If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for
"Face" and "Mask", you've come to the right place!
The Japanese Kanji for
"Face" and "Mask"
is "面".
This kanji has 3 readings:
Its kunyomi readings are "Omo" and "Tsura".
Its onyomi reading is "Men".
kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.
If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 4 parts:
The radical "丆" means "Cliff"
. The radical "囗" means "Box"
. The radical "丨" means "Stick"
. And The kanji "二" means "Two"
and can be read as "Futa" and "Ni".
Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.
What does the kanji "面" mean in japanese?
"面" means
"Face" and "Mask"
Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Third Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N3 exam.
Here are some words that use this kanji:
面: "Side" or "Face". The Japanese noun '面 (めん)' has two main meanings. The first meaning is 'side', referring to a particular surface or face of an object. For example: Four-sided cube - (四面体). The second meaning is 'face', referring to the front of the head or a person's facial features. For example: Friendly face - (面が良い). The word can also be used metaphorically to refer to an aspect or perspective of something. 面白い: "Interesting". The Japanese adjective '面白い (おもしろい)' means 'interesting'. This word describes something that is fascinating, captivating or compelling. It can be used to describe a wide variety of things, from movies and books to hobbies and activities. For example: This book is really interesting - (この本はとても面白い). She has an interesting job - (彼女の仕事は面白い). 洗面所: "Bathroom" or "Washroom". The Japanese word '洗面所 (せんめんじょ)' refers to a bathroom or washroom. It is a room or area designated for personal cleaning and hygiene, typically containing a sink, mirror, and other sanitary facilities. This word is commonly used to describe the room in a house or building where one can wash their face, brush their teeth, or perform other grooming activities. For example: I need to go to the washroom - (洗面所に行く必要がある). Let's meet in the bathroom - (洗面所で会いましょう). 正面: "Front". The Japanese noun '正面 (しょうめん)' refers to the front or forward facing part of something. It is commonly used to describe the main or principal side of a building, object, or person. For example: The front of the house - (家の正面), Please face the front - (正面を向いてください). 画面: "Screen". The Japanese noun '画面 (がめん)' refers to a screen, such as a computer monitor, television screen, or any other type of display device. It can be used to describe the physical area where information or images are displayed. For example: The screen is cracked - (画面が割れた). I'm looking at the screen - (画面を見ている). 場面: "Scene". The Japanese noun '場面 (ばめん)' means 'scene'. This word is used to refer to a specific part or point in a play, movie, story, etc. where the action or events take place. It can also be used more generally to describe a particular situation or setting. For example: The dramatic scene in the movie - (映画の劇的な場面). This is an important scene in the story - (この物語の重要な場面です). 表面: "Surface". The Japanese noun '表面 (ひょうめん)' refers to the outer or uppermost layer of an object or substance. It can describe the physical surface of something like the surface of the earth or the surface of a table. This word is used to talk about the external or visible part of something. For example: The surface of the lake was calm - (湖の表面は穏やかだった). The surface of the desk is made of wood - (デスクの表面は木製だ). 側面: "Side". The Japanese noun '側面 (そくめん)' refers to the side or lateral surface of something. It can be used to describe the side of an object, building, or person. This word is commonly used in expressions like '側面から見る' which means 'to view from the side'. Example sentences: From the side, the building looks impressive - (側面から見ると、その建物は立派に見える). The side of the car was damaged in the accident - (事故で車の側面が損傷した). 真面目: "Serious". The adjectival noun '真面目 (まじめ)' means 'serious'. This word is used to describe someone or something that is earnest, diligent, and focused. It connotes a sense of responsibility, dedication, and conscientiousness. For example: He is a serious student - (彼は真面目な学生だ). I have a serious attitude about my work - (私は仕事に真面目な態度を持っている). 方面: "Direction". The noun '方面 (ほうめん)' refers to a specific direction or orientation. It can be used to describe the compass direction (north, south, east, west) or a general direction in space. For example: Which direction are you going? - (どちらの方面に行きますか). I'm heading in that direction - (あの方面に行きます). 地面: "Ground". The Japanese noun '地面 (じめん)' means 'ground'. This refers to the solid surface of the Earth that we walk on. It can be used to describe the surface of the earth, floor, soil, or terrain. For example: He is sitting on the ground - (彼は地面に座っています). The ground is wet after the rain - (地面は雨後濡れている). 面積: "Area". The Japanese noun '面積 (めんせき)' refers to the total surface or extent of a two-dimensional object or region. It is used to measure or quantify the size of a flat space, such as the area of a room, a plot of land, or the coverage of an image. For example: The area of this room is 20 square meters - (この 部屋の面積は20平方メートルです). The land has a total area of 500 square feet - (この土地の総面積は500平方フィートです). 一面: "Surface". The Japanese noun '一面 (いちめん)' means 'surface'. This noun refers to the flat or planar side of an object or area. It can be used to describe the exterior or top layer of something. For example: The surface of the table is made of wood - (テーブルの一面は木材でできている). The surface of the lake was calm - (湖の一面は静かだった). 全面: "Whole" or "Overall". The noun '全面 (ぜんめん)' can mean 'whole' or 'overall'. It is used to describe something in its entirety or entirety. For example: The whole picture - (全面の絵). Overall, the decision was a good one - (全面的に見て、その決定は良かった。) 