

What is the Kanji for "Exit"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Exit", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Exit" is "出".

This kanji has 3 readings:

Its kunyomi readings are "De" and "Da".

Its onyomi reading is "Shutsu".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The radical "凵" means "Open box" . And The kanji "山" means "Mountain" and can be read as "Yama" and "San".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "出" mean in japanese?

"出" means "Exit" .

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in First Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N5 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

出来る: "Can" or "Be able to". The Japanese verb '出来る (できる)' has two main meanings: 'can' and 'be able to'. It is used to express one's ability or capability to do something. It can be used with other verbs to indicate that an action is possible or feasible. For example: I can speak English - (英語が出来る). He is able to play the piano - (彼はピアノが弾ける).
出る: "Leave". The Japanese verb '出る (でる)' means 'to leave'. This verb is used to indicate the act of departing, exiting or going out of a place. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as leaving a room, a building, or even a country. For example: I will leave now - (今出ます). He left the house - (彼は家を出た).
出す: "To take out" or "To emit". The Japanese verb '出す (だす)' has two main meanings. The first meaning is 'to take out' or 'to bring out'. This refers to the action of removing something from a container, location, or situation. For example: I took out the trash - (ゴミを出した). The second meaning is 'to emit' or 'to produce'. This refers to the action of generating or releasing something, such as sound, light, or a substance. For example: The volcano emitted smoke - (火山が煙を出した).
出口: "Exit". The Japanese noun '出口 (でぐち)' means 'exit'. It refers to the doorway, passage or opening through which one leaves a building, room, or other enclosed space. '出口' is commonly used to indicate the way out of a place, such as an emergency exit, the exit of a train station, or the exit of a store. For example: Please use the emergency exit - (非常口をお使いください). The exit is this way - (出口はこちらです).
出品: "Listing". The Japanese noun '出品 (しゅっぴん)' means 'listing'. It refers to the act of putting an item up for sale, auction, or display. This word is commonly used in the context of online marketplaces, auctions, or exhibitions where sellers list their products or items for potential buyers. For example: I made a new listing on the website - (私はウェブサイトに新しい出品をしました).
思い出す: "Recall". The Japanese verb '思い出す (おもいだす)' means 'to recall' or 'to remember'. This verb is used to express the act of bringing back a memory or past experience to one's mind. It implies that the person is actively thinking about and retrieving a piece of information from their memory. For example: I recalled the good old days - (良き日々を思い出した). She recalled her childhood memories - (彼女は幼い頃の思い出を思い出した).
引き出し: "Drawer". The Japanese noun '引き出し (ひきだし)' means 'drawer'. A drawer is a box-like container that is built into furniture, such as a chest or dresser, and that is designed to be pulled out so that items can be stored in it. It is commonly used to store clothes, documents, and other personal belongings. For example: Please open the top drawer - (上の引き出しを開けてください). I keep my socks in the bottom drawer - (私は下の引き出しに靴下を入れています).
貸し出す: "Lend" or "Loan". The Japanese verb '貸し出す (かしだす)' means 'to lend' or 'to loan'. This verb is used when providing an object, service or information to someone for temporary use, often in exchange for money or a promise of return. It implies that the item or service being provided belongs to the lender and will be returned at a later date. For example: Can you lend me your book? - (本を貸し出してください). I will lend you my car for the weekend - (週末、車を貸し出します).
出席: "Attendance". The Japanese verbal noun '出席 (しゅっせき)' means 'attendance'. It refers to being present or participating in an event, meeting, or activity. This word is commonly used when talking about going to school, work, or other gatherings. For example: I attended the meeting - (会議に出席した). Attendance is mandatory - (出席は義務です).
出発: "Departure". The Japanese verbal noun '出発 (しゅっぱつ)' means 'departure'. It refers to the act of leaving or setting out from a place. This word is commonly used when talking about leaving for a trip, journey, or any other kind of departure. For example: Let's make our departure - (出発しましょう). The train's departure is at 8 AM - (列車の出発は朝8時です).
