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What is the Kanji for "Departure"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Departure", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Departure" is "".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its onyomi readings are "Hatsu" and "Hotsu".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 3 parts:

The kanji "二" means "Two" and can be read as "Futa" and "Ni". The radical "儿" means "Legs" . And The radical "癶" means "Dotted tent" .

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Departure".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Third Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N4 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

開発: "Development". The Japanese verbal noun '開発 (かいはつ)' means 'development'. This word is used to describe the act of bringing something into existence or improving upon an existing product, idea, or technology. It can refer to developing a new software program, building a new product, or advancing an existing technology. For example: The company is working on the development of a new smartphone - (その会社は新しいスマートフォンの開発に取り組んでいる). The development of the new software is progressing quickly - (新しいソフトウェアの開発は順調に進んでいる).

発生: "Occurrence". The verbal noun '発生 (はっせい)' means 'occurrence'. It refers to something coming into existence or happening, usually in an unexpected or uncontrolled way. It can be used to describe natural events, accidents, or other phenomena that arise unexpectedly. For example: The occurrence of the earthquake caused widespread damage - (地震の発生は広範囲な被害を引き起こした). The company is investigating the occurrence of the fire - (会社は火災の発生を調査している).

発言: "Statement". The Japanese verbal noun '発言 (はつげん)' means 'statement'. It refers to an oral expression or a declaration made by someone. It can be used to describe formal announcements, comments, or opinions expressed in speech. For example: The politician made an important statement - (その政治家は重要な発言をした). She gave a statement to the press - (彼女は報道陣に発言した).

発見: "Discovery". The Japanese verbal noun '発見(はっけん)' means 'discovery'. It refers to the act of finding something new or previously unknown. This word is commonly used to describe scientific or academic breakthroughs, the uncovering of hidden information, or the identification of something that was not previously known. For example: The scientists made an important discovery - (科学者たちは重要な発見をした). This new technology is a major discovery - (この新しい技術は重要な発見だ).

出発: "Departure". The Japanese verbal noun '出発 (しゅっぱつ)' means 'departure'. It refers to the act of leaving or setting out from a place. This word is commonly used when talking about leaving for a trip, journey, or any other kind of departure. For example: Let's make our departure - (出発しましょう). The train's departure is at 8 AM - (列車の出発は朝8時です).

発表: "Announcement". The Japanese verbal noun '発表 (はっぴょう)' means 'announcement'. This term is used to refer to the act of publicly presenting or declaring information, a new product, a discovery, research findings, etc. It often implies an official or formal disclosure of something to the public. For example: The company made an announcement about their new product - (会社は新製品について発表した). The researcher presented her findings in the announcement - (研究者は発表で彼女の調査結果を発表した).

発する: "Emit" or "Issue". The Japanese verb '発する (はっする)' has two main meanings. The first meaning is 'to emit' - to produce and release a particular kind of energy, light, sound, odor, etc. For example: The volcano emitted a thick plume of smoke - (火山が黒煙を発した). The second meaning is 'to issue' - to officially cause the release or distribution of something. For example: The government issued a new regulation - (政府が新しい規制を発した).

: "Release". The suffix '発 (はつ)' means 'release' or 'emanation'. It is used to form words that indicate the source or origin of something, or the beginning of an action or process. For example: 発光 (はっこう) - emission of light, 発表 (はっぴょう) - announcement, 発見 (はっけん) - discovery.

発揮: "Display". The Japanese noun '発揮 (はっき)' means 'display'. It refers to the act of bringing out or demonstrating one's full capabilities, talents or potential. This word is often used in the context of sports, performance, or any activity where someone's skills are showcased. For example: He displayed his talent - (彼は彼の才能を発揮した). Her dance performance displayed her artistry - (彼女のダンスの披露は彼女の芸術性を発揮した).

発想: "Idea". The noun '発想 (はっそう)' refers to an original, creative idea or concept. It can describe the act of coming up with a new thought, innovation or way of thinking. '発想' implies an inventive, imaginative or unconventional approach. For example: He had an innovative idea - (彼は斬新な発想をもっていた). The director is known for her creative ideas - (その監督は発想力に定評がある).

発送: "Shipment". The Japanese noun '発送 (はっそう)' means 'shipment'. It refers to the act of sending or dispatching a product, item, or package to a destination. This word is commonly used in business and logistics contexts to indicate the process of delivering goods to a customer or client. For example: The shipment will arrive tomorrow - (発送は明日到着します). Please check the shipment status - (発送状況を確認してください).

始発: "First". The noun '始発 (しはつ)' means 'first' and refers to the earliest departure of a train, bus, or other mode of transportation. It connotes the earliest or earliest possible service that a transportation system provides. For example: The first train leaves at 5:30am - (始発の電車は午前5時30分に出発します).

活発: "Active". The Japanese adjectival noun '活発 (かっぱつ)' means 'active'. It describes something that is full of vigor, liveliness and energy. This word can be used to describe people, animals, or activities that are characterized by brisk, energetic movement or action. For example: She is an active student - (彼女は活発な学生です). The children played in an active manner - (子供たちは活発に遊んでいました).

発売: "Release". The Japanese verbal noun '発売 (はつばい)' means 'release'. It refers to the act of making a product or service available for sale or distribution to the public for the first time. This term is commonly used in the context of new product launches, such as the release of a new electronic device, movie, book, or other consumer goods. For example: The new smartphone will be released next month - (新しいスマートフォンが来月発売される). The book was released yesterday - (その本は昨日発売された).