内面: "Inner side". The Japanese noun '内面 (ないめん)' refers to the 'inner side' or 'inner aspect' of a person or thing. It is used to describe the inner, mental, emotional or spiritual qualities and characteristics that are not directly observable from the outside. For example: I want to understand her inner side - (彼女の内面を理解したい). The actor portrayed the character's complex inner side well - (その俳優はキャラクターの複雑な内面をよく演じた). 対面: "Face-to-face". 対面 (たいめん)' is a noun that refers to a situation where two people meet and interact in person, as opposed to communicating remotely or indirectly. It implies a direct, personal encounter. For example: We had a face-to-face meeting - (私たちは対面で会議をした). I prefer face-to-face interactions - (私は対面のやりとりを好む). 面する: "Face". The verb '面する (めんする)' means 'to face'. This verb is used to describe a situation where something or someone is positioned in front of or opposite to another thing or person. It can be used to indicate the orientation or direction of an object or a building. For example: The house faces the park - (その家は公園に面している). The building faces the river - (その建物は川に面している). 直面: "Face". The Japanese noun '直面 (ちょくめん)' means 'face'. This word refers to the front or forward-facing part of an object, especially a person's face. It implies a direct or head-on confrontation or situation. For example: He faced the problem directly - (彼は直面してその問題に取り組んだ). They are facing difficult challenges - (彼らは直面する難しい課題がある). 半面: "Half". The Japanese noun '半面 (はんめん)' means 'half'. This word is used to refer to one of the two equal parts that something is divided into. It can be used to describe physical objects, such as a half-moon or a half-circle, as well as more abstract concepts, like half of a day or half of a problem. For example: I will only eat half my sandwich - (私はサンドイッチの半面だけ食べます). The dancer performed half the routine - (その踊り手は半面の振付けを披露しました). 面接: "Interview". The Japanese verbal noun '面接 (めんせつ)' means 'interview'. This word is used to refer to a formal meeting between two or more people, typically one in which a person is assessed for employment or for some other position. It often involves a series of questions asked by the interviewer(s) to the interviewee. For example: I have a job interview next week - (私は来週面接があります). She passed the interview for the new position - (彼女はその新しい役職の面接に合格しました). 全面的: "Comprehensive". The Japanese adjective '全面的 (ぜんめんてき)' means 'comprehensive'. This adjective is used to describe something that is complete, thorough, and covers all aspects of a topic or situation. It implies that something has been examined or dealt with in detail. For example: The report provided a comprehensive analysis of the problem - (その報告は問題の全面的な分析を提供した). The university offers a comprehensive curriculum - (その大学は全面的なカリキュラムを提供している). 平面: "Plane". The Japanese noun '平面 (へいめん)' refers to a flat, two-dimensional surface or area. It is used to describe any flat, planar object or concept, such as a geometric plane, a flat surface, or a flat layout. For example: The drawing is on a flat plane - (その絵は平面に描かれている). The design is in a single plane - (そのデザインは1つの平面の中にある). 洗面: "Washstand". The Japanese noun '洗面 (せんめん)' refers to a washstand, sink or wash basin. It is often found in bathrooms and is used for washing one's face and hands. For example: I washed my face at the washstand - (私は洗面台で顔を洗いました). The washstand in the bathroom is very clean - (浴室の洗面台はとてもきれいです). 洗面器: "Washbasin". The Japanese noun '洗面器 (せんめんき)' refers to a washbasin or a bowl used for washing one's face or hands. It is a common household item found in bathrooms and kitchens. For example: I washed my face in the washbasin - (洗面器で顔を洗った). 両面: "Both sides" or "Double-sided". The noun '両面 (りょうめん)' refers to the concept of 'both sides' or 'double-sided'. It is used to describe something that has two sides, surfaces or aspects. For example: The document is double-sided - (その書類は両面印刷されている). The topic has both positive and negative sides - (その話題には両面ある). 水面: "Surface". The Japanese noun '水面 (すいめん)' means 'surface'. It specifically refers to the surface of a body of water, such as a lake, ocean, or river. This word is commonly used to describe the smooth, flat appearance of the top layer of a body of water. For example: The surface of the lake was calm - (湖の水面は穏やかだった). The rain created ripples on the surface of the water - (雨が水面にさざ波を立てた). 斜面: "Slope". The Japanese noun '斜面 (しゃめん)' means 'slope'. This word is used to refer to an inclined surface or a stretch of land that is not flat, but rather sloped or tilted. It can describe the side of a hill, mountain, or any other elevated terrain. For example: The house is built on a steep slope - (家は急な斜面に建てられている). I like hiking on mountain slopes - (私は山の斜面を歩くのが好きです). 面倒: "Troublesome". The Japanese adjectival noun '面倒 (めんどう)' means 'troublesome'. This word is used to describe something that requires a lot of time, effort or attention, and can be burdensome or annoying to deal with. It can be applied to tasks, situations or people. For example: This task is troublesome - (この仕事は面 倒だ). She finds dealing with him troublesome - (彼と面倒くさいと感じる). 面倒臭い: "Troublesome". The Japanese adjective '面倒臭い (めんどうくさい)' means 'troublesome'. It is used to describe something that is perceived as burdensome, complicated, or annoying. This adjective can be applied to tasks, situations, or people that require significant effort or attention. For example: This homework assignment is so troublesome - (この宿題はとても面倒くさい). I don't want to deal with that troublesome person - (あの面倒くさい人と付き合いたくない). To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.
But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.
Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.
This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:
The hiragana "め" is read as "me". The hiragana "ん" is read as "n". The hiragana "お" is read as "o". The hiragana "も" is read as "mo". The hiragana "つ" is read as "tsu". And The hiragana "ら" is read as "ra".