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What is the Kanji for "Up"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Up", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Up" is "".

This kanji has 3 readings:

Its kunyomi readings are "Ue" and "A".

Its onyomi reading is "Jou".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The kanji "一" means "One" and can be read as "Ichi", "Itsu", and "Hito". And The radical "卜" means "Divination" .

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Up".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in First Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N5 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

: "Top". The Japanese noun '上 (うえ)' refers to the top or upper part of something. It can be used to describe the highest point, position, or level of an object, person, or concept. For example: The top of the mountain - (山の上). The top shelf - (棚の上).

以上: "Above" or "More than". The Japanese noun '以上 (いじょう)' means 'above' or 'more than'. This word is used to indicate that something exceeds a certain threshold or level. It can be used to refer to quantities, ranks, or other measures. For example: The price is above 100 yen - (値段は100円以上だ). She is more than 30 years old - (彼女は30歳以上だ).

上げる: "Raise". The Japanese verb '上げる (あげる)' means 'to raise'. This verb is used to indicate the action of lifting, elevating, or increasing the position or level of something. It can be used with a wide variety of objects, both concrete and abstract. For example: Please raise your hand - (手を上げてください). Prices have been raised - (価格が上がりました).

上り: "Ascent". The Japanese noun '上り (のぼり)' means 'ascent'. It refers to the act of going up, climbing, or rising. This word is often used to describe the action of traveling upwards, such as hiking up a mountain or climbing stairs. For example: The ascent to the mountain peak was challenging - (山頂への上りは大変でした). I'm going to take the ascent route - (私は上りのコースを歩きます).

上着: "Jacket". The Japanese noun '上着 (うわぎ)' means 'jacket'. It refers to an outer garment worn over other clothing, usually to provide warmth or protection. '上着' can be used to describe various types of jackets, such as a suit jacket, a denim jacket, or a winter coat. For example: I bought a new jacket - (新しい上着を買った). I'm cold, I need to wear a jacket - (寒いから上着を着る必要がある).

立ち上がる: "Stand up". The Japanese verb '立ち上がる (たちあがる)' means 'to stand up'. It describes the action of moving from a sitting or lying position to a standing position. This verb is commonly used in everyday conversation, for example: He stood up from the chair - (彼は椅子から立ち上がった). I stood up to answer the door - (私は玄関に答えに立ち上がった).

上る: "Climb" or "Rise". The Japanese verb '上る (のぼる)' has two main meanings. The first meaning is 'to climb', referring to the physical action of going up or ascending something, such as a hill, stairs, or a tree. For example: I climb the mountain - (私は山に上る). The second meaning is 'to rise', which can refer to the upward movement of something, such as smoke, prices, or the sun. For example: The sun rises - (太陽が上る).

取り上げる: "Take away" or "Confiscate". The Japanese verb '取り上げる (とりあげる)' means 'to take away' or 'to confiscate'. This verb is used to describe the action of removing or seizing an object from someone. It can be used in both literal and figurative contexts, such as taking away a child's toy or confiscating an item from a student. For example: The teacher took away the student's phone - (先生は生徒の携帯電話を取り上げた). The police confiscated the drugs - (警察は薬物を取り上げた).

上昇: "Rise". The Japanese verbal noun '上昇 (じょうしょう)' means 'rise'. It is used to describe an increase or upward movement of something, such as prices, temperatures, or stock values. For example: The price of gas has risen - (ガソリンの価格が上昇した). Stock prices are rising - (株価が上昇している).

上がる: "Rise" or "Go up". The Japanese verb '上がる (あがる)' can mean 'to rise' or 'to go up'. It is commonly used to describe physical movement in an upward direction, such as someone rising from a seated position, a temperature rising, or water level going up. It can also be used metaphorically to describe non-physical things improving or increasing, such as prices, status, or morale. Example sentences: The sun is rising - (太陽が上がっている). Prices have gone up again - (値段がまた上がった).

上下: "Going up and down". The verbal noun '上下 (じょうげ)' refers to the act of going up and down, or moving vertically. It can be used to describe the motion or movement of something, such as an elevator, escalator or a person's body. For example: The elevator's up-and-down motion - (エレベーターの上下運動). He kept moving up and down the stairs - (彼は上下階段を行ったり来たりした).

