If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for
"Learn", you've come to the right place!
The Japanese Kanji for
is "学".
This kanji has 2 readings:
Its kunyomi reading is "Mana".
Its onyomi reading is "Gaku".
kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.
If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 3 parts:
The kanji "子" means "Child"
and can be read as "Su", "Shi" and "Ko". The radical "冖" means "Crown"
. And The radical "⺍" means "Small"
Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.
What does the kanji "学" mean in japanese?
"学" means
Japanese School Students learn this kanji in First Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N5 exam.
Here are some words that use this kanji:
学校: "School". The Japanese noun '学校 (がっこう)' refers to an educational institution where students receive formal instruction, such as an elementary school, middle school, high school, or university. It is a place where people go to learn and acquire knowledge. Some example sentences include: I go to school every day - (私は毎日学校に行きます), The school has a large campus - (その学校は広い校舎があります). 大学生: "University student". The Japanese noun '大学生 (だいがくせい)' refers to a student who is currently enrolled in a university or college. These individuals are pursuing higher education and are typically aged between 18-22 years old. They attend classes, participate in campus activities, and work towards earning a bachelor's degree. For example: I'm a university student - (私は大学生です). She is a diligent university student - (彼女は勤勉な大学生です). 大学: "University". The Japanese noun '大学 (だいがく)' means 'university'. This word refers to an institution of higher education that provides undergraduate and graduate-level programs. It is a common part of speech in Japanese and is used to describe various types of universities, such as public or private universities. For example: I go to the university - (大学に行きます). This is a prestigious university - (これは名門大学です). 学: "Study". The Japanese noun '学 (がく)' means 'study'. It refers to the act or process of gaining knowledge, either through formal education or self-directed learning. This word is often used in compound words such as '大学 (だいがく)' meaning 'university' and '勉強 (べんきょう)' meaning 'to study'. For example: I like to study - (私は学ぶことが好きです). My studies are going well - (私の学業は順調です). 留学生: "Foreign student". The Japanese noun '留学生 (りゅうがくせい)' refers to a foreign student who is studying in Japan. This term is commonly used to describe international students who have come to Japan to pursue higher education at a Japanese university or college. They typically reside in Japan temporarily for the duration of their studies. For example: Many foreign students come to Japan each year - (毎年多くの留学生が日本に来ます). 科学: "Science". The Japanese noun '科学 (かがく)' means 'science'. It refers to the systematic study of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the application of theories and laws. '科学' is a broad term that encompasses various fields of study, such as physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science. It is a fundamental part of modern society and plays a crucial role in advancements and discoveries. For example: I want to study science in university - (大学で科学を勉強したい). Science is important for understanding the world - (科学は世界を理解するために重要だ). 学生: "Student". The noun '学生 (がくせい)' refers to a person who is enrolled in an educational institution, such as a school, college, or university, and is actively pursuing their studies. It can be used to describe students at any level of education, from elementary school to graduate school. For example: She is a university student - (彼女は大学生です). The student studied hard for the exam - (その学生は試験に向けて熱心に勉強しました). 入学: "Entrance". The verbal noun '入学 (にゅうがく)' means 'entrance'. It refers to the act of entering or being admitted into an educational institution such as a school, university or college. This word is commonly used to describe the process of starting one's studies at a new educational institution. For example: He just had his school entrance ceremony - (彼はちょうど入学式を行いました). I'm excited for my entrance into university next year - (来年の大学入学を楽しみにしています). 中学生: "Middle school student". The Japanese noun '中学生 (ちゅうがくせい)' refers to a student who is attending a middle school or junior high school, typically between the ages of 12 and 15. This word is commonly used to refer to children in this stage of their education. For example: The middle school students went on a field trip - (中学生が遠足に行きました). She is a middle school student - (彼女は中学生です). 小学生: "Elementary school student". The Japanese noun '小学生 (しょうがくせい)' refers to a student attending elementary school, typically between the ages of 6-12. These students are in the first stage of formal education in Japan. They wear a distinctive school uniform and receive lessons in core subjects like mathematics, Japanese, science, and social studies. For example: My son is an elementary school student - (私の息子は小学生です). She is a 6th grade elementary school student - (彼女は小学校六年生です). 見学: "Observation". The Japanese verbal noun '見学 (けんがく)' means 'observation'. It refers to the act of observing or inspecting something, often in an educational or informative context. '見学' is commonly used to describe tours, visits, or field trips where people observe and learn about a particular place, process, or activity. For example: We went on an observation tour of the factory - (工場を見学しました). The students will have an observation session at the museum - (学生たちは博物館で見学をします). 通学: "School commute". The Japanese verbal noun '通学 (つうがく)' means 'school commute'. It refers to the act of traveling to and from school on a regular basis. This word is commonly used to describe a student's daily journey to and from their educational institution. For example: I commute to school every day - (私は毎日学校に通学する). She has a long commute to university - (彼女は大学まで通学が長い). 