

What is the Kanji for "Wait"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Wait", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Wait" is "待".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Ma".

Its onyomi reading is "Tai".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The kanji "寺" means "Temple" and can be read as "Ji" and "Tera". And The radical "彳" means "Stop" .

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "待" mean in japanese?

"待" means "Wait" .

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Third Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N4 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

待つ: "Wait". The Japanese verb '待つ (まつ)' means 'to wait'. It is used to describe the action of staying in a place or delaying action until a particular time or event occurs. This verb is commonly used in everyday conversations and can be paired with various particles to indicate what or whom one is waiting for. For example: I will wait for you「あなたを待つ」(あなたをまつ). Please wait a moment「ちょっと待ってください」(ちょっとまってください). The verb can also be used in more abstract contexts, such as waiting for an opportunity or waiting for something to happen. It is important to note that '待つ' is often used in its te-form '待って (まって)' when making requests or giving instructions.
期待: "Expectation". The Japanese verbal noun '期待 (きたい)' means 'expectation'. It refers to the anticipation or hope that something will happen or be achieved. This word is often used in contexts where someone is looking forward to a positive outcome or result. For example: I have high expectations for the new project「新しいプロジェクトに期待しています」(あたらしいプロジェクトにきたいしています). Don't let down my expectations「私の期待を裏切らないで」(わたしのきたいをうらぎらないで). It can also be used to express anticipation for future events or developments, such as in '期待を込めて (きたいをこめて) (with expectation)'.
招待: "Invitation". The Japanese verbal noun '招待 (しょうたい)' means 'invitation'. It refers to the act of inviting someone to an event, gathering, or occasion. This word is commonly used in formal and informal contexts, such as inviting someone to a party, meeting, or ceremony. For example: I received an invitation to the wedding「結婚式の招待を受けた」(けっこんしきのしょうたいをうけた). Please send an invitation to the guests「ゲストに招待状を送ってください」(ゲストにしょうたいじょうをおくってください). Note that '招待' can also be used as a verb in its stem form, such as '招待する (しょうたいする)', meaning 'to invite'.
待ち合わせ: "Meeting". The Japanese verbal noun '待ち合わせ (まちあわせ)' refers to a planned meeting or rendezvous at a specific time and place. It is commonly used when arranging to meet someone, such as friends, colleagues, or family. The word implies a mutual agreement to meet. For example: Let's meet at the station at 3 PM「駅で3時に待ち合わせしましょう」(えきでさんじにまちあわせしましょう). We had a meeting at the café「カフェで待ち合わせをしました」(かふぇでまちあわせをしました). The term is often used in casual and formal contexts alike, and it emphasizes the coordination of time and location for the meeting.
待ち遠しい: "Eagerly awaited". The Japanese adjective '待ち遠しい (まちどおしい)' conveys a sense of eager anticipation or longing for something that is expected to happen in the future. It is often used to describe feelings of excitement or impatience while waiting for a highly anticipated event, person, or thing. For example: I can't wait for the festival「祭りが待ち遠しい」(まつりがまちどおしい). The children are eagerly awaiting the summer vacation「子供たちは夏休みが待ち遠しい」(こどもたちはなつやすみがまちどおしい). This word is commonly used in contexts where the speaker is looking forward to something with great enthusiasm.
待ち合わせる: "Meet". The Japanese verb '待ち合わせる (まちあわせる)' means 'to meet' or 'to arrange to meet'. It is commonly used when two or more people agree to meet at a specific time and place. This verb often implies a prearranged meeting rather than a chance encounter. For example: Let's meet at the station at 3 PM「3時に駅で待ち合わせましょう」(さんじにえきでまちあわせましょう). We arranged to meet in front of the cinema「私たちは映画館の前で待ち合わせた」(わたしたちはえいがかんのまえでまちあわせた). The verb is a combination of '待つ (まつ)' meaning 'to wait' and '合わせる (あわせる)' meaning 'to match' or 'to adjust', reflecting the idea of coordinating a meeting time and place.
虐待: "Abuse". The Japanese noun '虐待 (ぎゃくたい)' refers to 'abuse', particularly in the context of mistreatment or cruelty towards someone or something. This word is often used to describe physical, emotional, or psychological abuse, as well as neglect. It can apply to humans, animals, or even objects in some contexts. For example: child abuse is a serious issue「児童虐待は深刻な問題です」(じどうぎゃくたいはしんこくなもんだいです). Animal abuse is illegal「動物虐待は違法です」(どうぶつぎゃくたいはいほうです). The term carries a strong negative connotation and is used in legal, social, and ethical discussions.
待合室: "Waiting room". The Japanese noun '待合室 (まちあいしつ)' refers to a 'waiting room', a place where people wait, typically in places like hospitals, clinics, train stations, or offices. It is a compound word formed from '待つ (まつ)' meaning 'to wait', '合う (あう)' meaning 'to meet', and '室 (しつ)' meaning 'room'. This term is commonly used in various formal and informal settings. Example sentences: Please wait in the waiting room「待合室で待ってください」(まちあいしつでまってください). The waiting room is crowded「待合室は混雑しています」(まちあいしつはこんざつしています).
待ち望む: "Eagerly await". The Japanese verb '待ち望む (まちのぞむ)' means 'to eagerly await' or 'to look forward to with anticipation'. It conveys a sense of hopeful expectation, often for something positive or significant. This verb is commonly used in contexts where someone is waiting for an event, outcome, or person with great enthusiasm or longing. For example: I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of spring「春の到来を待ち望んでいる」(はるのとうらいをまちのぞんでいる). She eagerly awaited her friend's return「彼女は友達の帰りを待ち望んでいた」(かのじょはともだちのかえりをまちのぞんでいた). The verb combines '待つ (まつ)' (to wait) and '望む (のぞむ)' (to hope or desire), emphasizing both the waiting and the hopeful anticipation.
待遇: "Treatment". The Japanese noun '待遇 (たいぐう)' refers to the way someone is treated, particularly in terms of their position, status, or conditions in a workplace or social setting. It often implies the level of respect, benefits, or privileges one receives. For example: The company offers good treatment to its employees「その会社は従業員に良い待遇を提供する」(そのかいしゃはじゅうぎょういんにいいたいぐうをていきょうする). She received unfair treatment at her previous job「彼女は前の職場で不公平な待遇を受けた」(かのじょはまえのしょくばでふこうへいなたいぐうをうけた). This word is commonly used in professional or formal contexts to discuss employment conditions or social treatment.

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "た" is read as "ta". The hiragana "い" is read as "i". And The hiragana "ま" is read as "ma".



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