上達: "Improvement". The verbal noun '上達 (じょうたつ)' means 'improvement'. This refers to the process of getting better at something, such as a skill or ability, through practice and experience. It can be used to describe the advancement or progress of one's skills over time. For example: Their English has shown great improvement - (彼らの英語力は大きく上達した). I've seen a lot of improvement in your painting skills - (あなたの絵の技術が大変上達したのを見ています).

向上: "Improvement". The Japanese verbal noun '向上 (こうじょう)' means 'improvement'. It refers to the act of enhancing, advancing, or making something better. This term is often used in the context of personal or professional development, such as improving one's skills, knowledge, or performance. For example: The training program led to significant improvement in our sales team's performance - (研修プログラムにより、我々の営業チームのパフォーマンスが大きく向上した)

最上: "Supreme". The noun '最上 (さいじょう)' means 'supreme'. It refers to the highest, utmost, or most excellent level or state of something. It can be used to describe the best or most important part of something. For example: This is the supreme example of our work - (これは我々の作品の最上の例です).

仕上げ: "Finish". The Japanese verbal noun '仕上げ (しあげ)' means 'finish'. It refers to the final stage or completion of a task, process or creation. This noun can be used to describe the final touches being put on a project, the last step in a procedure, or the culmination of an effort. For example: I'm just putting the finishing touches on my painting - (私は絵の仕上げをしているところです). The final finish was a bit tricky - (仕上げの部分がちょっと難しかった).

仕上げる: "Finish". The Japanese verb '仕上げる (しあげる)' means 'to finish'. It is used to express the completion of a task or the finalization of something. This verb can be used in various contexts, such as finishing a project, completing a task, or polishing something to its final state. For example: I finished the report - (レポートを仕上げた). She finished her meal - (彼女は食事を仕上げた).

屋上: "Roof". The Japanese noun '屋上 (おくじょう)' means 'roof'. It refers to the uppermost part of a building, typically a flat or slightly sloped surface, that covers and protects the structure. '屋上' is often used to describe the outdoor area on top of a building that may be accessible, such as a terrace or garden. For example: We had a great view from the roof - (屋上から素晴らしい景色が見えました).

上手: "Skilled". The adjectival noun '上手 (じょうず)' means 'skilled'. This word is used to describe someone who is proficient, adept or accomplished at a particular activity or skill. It can be used to describe a wide range of skills, from artistic or creative abilities to more practical skills like cooking or playing sports. For example: She is a skilled painter - (彼女は絵が上手です). He is a skilled chef - (彼は料理が上手です).

上品: "Refined". The Japanese adjectival noun '上品 (じょうひん)' means 'refined'. It describes something or someone with good manners, elegant, classy, and cultured behavior. 上品 is often used to describe a person's character, fashion style, or the atmosphere of a place. For example: She has a refined way of speaking - (彼女の話し方は上品だ). The restaurant has a very refined ambiance - (そのレストランの雰囲気は非常に上品だ).

上司: "Boss". The Japanese noun '上司 (じょうし)' refers to a person who has authority and oversees the work of others in an organization or company. A '上司' is typically a manager, supervisor, or other person in a leadership position. They are responsible for providing guidance, making decisions, and ensuring the completion of tasks by their subordinates. For example: My boss asked me to finish the report - (上司が報告書を仕上げるように私に頼みました). The new boss started today - (新しい上司が今日から勤務を始めました).

地上: "Surface" or "Ground". The noun '地上 (ちじょう)' refers to the surface of the earth or the land. It can be used to describe the ground, the floor, or the terrestrial environment as opposed to the sky or space above. For example: He landed on the ground - (彼は地上に着陸した). The building is on the ground floor - (その建物は地上階にある).