出掛ける: "Go out". The Japanese verb '出掛ける (でかける)' means 'to go out'. This verb is used to describe the action of leaving one's current location, such as a house, office, or other place, and going to a different location. It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as going to work, running errands, or going on a trip. For example: I'm going out - (出掛けます). Let's go out - (出掛けましょう).
輸出: "Export". The verbal noun '輸出 (ゆしゅつ)' means 'export'. This word refers to the act of sending goods or commodities from one country to another for sale or trade. It is commonly used in the context of international trade and commerce. For example: Japan exports high-quality automobiles - (日本は高品質な自動車を輸出する). Our company exports electronic devices to overseas markets - (弊社は電子機器を海外市場に輸出しています).
出会う: "Meet". The Japanese verb '出会う (であう)' means 'to meet'. This verb is used to describe the act of encountering or coming across someone or something, often unexpectedly. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as meeting a friend, encountering a stranger, or coming across an interesting opportunity. For example: I met my friend at the park - (公園で友達に出会った). We accidentally met on the street - (道で偶然出会った).
出身: "Origin". The noun '出身 (しゅっしん)' means 'origin'. It refers to the place where someone was born or has lived for a significant period of time. This word is commonly used to ask or talk about someone's hometown or native place. For example: What is your place of origin? - (あなたの出身はどこですか?). My origin is Tokyo - (私の出身は東京です).
取り出す: "Take out". The Japanese verb '取り出す (とりだす)' means 'to take out'. This verb is used to indicate the action of removing or extracting something from a container or a location. It can be used in various contexts, such as taking an item out of a bag, retrieving a document from a drawer, or extracting something from a package. For example: I took out the book from the bag - (鞄から本を取り出した). She took out the key from her pocket - (彼女はポケットから鍵を取り出した).
外出: "Going out". The verbal noun '外出 (がいしゅつ)' means 'going out'. This term is used to refer to the act of leaving one's home or current location and going to another place. It is a very common expression used to describe the action of departing from a place, such as: I'm going out now - (今外出します). She often goes out on weekends - (彼女は週末によく外出する).
出力: "Output". The Japanese verbal noun '出力 (しゅつりょく)' refers to the action or process of producing or generating something, often in the context of technological or mechanical systems. This term is commonly used to describe the result or product of an operation or process, such as the data, information, or energy that is produced by a device or system. For example: The printer's output was of high quality - (プリンターの出力は高品質だった). The output of the generator was sufficient to power the whole building - (発電機の出力は建物全体を賄うのに十分だった).
家出: "To run away from home". The Japanese verbal noun '家出 (いえで)' means 'to run away from home'. This term refers to the action of leaving one's home, often done by young people who are experiencing family issues or conflicts. It has a connotation of rebelling against or escaping from one's home environment. For example: She ran away from home - (彼女は家出した). I'm thinking about running away from home - (私は家出しようと考えている).
生み出す: "Create" or "Produce". The Japanese verb '生み出す (うみだす)' means 'to create' or 'to produce'. It is used to describe the act of bringing something into existence, whether it is a physical object, an idea, or something more abstract. The verb can be used in a variety of contexts, such as 生み出す発明 (to create an invention), 新しいアイデアを生み出す (to produce a new idea), or 新しい生命を生み出す (to bring new life into the world). Example sentences: She created a beautiful painting - (彼女は素晴らしい絵を生み出した). The company produced a new product - (その会社は新しい製品を生み出した).
出来事: "Event". The Japanese noun '出来事 (できごと)' means 'event'. This word is used to refer to something that happens or takes place, often with some level of significance or importance. It can describe a wide range of occurrences, from major historical events to personal life events. For example: I attended an important event yesterday - (私は昨日重要な出来事に出席しました). The events of last week changed everything - (先週の出来事は全てを変えてしまった).