発行: "Publication". The verbal noun '発行 (はっこう)' means 'publication'. This term refers to the process of preparing and issuing printed or digital material for public distribution, such as a book, magazine, newspaper, or other document. It is commonly used in the context of publishing or releasing new content. For example: The newspaper publishes a new issue every day - (新聞は毎日発行しています). The company published their annual report - (会社は年次報告書を発行しました).

発達: "Development". The verbal noun '発達 (はったつ)' refers to the process of growth, maturation, or progressive change over time. It can describe the development of a child, the evolution of a technology, or the advancement of a field of study. For example: Child development - (子供の発達), Economic development - (経済の発達), Technological development - (技術の発達)

発明: "Invention". The Japanese verbal noun '発明 (はつめい)' refers to the act of inventing or creating something new. It is used to describe the process of coming up with an original idea or device that did not previously exist. For example: His invention of the telephone was an important development - (彼の電話の発明は重要な発展であった). The invention of new technologies can improve our lives - (新しい技術の発明は私たちの生活を改善することができる).

発電: "Power generation". The verbal noun '発電 (はつでん)' means 'power generation'. This term refers to the process of producing electrical energy, typically by converting other forms of energy such as thermal, nuclear, or renewable sources. It is a crucial concept in the field of energy and electricity production. Examples: The nuclear power plant is responsible for power generation in this region - (この地域の発電は原子力発電所が担っている). Renewable energy sources like solar and wind are increasingly used for power generation - (太陽光や風力などの再生可能エネルギー源が発電に利用されるようになってきている).

発電所: "Power plant". The Japanese noun '発電所 (はつでんしょ)' refers to a power plant, a facility that generates electrical power. Power plants can use various energy sources such as fossil fuels, nuclear energy, or renewable sources like hydroelectric, solar, or wind power to produce electricity. For example: The new power plant will provide electricity to the whole city - (新しい発電所が街全体に電気を供給する).

発熱: "Fever". The verbal noun '発熱 (はつねつ)' means 'fever'. This term is used to describe an abnormal rise in body temperature, often as a symptom of illness or infection. It is a common condition that can be caused by various factors such as viral or bacterial infections, inflammation, or other medical conditions. For example: I have a fever - (私は発熱している). He has a high fever - (彼は高い発熱がある).

発音: "Pronunciation". The Japanese verbal noun '発音 (はつおん)' means 'pronunciation'. It refers to the way a word or sound is uttered or articulated. This term is commonly used when discussing language, linguistics, and the proper way to say words. For example: Correct pronunciation is important - (正しい発音が大切です). He practiced the pronunciation of difficult words - (難しい単語の発音を練習しました).

反発: "Rebellion". The verbal noun '反発 (はんぱつ)' means 'rebellion'. This word refers to a strong, negative reaction or resistance against something, often an authority or established order. It suggests a defiant or opposing stance. For example: His actions showed rebellion against the company's policies - (彼の行動は会社の方針に対する反発を示していた). The student's rebellion against the teacher's rules caused disruption in class - (生徒の先生の規則に対する反発がクラスの混乱を引き起こした).

発掘: "Excavation". The noun '発掘 (はっくつ)' means 'excavation'. It refers to the act of digging up and uncovering buried objects, ruins or archaeological artifacts. Archaeologists conduct excavations to uncover historical remains and learn about past civilizations. For example: The archaeological excavation uncovered ancient pottery - (考古学の発掘で古代の陶器が出土した). Excavation of the ruins revealed important artifacts - (遺跡の発掘で重要な遺物が見つかった).

発射: "Launch". The Japanese noun '発射 (はっしゃ)' means 'launch'. It refers to the act of launching or firing something, such as a rocket, missile, or projectile. It can also be used more broadly to describe the discharge or ejection of something, such as the launch of a product or the release of information. For example: The rocket successfully launched into space - (ロケットは無事に打ち上げられた). The company launched its new product today - (その会社は今日新製品を発売した).

発足: "Launch". The Japanese noun '発足 (ほっそく)' means 'launch'. This term refers to the official start or beginning of an organization, event, or project. It implies the commencement or establishment of something new. For example: The company's launch of its new product line - (新製品ラインの発足). The launch of the new political party - (新政党の発足)

発信: "Transmission" or "Broadcast". The Japanese noun '発信 (はっしん)' means 'transmission' or 'broadcast'. It refers to the act of transmitting or broadcasting information, signals, or messages via various mediums such as radio, television, or the internet. For example: The radio station will transmit the news - (ラジオ局は発信するだろう). The company broadcasts its products to customers - (その会社は顧客に商品を発信しています).

発展: "Development". The verbal noun '発展 (はってん)' means 'development'. It refers to the process of growing, improving, or advancing, usually in a gradual and sustained manner. It can be used to describe the development of a technology, an industry, a country, or any other entity. For example: The development of the internet has transformed our lives - (インターネットの発展が私たちの生活を変えた). The company has experienced tremendous development in recent years - (この会社はここ数年大きく発展してきた).

爆発: "Explode". The verbal noun '爆発 (ばくはつ)' means 'explode'. This word describes a sudden, violent release of energy, often accompanied by a loud noise, heat, and the shattering or propulsion of materials. It can be used to refer to the explosion of physical objects like bombs or firecrackers, as well as non-physical phenomena like an 'explosion of anger'. Example sentences: The bomb exploded - (爆弾が爆発した). Tensions exploded in the meeting - (会議で緊張が爆発した).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "は" is read as "ha". The hiragana "つ" is read as "tsu". And The hiragana "ほ" is read as "ho".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.