打ち上げる: "Launch" or "Fire". The Japanese verb '打ち上げる (うちあげる)' means 'to launch' or 'to fire'. This verb is commonly used to describe the launching of an object, such as a rocket, fireworks, or a balloon. It can also be used in more figurative contexts, such as 'to launch a business' or 'to fire a weapon'. For example: The fireworks were launched - (花火を打ち上げた). We need to launch the rocket on time - (ロケットを正しい時間に打ち上げる必要があります).

差し上げる: "Give". The Japanese verb '差し上げる (さしあげる)' means 'to give'. This polite verb is used when giving something to a person of higher social status or someone you wish to show respect to. It conveys a sense of formal or courteous offering. For example: I'll give you this gift - (この贈り物を差し上げます). Please accept this - (これを差し上げます).

申し上げる: "State" or "Tell". The verb '申し上げる (もうしあげる)' means 'to state' or 'to tell'. This formal verb is used when expressing something in a polite or deferential way, often in business or official contexts. It is commonly used when making reports, giving explanations, or stating requests. For example: I would like to state the reasons for my absence - (私の欠席の理由を申し上げます). I would like to tell you the details - (詳細をお申し上げます).

売り上げ: "Sales". The noun '売り上げ (うりあげ)' refers to the total amount of money earned through the sale of products or services. It is often used in business contexts to discuss a company's financial performance. For example: Our sales increased this quarter - (売り上げが今期増加した). The company had record sales last year - (同社は昨年売り上げ記録を更新した).

上等: "High-quality". The Japanese adjectival noun '上等 (じょうとう)' means 'high-quality'. It is used to describe something that is of excellent or superior quality. This word can be used to positively describe products, services, or even people's abilities. For example: This is a high-quality product - (これは上等な製品です). He is a high-quality employee - (彼は上等な従業員です).

見上げる: "Look up". The Japanese verb '見上げる (みあげる)' means 'to look up'. This verb is used to describe the action of directing one's gaze upwards, typically to observe something that is located above the viewer. It can be used to describe looking up at the sky, at a tall building, or at someone or something that is situated at a higher level. For example: I looked up at the tall building - (私は高い建物を見上げた). She looked up at the stars - (彼女は星を見上げた).

引き上げる: "Raise". The Japanese verb '引き上げる (ひきあげる)' means 'to raise'. This verb is used to describe the action of lifting or elevating something to a higher position. It can be used in both literal and figurative contexts, such as raising a flag, raising prices, or raising one's voice. For example: They raised the flag - (旗を引き上げた). Prices were raised - (値段が引き上げられた).

出来上がる: "Complete" or "Finish". The Japanese verb '出来上がる (できあがる)' has the meaning of 'to complete' or 'to finish'. It is commonly used to describe the completion of a task, the finishing of a process, or the finalization of something. For example: The painting is complete - (絵が出来上がった). The report has been finished - (レポートが出来上がった).

上記: "Above". The noun '上記 (じょうき)' means 'above'. It is used to refer to something that was mentioned previously in a text or document. This word is commonly used in formal writing to indicate that the current item is related to or refers back to the item that was discussed earlier. For example: As mentioned above, sales increased by 10% last quarter - (上記の通り、前四半期の売上は10%増加した).

起き上がる: "Get up". The Japanese verb '起き上がる (おきあがる)' means 'to get up'. This verb is used to describe the action of rising from a lying or seated position. It implies standing up after having been in a lower or reclined posture. For example: I got up from the bed - (ベッドから起き上がった). She got up and left the room - (彼女は起き上がって部屋を出た).

作り上げる: "Create" or "Build". The Japanese verb '作り上げる (つくりあげる)' means 'to create' or 'to build'. This verb is used to indicate the process of bringing something into existence, whether it is a physical object, a work of art, or an idea. It suggests a sense of completion and accomplishment. For example: He created a beautiful painting - (彼は美しい絵を作り上げた). The company has built a new factory - (その会社は新しい工場を作り上げた).

上旬: "Beginning". The noun '上旬 (じょうじゅん)' refers to the first third of a month. It is used to describe the initial days of a month, typically the 1st through the 10th. For example: The meeting is scheduled for the beginning of the month - (会議は上旬に予定されています).