言い出す: "Say" or "Start to say". The Japanese verb '言い出す (いいだす)' means 'to say' or 'to start to say'. It is a compound verb that combines the verb '言う (いう)' (to speak, to say) with the auxiliary verb '出す (だす)' (to start, to bring out). When used, it indicates that the subject has started to express something verbally. For example: I started to say something - (何か言い出した). He suddenly started to talk - (急に話し始めた).
出場: "Enter" or "Participate". The Japanese verbal noun '出場 (しゅつじょう)' means 'to enter' or 'to participate'. This noun refers to the act of taking part in a competition, event, or activity. It is commonly used in sports and other competitive contexts, such as: He entered the tournament - (彼は出場した). She will participate in the race - (彼女は出場する).
出国: "Departure". The Japanese verbal noun '出国 (しゅっこく)' means 'departure'. This word refers to the act of leaving one's country, usually to travel to another country. It can be used to describe the process of going through border control and immigration at an airport or other port of entry before leaving the country. For example: Before his business trip, he made sure to complete all the departure procedures - (出張の前に、出国の手続きをすべて済ませた).
出世: "Rise". The Japanese verbal noun '出世 (しゅっせ)' means 'rise'. It refers to the act of advancing in one's career or social status, usually through hard work and success. It implies moving up in an organization or field, achieving a higher position or greater recognition. For example: His hard work led to a rapid rise in the company - (彼の努力によって会社でのし上がりが早かった). She aims to rise through the ranks to become a manager - (彼女は課長になるまで出世することを目指している).
売り出す: "Release" or "Put on sale". The Japanese verb '売り出す (うりだす)' means 'to release' or 'to put on sale'. It is used when introducing a new product or service to the market. For example: The company released their new product today - (その会社は今日新製品を売り出した). The store is putting the latest model on sale next week - (その店は来週最新モデルを売り出します).
出荷: "Ship out" or "Dispatch". The Japanese verbal noun '出荷 (しゅっか)' means 'to ship out' or 'to dispatch'. It refers to the process of sending goods or products from a production facility or warehouse to a customer or distributor. This term is commonly used in the context of logistics and supply chain management. For example: The company shipped out the order today - (会社は本日出荷しました). The goods were dispatched by truck - (商品はトラックで出荷されました).
出産: "Birth". The Japanese verbal noun '出産 (しゅっさん)' means 'birth'. This term refers to the process of a baby being born, either through natural childbirth or by caesarean section. It can be used to describe the act of giving birth, as well as the event of a child being born. For example: She had an easy birth - (彼女は楽な出産だった). The birth of a child is a joyous occasion - (子供の出産は喜ばしい出来事である).
支出: "Expenditure" or "Expense". The Japanese verbal noun '支出 (ししゅつ)' refers to expenditure or expense. It is used to describe money that is paid out or spent, often in the context of a budget or financial records. For example: Monthly expenditures - (月々の支出). Business expenses - (事業の支出).
貸し出し: "Lending". The verbal noun '貸し出し (かしだし)' means 'lending'. It refers to the act of lending something, such as a book, tool, or other item, to someone temporarily. It is often used in contexts related to libraries, rental services, or any situation where objects are provided for temporary use. For example: The library allows lending of books - (図書館は本の貸し出しを行います). I need to return the item I borrowed - (借りた物を貸し出しから返さなければなりません).
出現: "Appearance". The noun '出現 (しゅつげん)' means 'appearance'. It refers to the act of coming into view or becoming visible. This word can be used to describe the emergence or materialization of something, whether it be a physical object, a person, or an abstract concept. For example: The comet made an appearance in the night sky - (彗星が夜空に出現した). The candidate made an appearance at the rally - (候補者が集会に出現した).
作り出す: "Create" or "Produce". The Japanese verb '作り出す (つくりだす)' means 'to create' or 'to produce'. It refers to the act of bringing something new into existence, whether it be a physical object, an idea, or a work of art. This verb can be used in a wide range of contexts, such as creating a new product, generating a solution to a problem, or bringing a vision to life. For example: She created a beautiful painting - (彼女は素晴らしい絵を作り出した). The company produced a new line of smartphones - (その会社は新しいスマートフォンラインを作り出した).
