

What is the Kanji for "Inside"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Inside", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Inside" is "内".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Uchi".

Its onyomi reading is "Nai".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The radical "冂" means "Enclosure" . And The kanji "人" means "Person" and can be read as "Jin", "Nin", "Hito", and "Ri".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "内" mean in japanese?

"内" means "Inside" .

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Second Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N3 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

: "Inside". The noun '内 (うち)' means 'inside'. This word refers to the interior, inner part or enclosed space of something. It can be used to indicate the inside of a building, a room, a container, or even a person's body or mind. For example: Inside the house - (家の内), Inside my heart - (心の内)
内容: "Content". The Japanese noun '内容 (ないよう)' means 'content'. This word refers to the substance, material, or information contained within something, such as a document, book, or conversation. It can describe the main points, topics, or details that make up the essence of something. For example: The content of the book was very interesting - (その本の内容はとても興味深かった). The content of the presentation covered all the key points - (発表の内容はすべての重要ポイントをカバーしていた).
家内: "Wife". The Japanese noun '家内 (かない)' means 'wife'. This word is used to refer to one's own wife in a respectful manner. It can be used in formal or informal situations. For example: My wife is a kind person - (私の家内は優しい人です). She is my wife - (彼女は私の家内です).
国内: "Domestic". The Japanese noun '国内 (こくない)' means 'domestic'. This word refers to things that are within the borders of a particular country, as opposed to foreign or international. It is used to describe domestic affairs, domestic market, domestic tourism, etc. For example: The domestic market is growing - (国内市場は成長している). He travels for domestic business - (彼は国内ビジネスで旅行する).
案内: "Guide". The verbal noun '案内 (あんない)' means 'guide'. It refers to the action of guiding, directing, or showing someone the way. This word is commonly used in situations where someone is providing information or directions to help others find their way. For example: The tour guide provided an excellent guide of the museum - (ツアーガイドは博物館の案内をとてもよくしてくれた). They gave me a guide to the city - (彼らは街の案内をくれた).
内部: "Interior". The noun '内部 (ないぶ)' refers to the inside or inner part of something. It can be used to describe the inside of a building, a human body, a machine, or any kind of enclosed space. For example: The interior of the house is spacious - (家の内部は広々としている). The interior of the car is leather - (車の内部は革張りだ).
内閣: "Cabinet". The noun '内閣 (ないかく)' refers to the cabinet of a government, which is the executive branch made up of the prime minister and other high-ranking government officials. It is the central decision-making body of the government. For example: The new cabinet was formed after the election - (選挙後に新しい内閣が発足した).
市内: "City center". The Japanese noun '市内 (しない)' means 'city center' or 'downtown area'. It refers to the central part of a city, where most businesses, shops, and government buildings are located. This word is commonly used to give directions or describe the location of a place within a city. For example: Let's meet in the city center - (市内で会いましょう). My office is in the city center - (私の会社は市内にあります).
以内: "Within". The noun '以内 (いない)' means 'within'. This term is used to specify a time or distance limit. It indicates that something is contained or occurs within a particular timeframe or space. For example: Within three days - (3日以内). Stay within the area - (この範囲以内に留まってください).
内側: "Inside". The noun '内側 (うちがわ)' means 'inside'. It refers to the inner part or interior of something. This word is used to describe the inner side or interior of an object, space, or area. For example: The inside of the room was clean - (部屋の内側はきれいだった). The inside of the box was filled with books - (箱の内側は本で一杯だった).
室内: "Indoor". The noun '室内 (しつない)' means 'indoor'. This word refers to an enclosed space inside a building, as opposed to an outdoor area. It can be used to describe locations, activities, or objects that are situated within a building or other enclosed structure. For example: The indoor pool is heated - (室内のプールは温まっています). I like to exercise indoors - (室内で運動するのが好きです).
社内: "Company". The Japanese noun '社内 (しゃない)' refers to the inside or internal environment of a company or organization. It is used to describe anything that is related to or occurs within the company itself, as opposed to outside of it. For example: The company held a meeting within the company - (社内で会議が開かれた). The company's policies apply within the company - (社内の方針が適用される).
