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What is the Kanji for "Pluck" and "Extract"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Pluck" and "Extract", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Pluck" and "Extract" is "".

This kanji has 4 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Nu".

Its onyomi readings are "Hatsu", "Hai", and "Batsu".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The radical "扌" means "Hand" . And The kanji "友" means "Friend" and can be read as "Yuu" and "Tomo".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Pluck" and "Extract".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Junior Highschool, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N3 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

抜く: "Pull out" or "Take out". The Japanese verb '抜く (ぬく)' means 'to pull out' or 'to take out'. It is used to describe the action of removing an object from a container or a fixed position. This verb can be used in various contexts, such as pulling out a nail from a wall, taking out a phone from one's pocket, or extracting a tooth. Examples: I pulled out the nail - (釘を抜いた). He took out his wallet - (財布を抜いた).

抜ける: "Leave". The Japanese verb '抜ける (ぬける)' means 'to leave'. This verb describes the action of departing or exiting from a place or situation. It can be used in various contexts, such as leaving a room, escaping a difficult situation, or dropping out of an event. For example: I left the meeting early - (私は会議から早く抜けた). She left the party - (彼女はパーティーを抜けた).

追い抜く: "Overtake". The Japanese verb '追い抜く (おいぬく)' means 'to overtake'. This verb is used to describe the action of passing or surpassing someone or something that is moving or positioned in front of you. It implies going past and leaving behind the object or person that was previously in the lead. For example: I was able to overtake the car in front of me - (前の車を追い抜くことができた). The runner overtook his rival at the finish line - (ランナーは終盤で競争相手を追い抜いた).

抜き: "Omission" or "Exception". The Japanese noun '抜き (ぬき)' has two main meanings. The first meaning is 'omission', referring to the exclusion, deletion or leaving out of something. For example: I did the work without omitting anything - (何も抜きにして仕事をした). The second meaning is 'exception', referring to something that is not included or does not follow the general rule or pattern. For example: This offer is valid except for the items marked with an asterisk - (アスタリスクの付いた商品を除いて、このオファーは有効です).

見抜く: "Discern" or "See through". The Japanese verb '見抜く (みぬく)' means 'to discern' or 'to see through'. This verb is used to describe the ability to perceive or understand something clearly, especially someone's true motives or intentions. It suggests the capacity to look beyond the surface and gain insight into a situation or person. For example: I could see through his lies - (彼の嘘を見抜くことができた). She discerned the truth behind his words - (彼の言葉の裏側の真実を見抜いた).

栓抜き: "Opener". The Japanese noun '栓抜き (せんぬき)' means 'opener'. This refers to a tool used to remove the cork or cap from a bottle, typically a wine bottle. It is a common household item and an essential tool in the kitchen or bar. For example: Use the bottle opener to open the wine - (ワインの栓を開けるためにびん栓抜きを使う). I can't open this bottle without a bottle opener - (栓抜きがないとこの瓶は開けられない).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "は" is read as "ha". The hiragana "つ" is read as "tsu". The hiragana "い" is read as "i". The hiragana "ば" is read as "ba". And The hiragana "ぬ" is read as "nu".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.