見出だす: "Find". The Japanese verb '見出だす (みいだす)' means 'to find'. It is used to describe the act of discovering or uncovering something, such as a solution, an idea, or a piece of information. This verb can be used in both concrete and abstract contexts. For example: I found the answer - (解答を見出だした). The scientist found a new discovery - (研究者は新しい発見を見出だした).
飛び出す: "Jump out". The Japanese verb '飛び出す (とびだす)' means 'to jump out'. This verb describes the action of suddenly emerging or leaving a confined space. It can be used to describe a person or animal abruptly leaving a building, vehicle or other enclosed area. For example: The cat jumped out of the box - (猫が箱から飛び出した). He jumped out of the car - (彼は車から飛び出した).
思い出: "Memory". The Japanese noun '思い出 (おもいで)' means 'memory'. This noun refers to a recollection or remembrance of a past event, experience, or person. '思い出' can evoke feelings of nostalgia, sentimentality, or cherished moments from one's life. For example: I have many fond memories from my childhood - (私は子供のころの思い出がたくさんある). Those memories are precious to me - (その思い出はとても大切です).
差し出す: "Offer". The Japanese verb '差し出す (さしだす)' means 'to offer'. This verb is used to indicate the action of presenting or extending something to someone. It can be used in situations where you are offering an object, a document, or even an idea. For example: He offered me a cup of tea - (彼は私にお茶を差し出した). She offered her hand in greeting - (彼女は挨拶として手を差し出した).
進出: "Advance". The verbal noun '進出 (しんしゅつ)' means 'to advance' or 'to make progress'. It refers to an act of expanding one's position, presence, or influence to a new area or field. This can be in a business, political, or social context. For example: The company is making plans to advance into the international market - (その会社は国際市場に進出する計画を立てている). The country is advancing its influence in the region - (その国はその地域に進出しつつある).
出勤: "Arrive at work". The verbal noun '出勤 (しゅっきん)' means 'to arrive at work'. This term is used to refer to the act of coming to one's place of employment, typically at the start of the workday. It implies the physical presence of the person at their workplace. For example: I arrive at work at 9am every day - (私は毎日朝9時に出勤します).
追い出す: "Expel" or "Drive out". The Japanese verb '追い出す (おいだす)' means either 'to expel' or 'to drive out'. It is used to describe the action of forcibly removing someone or something from a place. This verb often carries a nuance of urgency or aggression. For example: The security guards expelled the troublemaker from the venue - (警備員が問題を起こしたやつを追い出した). The landlord drove the tenants out of the apartment - (大家が住人を追い出した).
出でる: "Exit" or "Emerge". The Japanese verb '出でる (いでる)' means 'to exit' or 'to emerge'. This verb is used to express the action of leaving a place or coming out from somewhere. It can be used to describe a person exiting a building, the sun emerging from behind clouds, or something coming into view. For example: The sun emerged from behind the clouds - (太陽が雲の陰からいでた). The deer emerged from the forest - (鹿が森からいでてきた).
出来上がる: "Complete" or "Finish". The Japanese verb '出来上がる (できあがる)' has the meaning of 'to complete' or 'to finish'. It is commonly used to describe the completion of a task, the finishing of a process, or the finalization of something. For example: The painting is complete - (絵が出来上がった). The report has been finished - (レポートが出来上がった).
出会い: "Encounter". The Japanese noun '出会い (であい)' means 'encounter'. This word refers to an unexpected or chance meeting or interaction with another person. It can describe a brief interaction or a more significant life-changing event. For example: They had an unexpected encounter on the street - (彼らは通りでたまたま出会った). The chance encounter led to a new friendship - (たまたまの出会いで新しい友情が生まれた).