その内: "Soon" or "In time". The adverb 'その内 (そのうち)' means 'soon' or 'in time'. It expresses the idea that something will happen at an unspecified future time, without an exact timeframe. It suggests that the event will occur eventually, but not necessarily immediately. For example: I'll do it soon - (その内やります). I'll get around to it in time - (その内にやるつもりです).
体内: "Interior" or "Inside of body". The Japanese noun '体内 (たいない)' refers to the 'interior' or 'inside of the body'. It is used to describe the internal parts or space within a person or animal's physical body. For example: The medicine circulates within the body - (薬は体内を循環する). Checking the interior of the body - (体内を検査する)
都内: "Central Tokyo". The noun '都内 (とない)' refers to the central area of Tokyo, the capital of Japan. It is used to distinguish the central, urban districts of Tokyo from the greater Tokyo region or the suburbs. '都内' emphasizes that something is located within the core of the city, as opposed to the outskirts or surrounding prefectures. For example: I live in central Tokyo - (私は都内に住んでいます). The stores in central Tokyo are very crowded on weekends - (週末は都内の店が混雑しています).
内面: "Inner side". The Japanese noun '内面 (ないめん)' refers to the 'inner side' or 'inner aspect' of a person or thing. It is used to describe the inner, mental, emotional or spiritual qualities and characteristics that are not directly observable from the outside. For example: I want to understand her inner side - (彼女の内面を理解したい). The actor portrayed the character's complex inner side well - (その俳優はキャラクターの複雑な内面をよく演じた).
内科: "Internal medicine". 内科 (ないか)' is a noun that refers to the field of internal medicine, which is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions that affect the internal organs and systems of the body. It encompasses a wide range of specialties, including cardiology, gastroenterology, and endocrinology. This term is commonly used to refer to hospitals or clinics that specialize in the treatment of internal medical conditions. For example: He went to the internal medicine clinic - (彼は内科に行った).
内臓: "Internal organs". The Japanese noun '内臓 (ないぞう)' refers to the internal organs of the human or animal body, such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc. It is commonly used in medical contexts to describe the anatomy and functioning of these vital parts. For example: The surgery was a success and the internal organs are healthy - (手術は成功し、内臓は健康です).
境内: "Temple grounds". The Japanese noun '境内 (けいだい)' refers to the grounds or compound of a temple. This includes the area surrounding the main temple buildings, as well as any additional structures like pagodas, gates, or gardens that are part of the temple complex. '境内' emphasizes the sacred and secluded nature of the temple environs. For example: We visited the peaceful temple grounds - (静かな境内を訪れた). The temple grounds were beautifully landscaped - (境内が美しく庭園化されていた).
内陸: "Inland". The noun '内陸 (ないりく)' refers to a region that is located away from coastal or maritime areas, situated in the interior or center of a land mass. This term is used to describe areas that are not directly connected to or influenced by the sea or ocean. For example: The country has vast inland regions - (その国には広大な内陸地域がある). This area is known for its inland climate - (この地域は内陸性の気候で知られている).
内緒: "Secret". The noun '内緒 (ないしょ)' means 'secret'. It refers to information that is not supposed to be disclosed or made known to others. This word is often used when someone wants to keep something private or confidential. For example: That's a secret - (それは内緒だ). I'll keep it a secret - (それは内緒にしておく).
内心: "Inner mind". The noun '内心 (ないしん)' refers to one's innermost thoughts, feelings or emotions that are not outwardly expressed. It describes the private, hidden aspects of a person's mind or heart. For example: She kept her true inner feelings to herself - (彼女は内心の気持ちを隠していた). I wonder what is on his inner mind right now - (彼の内心はいまどうなんだろう)
内外: "Inside and outside" or "Domestic and foreign". The Japanese noun '内外 (ないがい)' can mean either 'inside and outside' or 'domestic and foreign'. It is used to refer to the relationship or contrast between something that is internal/domestic and something that is external/foreign. For example: The inside and outside of the house look the same - (家の内外はよく似ている). The domestic and foreign policies of the government differ - (政府の内外政策は違う).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "な" is read as "na". The hiragana "い" is read as "i". The hiragana "う" is read as "u". And The hiragana "ち" is read as "chi".