海上: "Maritime" or "At sea". The noun '海上 (かいじょう)' refers to something that is 'maritime' or 'at sea'. It is used to describe situations, events, or activities that take place on the ocean or in a marine environment. For example: Maritime traffic - (海上交通). Naval forces at sea - (海上自衛隊).

出来上がり: "Finish". The noun '出来上がり (できあがり)' means 'finish'. It refers to the completed state or final form of something, the end result of a process or action. '出来上がり' is used to describe when an item, project, or task has been completed or finalized. For example: The painting is now finished - (その絵がもう出来上がった). The cake is ready, the baking is finished - (ケーキが出来上がった、焼き上がりました).

目上: "Superior" or "Senior". The Japanese noun '目上 (めうえ)' refers to a person who is in a higher position or of higher status than oneself. It is often used to describe superiors, elders, or those deserving of respect. For example: I must be polite to my superior - (目上の人には丁寧にしなければならない). My senior colleague gave me some advice - (目上の同僚がアドバイスをくれた).

上陸: "Landing". The noun '上陸 (じょうりく)' refers to the act of coming ashore or disembarking from a ship or aircraft. It is often used in the context of military operations, where troops or equipment are brought onto land from the sea or air. For example: The troops made a successful landing on the beach - (部隊は海岸に無事上陸した). The spacecraft made a gentle landing on the surface of the planet - (宇宙船は惑星の表面に優しく着陸した).

値上がり: "Rise". The verbal noun '値上がり (ねあがり)' means 'rise'. It refers to an increase in the price or value of something. It can be used to describe inflation, the cost of living going up, or the appreciation of an asset. For example: Prices rose significantly - (値上がりが著しかった). The stock price rose by 5% - (株価が5%値上がりした).

値上げ: "Raise (price)". The verbal noun '値上げ (ねあげ)' means 'raise (price)'. This term refers to the action of increasing the price or cost of a product or service. It is commonly used in discussions about economic policies, business decisions, and consumer trends. For example: The company announced a price raise - (会社は値上げを発表した). Prices have been raised by 5% - (価格が5%値上げされた).

上回る: "Exceed" or "Surpass". The Japanese verb '上回る (うわまわる)' means 'to exceed' or 'to surpass'. This verb is used to indicate that something is greater than or superior to something else. It can be used to compare quantities, qualities, or achievements. For example: The revenue this year exceeded last year's - (今年の収益は去年を上回った). Her test score surpassed everyone else's - (彼女のテストの点数は誰よりも上回った).

途上: "Developing" or "Under development". The noun '途上 (とじょう)' refers to a state of being under development or in the process of evolving. It is often used to describe countries, economies or societies that are in the process of industrialization, modernization or economic growth. For example: The country is still in a developing stage - (その国はまだ途上にある). The developing world - (途上国).

持ち上げる: "Lift". The Japanese verb '持ち上げる (もちあげる)' means 'to lift'. This verb is used to describe the action of raising or moving an object upwards, often with the use of one's hands or a tool. It can be used for both light and heavy objects. For example: He lifted the box - (彼は箱を持ち上げた). I need to lift this table - (このテーブルを持ち上げる必要があります).

年上: "Senior". The noun '年上 (としうえ)' means 'senior'. It refers to a person who is older than oneself. This term is used to indicate that someone is of a higher age or seniority compared to the speaker or the person being discussed. For example: My boss is my senior - (上司は私より年上だ). She is my senior by 5 years - (彼女は私より5歳年上だ).

盛り上がる: "Get excited". The Japanese verb '盛り上がる (もりあがる)' means 'to get excited'. This verb is used to describe a situation or atmosphere where people become enthusiastic and lively, such as at a party, event, or when discussing an interesting topic. For example: The party was really getting exciting - (パーティーがどんどん盛り上がってきた). The discussion was getting very animated - (議論が盛り上がってきた)

上流: "Upper class" or "High society". The noun '上流 (じょうりゅう)' refers to the upper class or high society of a community. It describes people or groups that are of a high social, economic, or political standing. 上流の人たち - (The upper class people). 彼は上流社会に属している - (He belongs to high society).