出版: "Publication". The Japanese verbal noun '出版 (しゅっぱん)' means 'publication'. It refers to the process of preparing and issuing books, magazines, or other printed material for public sale or distribution. It can be used to describe the act of publishing something, such as: The author's new book is in publication - (その著者の新しい本は出版中です). The company specializes in the publication of academic journals - (その会社は学術雑誌の出版を専門としています).
出版社: "Publisher". The noun '出版社 (しゅっぱんしゃ)' refers to a company or organization that prepares and issues books, magazines, newspapers, or other written material for public distribution and sale. A publisher is responsible for overseeing the entire publishing process, from acquiring manuscripts to marketing and distributing the final product. For example: The publishing house released a new bestseller - (出版社は新しいベストセラーを発売した). I sent my manuscript to the publisher - (原稿を出版社に送りました).
引き出す: "Pull out". The Japanese verb '引き出す (ひきだす)' means 'to pull out' or 'to extract'. This verb is used to describe the action of removing something from a container, drawer, or other confined space. It can be used for both physical and abstract objects. For example: I pulled out the drawer - (引き出しを引き出した). She pulled out the secret from him - (彼女は彼から秘密を引き出した).
出血: "Bleeding". The verbal noun '出血 (しゅっけつ)' means 'bleeding'. This term refers to the loss of blood from damaged blood vessels. It can be used to describe various medical situations where blood flows externally or internally. For example: The patient experienced heavy bleeding - (患者は重度の出血に見舞われた). Bleeding from the wound has stopped - (傷の出血はおさまった).
出演: "Appear". The Japanese verbal noun '出演 (しゅつえん)' means 'to appear'. This refers to appearing in a performance, show, or event in some capacity, such as an actor appearing in a play or a musician appearing on stage. For example: She appeared in the new movie - (彼女は新しい映画に出演した). The band will appear at the festival - (そのバンドはそのフェスティバルに出演するだろう).
出張: "Business trip". The Japanese verbal noun '出張 (しゅっちょう)' means 'business trip'. This word refers to a work-related journey or excursion that an employee takes outside of their normal workplace, usually to another location. It is commonly used in professional settings when an employee needs to travel for meetings, conferences, site visits, or other work-related purposes. For example: I have a business trip to Osaka next week - (来週大阪へ出張があります). He is on a business trip to China - (彼は中国出張中です).
演出: "Staging" or "Direction". The noun '演出 (えんしゅつ)' can refer to the staging or directing of a theatrical, film, or other performance. It encompasses the technical elements like lighting, scenery, and choreography that bring a production to life. '演出' is used to describe the overall artistic vision and execution of a performance. For example: The director's staging was brilliant - (演出が素晴らしかった). The play had excellent direction - (その芝居の演出はすばらしかった).
出土: "Excavation". The noun '出土 (しゅつど)' refers to the act of unearthing or recovering archaeological artifacts from the ground. It describes the process of excavating and retrieving historical or cultural remains buried beneath the surface. This term is commonly used in the fields of archaeology and paleontology. For example: The archaeologists made an important excavation at the ancient site - (考古学者たちは、その古代遺跡で重要な出土があった). The museum displayed the artifacts that were excavated from the dig - (博物館は、発掘調査で出土した遺物を展示した).
持ち出す: "Take out". The Japanese verb '持ち出す (もちだす)' means 'to take out'. This verb is used to indicate the action of removing or taking something from its usual place or location. It implies that the object is being moved or extracted from where it was previously kept or stored. For example: I will take the book out of the bag - (バッグから本を持ち出します). She took out the documents from the drawer - (彼女は引き出しから書類を持ち出しました).
出入り: "Entry/exit". The verbal noun '出入り (でいり)' means 'entry/exit'. This word is used to refer to the act of going in and out of a place. It can be used to describe the traffic or flow of people entering and leaving a building, room, or other space. For example: The store has a constant flow of customers in and out - (店には人が絶え間なく出入りしている). The security guard controls the entry and exit - (警備員が出入りを管理している).
