither, droop, and lamefear, graciously, and majesticnurse and sucklecliffask, invite, and begchastise, torment, and scoldindigosickle and scytheslope, capture, and be benttray and small low tablegamblehem, foot of mountain, and cuffincreasingcraneclose, cover, and shutjust like, address, and fortunatelychopstickswhatclearmortarturtlepan-blemish, speck, and spotenvy and jealousever, once, and ex-melting and smeltingpiled highcalamity, bewitching, and attractivekidneyarm and elbowkidnap, crush, and latinbow, arrange, and kowtowdark and foolishappearance, form, and countenancewide and spread outfoot of a mountaindarkfade, peel, and come offdrown and indulgerun, smile, and rippedfollower and companionabuse and insultrise and suddennessgrieve and relativesmochi rice cakenoodles and wheat flourjaw and cheeksfertilitydark and not clearbreak, smash, and crushcategory, collect, and classifycoop, basket, and cagetrifle with, play with, and tamperfear, be afraid of, and dreadsmell, scent, and sniffindulge in and covettempletwist, play with, and twirldiscussion, result, and selectionpaper, letter, and labelfill inboil, swelling, and tumorsquare character style and correctnessball and sphereselfish and arbitrarycompare and metaphorcruel, spicy, and harshto tie and confinementharmonyclue, remains, and footprintobituaryfearadmire, yearn for, and aspire tobreak, destroy, and censurefeel ashamedridicule and insultglandgift and seriousnessmake progressshade, cover, and mantlethink and considerplay, trifle with, and make sport ofawake, be disillusioned, and sober upwipe, swab, and moptake, form, and dicekickchess pieceretrace the past and go upstreama wee bitpasteslicefriendlykudzu and arrowrootcharm, glaze, and glossyselectyearn and long forneglect and scornbeautiful, vigorous, and successfulgrudge, show resentment, and be jealousshamisen songfood, bait, and preygill, jaw, and chintile and gramwell and boilmark and foot printbreak, sprain, and crushsandme and ikeypotlapis lazulistature and heightoak tree and oaktoweldawnglassycover, flap, and lidthroat, stuffy, and chokedpersimmonlewdness and licentiousnesscavernattain, arrive, and visit a templecrotch and thighkettle, cauldron, and iron potsputum and salivafence, stockade, and weirboil, parch, and broilheart, fear, and mindfor the most part, flower stem, and close upswelling and tumorgunwalecapital and suburbs of capitalenvy and jealousbeam, spar, and girderbody, bone, and corpse