飛び上がる: "Jump up". The Japanese verb '飛び上がる (とびあがる)' means 'to jump up'. This verb describes the action of suddenly rising up or leaping into the air, often due to surprise, excitement or fright. It can be used to describe a person, animal or object that jumps up unexpectedly. For example: She jumped up in surprise - (彼女はびっくりして飛び上がった). The cat jumped up when I pet it - (猫は撫でられると飛び上がった).

浮かび上がる: "Emerge". The Japanese verb '浮かび上がる (うかびあがる)' means 'to emerge' or 'to come into view'. This verb is used to describe something that becomes visible or apparent, often after being obscured or hidden. It can refer to physical objects emerging from water or fog, as well as abstract concepts or ideas becoming clear. For example: The truth finally emerged - (真実が浮かび上がった). The outline of the mountain emerged from the mist - (山の輪郭が霧から浮かび上がった).

上位: "Upper" or "Higher-ranking". The noun '上位 (じょうい)' refers to something that is in a higher position or rank. It can be used to describe hierarchies, status, or levels of importance. For example: The senior employees are in the upper positions - (上位の社員が上席にいる). We must follow the instructions of the higher-ranking staff - (上位の職員の指示に従わなければならない).

陸上: "Track". The Japanese noun '陸上 (りくじょう)' means 'track'. This term refers to the sport or event of running, jumping, or throwing competitions that take place on a track or athletic field. It can be used to describe the environment or location where these events are held, as well as the overall sport or athletic discipline. For example: The athlete trains on the track - (その選手は陸上で練習する). Track and field - (陸上競技)

計上: "Record" or "Book". The Japanese noun '計上 (けいじょう)' can mean 'record' or 'book'. It refers to the act of officially recording or documenting something, such as financial transactions, data, or other information. This term is commonly used in the context of accounting, bookkeeping, and business management. For example: I need to record the sales in the accounting book - (売上を計上する必要がある). The accountant kept a detailed record of all expenses - (経理は全ての経費を計上した).

上場: "Listing". The noun '上場 (じょうじょう)' refers to the process of a company becoming publicly traded on a stock exchange. It involves the company offering its shares for sale to the general public, allowing investors to buy and sell the company's stock. This is an important milestone for a company as it provides access to public capital markets. For example: The company is preparing for its IPO (initial public offering) listing - (会社はIPOの上場の準備をしている). The company recently completed its stock listing - (会社は最近株式の上場を完了した).

上級: "Advanced". The Japanese noun '上級 (じょうきゅう)' means 'advanced'. This noun refers to a high level of skill, knowledge, or expertise in a particular field or subject. It is often used to describe a stage of learning or proficiency that goes beyond the basic or intermediate levels. For example: He is an advanced student - (彼は上級の学生です). This is an advanced class - (これは上級クラスです).

盛り上げる: "Enliven" or "Get excited". The Japanese verb '盛り上げる (もりあげる)' means 'to enliven' or 'to get excited'. This verb is used to describe the action of making an event, conversation, or atmosphere more lively, animated, or exciting. It can be used to talk about a host or MC working to energize a crowd, or friends getting each other pumped up about something. For example: The MC really enlivened the party - (MCがパーティーを盛り上げていた). Let's get excited about the trip! - (旅行に向けて盛り上がろう!)

頂上: "Summit". The Japanese noun '頂上 (ちょうじょう)' refers to the highest point or the top of a mountain or hill. It is used to describe the very pinnacle or peak of a geographical feature. For example: We finally reached the summit after a long hike - (長い散歩の後、私たちは頂上に到達した). The climbers stood on the summit and took in the breathtaking view - (登山者は頂上に立ち、息をのむ景色を眺めた).

召し上がる: "Eat". The verb '召し上がる (めしあがる)' means 'to eat'. This polite verb is used when referring to another person eating, or when the speaker is eating in a formal context. It conveys respect and decorum. For example: Please, eat - (召し上がって下さい). The emperor ate a feast - (天皇陛下は盛大な晩餐を召し上がった).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "う" is read as "u". The hiragana "え" is read as "e". The hiragana "じ" is read as "ji". And The hiragana "あ" is read as "a".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.