人出: "Crowd". The Japanese noun '人出 (ひとで)' means 'crowd'. It refers to a large number of people gathered in a particular place or area. This word is often used to describe a busy, crowded event or location, such as a festival, concert, or tourist attraction. For example: There was a large crowd at the festival - (お祭りには人出が多かった). The streets were full of people - (通りは人出が多かった).
日の出: "Sunrise". The noun '日の出 (ひので)' refers to the daily event of the sun rising above the horizon. It is used to describe the first appearance of the sun in the morning as a natural phenomenon. '日の出' is commonly used to refer to the beautiful moment when the sun emerges and lights up the sky, marking the start of a new day. For example: The sunrise was breathtaking - (日の出はとてもきれいだった). I woke up early to watch the sunrise - (日の出を見るために早く起きた).
出来上がり: "Finish". The noun '出来上がり (できあがり)' means 'finish'. It refers to the completed state or final form of something, the end result of a process or action. '出来上がり' is used to describe when an item, project, or task has been completed or finalized. For example: The painting is now finished - (その絵がもう出来上がった). The cake is ready, the baking is finished - (ケーキが出来上がった、焼き上がりました).
出来るだけ: "As much as possible". The Japanese adverb '出来るだけ (できるだけ)' means 'as much as possible'. This adverb is used to indicate that the speaker wants to do or have something to the greatest extent they are able. It conveys the idea of doing something to the fullest or maximum degree. For example: I will try my best - (出来るだけがんばります). I want to save as much money as possible - (出来るだけお金を貯めたい).
出入り口: "Entrance" or "Exit". The Japanese noun '出入り口 (でいりぐち)' refers to either an entrance or exit. It is used to describe a doorway, gateway, or other opening that allows people to enter or leave a building, room, or other enclosed space. For example: The entrance/exit is over there - (出入り口はあちらにあります). Please use the entrance/exit - (出入り口をお使いください).
乗り出す: "Set out". The Japanese verb '乗り出す (のりだす)' means 'to set out'. This verb is used to describe the action of starting a journey, trip, or voyage. It suggests a sense of departure and the beginning of a new endeavor. For example: He set out on a journey to the mountains - (彼は山に旅に乗り出した). The ship set out to sea - (船は海に乗り出した).
出前: "Delivery". The Japanese noun '出前 (でまえ)' refers to the act of having a meal delivered to one's home or place of business. This is a popular service in Japan, where restaurants and food establishments offer delivery options for customers who do not want to or cannot leave their location. For example: I ordered delivery for dinner - (夕食を出前しました). Delivery service - (出前サービス)
見出し: "Heading". The Japanese noun '見出し (みだし)' refers to a 'heading' or title that appears at the beginning of a section or article. It serves to introduce and summarize the content that follows. Headings are often used to organize and structure written material, making it easier for readers to navigate and understand the information presented. For example: The article has an interesting heading - (この記事には興味深い見出しがある).
逃げ出す: "Escape". The Japanese verb '逃げ出す (にげだす)' means 'to escape'. This verb describes the action of fleeing or running away from a situation, often to avoid danger or unwanted circumstances. It can be used to refer to physically leaving a location, as well as metaphorically escaping from problems or responsibilities. For example: I escaped from the burning building - (私は焼け跡から逃げ出した). The prisoner escaped from jail - (囚人は刑務所から逃げ出した).
申し出る: "Offer". The Japanese verb '申し出る (もうしでる)' means 'to offer'. This verb is used to express the act of proposing, suggesting, or putting forward an idea or proposal. It carries a polite and formal nuance. For example: I would like to offer my assistance - (私はお手伝いさせていただくことを申し出ます). She offered to help with the project - (彼女はプロジェクトの手伝いを申し出ました).
出資: "Investment". The noun '出資 (しゅっし)' means 'investment'. This refers to the act of providing capital, funds, or financial resources to a business or other enterprise with the expectation of obtaining a financial return. For example: I made an investment in the new startup company - (私は新しいスタートアップ企業に出資しました). The company secured significant investment from venture capitalists - (その企業はベンチャーキャピタリストから多額の出資を得ました).
呼び出す: "Summon". The Japanese verb '呼び出す (よびだす)' means 'to summon'. This verb is used to indicate the action of calling someone or something to come to a particular place or situation. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts. For example: The teacher summoned the student to her office - (先生は生徒を呼び出した) or Please summon the doctor immediately - (医師を直ちに呼び出してください).
脱出: "Escape". The noun '脱出 (だっしゅつ)' means 'escape'. It refers to the act of getting out of a difficult, dangerous, or confined situation. This word can be used to describe escaping from a prison, a natural disaster, or any other kind of perilous circumstance. For example: We must find a way to escape - (私達は脱出する方法を見つけなければならない). She escaped from the burning building - (彼女は燃えている建物から脱出した).
出し: "Broth". The Japanese noun '出し (だし)' refers to a type of broth or stock, commonly used in Japanese cuisine. Dashi is a fundamental ingredient in many Japanese dishes, providing a savory, umami-rich flavor. Dashi is typically made by simmering ingredients like kelp (kombu) and dried bonito flakes (katsuobushi). It is used as a base for soups, stews, and sauces. For example: Add some dashi to the soup - (スープにだしを入れる). The soup has a nice dashi flavor - (スープのだしの味がいい).
提出: "To submit". The Japanese verbal noun '提出 (ていしゅつ)' means 'to submit'. It refers to the action of formally presenting or handing over something, such as a document, application, or report, to an authority or organization. This word is commonly used in academic and professional settings, for example: I need to submit my essay by the deadline - (期限までにレポートを提出する必要があります). Please submit your application form - (申請書を提出してください).
出生: "Birth". The noun '出生 (しゅっしょう)' refers to the act or instance of being born. It is used to describe the beginning of a person's life or the process of being delivered from the mother's womb. Some example sentences include: He was born in Tokyo - (彼は東京で出生しました). The birth certificate records the date of birth - (出生証明書には生年月日が記載されています).
派出所: "Police station". 派出所 (はしゅつじょ)' is a Japanese noun that refers to a local police station or police outpost. These small police stations are commonly found throughout Japan, and serve as a local hub for police services and operations. They play an important role in maintaining public safety and order within a community. For example: I will go to the police station to report the incident - (事件を報告するため、派出所に行きます).
排出: "Discharge". The Japanese noun '排出 (はいしゅつ)' means 'discharge'. It refers to the process of expelling or eliminating something from the body or a system. This could include the removal of waste, gases, or other materials. For example: The factory discharges waste into the river - (その工場は排出物を川に流す). The body discharges toxins through urine - (体は尿によって排出する)
吐き出す: "Eject". The verb '吐き出す (はきだす)' means 'to eject' or 'to expel'. It is used to describe the action of forcefully expelling or discharging something from the mouth or body. This can refer to vomiting, spitting, or coughing up something. For example: He coughed and ejected phlegm - (彼はせきこんで痰を吐き出した). The patient ejected blood from his mouth - (患者は口から血を吐き出した).
突き出す: "Stick out" or "Protrude". The Japanese verb '突き出す (つきだす)' means 'to stick out' or 'to protrude'. This verb is used to describe when an object or part of something extends outwards or projects from a surface. It can be used for both physical and non-physical things. For example: His chin sticks out - (あの人の顎が突き出ている). The rock sticks out from the cliff - (その岩が崖から突き出している).
出迎え: "Welcome". The noun '出迎え (でむかえ)' means 'welcome'. It refers to the act of greeting and receiving someone, especially an important guest or visitor. This could involve going to meet them at the airport, station, or other location and escorting them to their destination. For example: We went to the airport to welcome our foreign guests - (私たちは外国からの客人を出迎えるために空港に行きました)。

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "し" is read as "shi". The hiragana "つ" is read as "tsu". The hiragana "で" is read as "de". And The hiragana "だ" is read as "da".