小学校: "Elementary school". The Japanese noun '小学校 (しょうがっこう)' refers to an 'elementary school', which is the first stage of formal education in Japan. It typically includes grades 1 through 6, with students ranging from around 6 to 12 years old. Small children attend '小学校' to receive a basic education in subjects such as mathematics, science, Japanese language, and social studies. For example: I went to an elementary school near my house - (私は近所の小学校に通っていました) 中学校: "Junior high school". The Japanese noun '中学校 (ちゅうがっこう)' refers to a junior high school, which is an educational institution that students attend between elementary school and high school, typically for grades 7-9. This level of schooling is compulsory in Japan. For example: I go to junior high school - (私は中学校に行きます). 学ぶ: "Learn". The Japanese verb '学ぶ (まなぶ)' means 'to learn'. It is used to indicate the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, or understanding through study, experience, or instruction. This verb can be used to describe learning a new language, gaining expertise in a field, or developing a deeper understanding of a subject. For example: I am learning Japanese - (日本語を学んでいます). She is learning how to cook - (彼女は料理を学んでいます). 文学: "Literature". The Japanese noun '文学 (ぶんがく)' refers to the body of written works in a particular language, period, or country. It encompasses various genres such as poetry, novels, drama, and essays. This term is commonly used to describe the academic study and appreciation of significant literary works. For example: She is a professor of Japanese literature - (彼女は日本文学の教授です). The library has a large collection of classic literature - (図書館には古典文学の大量のコレクションがある). 高等学校: "High school". The Japanese noun '高等学校 (こうとうがっこう)' refers to a high school or secondary school, typically for students aged 15-18 years old. It is a place of advanced academic study, located after elementary and middle schools in the Japanese education system. High schools in Japan offer a variety of subjects and programs to prepare students for university or vocational careers. For example: He goes to a prestigious high school - (彼は名門の高等学校に通っている). 大学院: "Graduate school". The Japanese noun '大学院 (だいがくいん)' refers to a graduate school, which is an advanced educational institution that a person attends after completing their undergraduate degree. Graduate schools offer master's and doctoral programs in various academic and professional fields. For example: He is studying for his master's degree at the graduate school - (彼は大学院で修士号を取得しています). She is applying to the graduate school of business - (彼女は大学院ビジネススクールに出願しています). 進学: "Advancement". The verbal noun '進学 (しんがく)' means 'advancement'. It refers to the act of advancing or progressing, especially in an educational context such as advancing to a higher level of schooling. For example: He advanced to university - (彼は大学に進学した). Many students want to advance after high school - (多くの生徒は高校卒業後に進学したいと思っている). 中学: "Middle school". The Japanese noun '中学 (ちゅうがく)' refers to a middle school or junior high school, which is an educational institution between elementary school and high school. It typically serves students aged 12 to 15 years old. For example: I went to middle school in Tokyo - (東京の中学に通っていました). Our daughter is in her third year of middle school - (娘は中学3年生です). 留学: "Study abroad". The verbal noun '留学 (りゅうがく)' means 'study abroad'. It refers to the act of a person traveling to another country to pursue educational opportunities, such as attending a university or college. This word is commonly used to describe international academic exchanges or programs where students travel outside of their home country to further their education. For example: She studied abroad in France - (彼女はフランスに留学しました). I want to study abroad next year - (来年留学したいです). 医学: "Medicine". The Japanese noun '医学 (いがく)' means 'medicine'. It refers to the field of study and practice that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and other medical conditions. It encompasses various disciplines such as anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and surgery. For example: He studies medicine at the university - (彼は大学で医学を勉強しています). I want to major in medicine - (私は医学を専攻したいです). 哲学: "Philosophy". The Japanese noun '哲学 (てつがく)' means 'philosophy'. It refers to the study of fundamental questions about the nature of reality, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. This discipline involves investigating and reflecting on topics such as the nature of existence, knowledge, truth, beauty, justice, and virtue. For example: He studies philosophy - (彼は哲学を研究しています). The philosophy department is in the main building - (哲学部は本館にあります). 化学: "Chemistry". The Japanese noun '化学 (かがく)' means 'chemistry'. It refers to the scientific study of the properties and behavior of matter and energy, and of the related phenomena. Chemistry is a branch of natural science that deals with the composition, structure, properties, and behavior of matter. For example: I study chemistry - (化学を勉強しています). Chemistry is an important subject - (化学は重要な科目です). 工学: "Engineering". The Japanese noun '工学 (こうがく)' refers to the field of study and practice of engineering. This includes the design, development, and application of technologies, machines, structures, and systems. It encompasses various disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, civil, and chemical engineering. For example: He majored in engineering at university - (彼は大学で工学を専攻した). Engineering is an important field for technological progress - (工学は技術進歩にとって重要な分野である). 学長: "President". The Japanese noun '学長 (がくちょう)' means 'president'. This word is used to refer to the highest-ranking official at a university or college. The president is responsible for overseeing the overall operations and strategic direction of the institution. For example: The university president gave a speech - (大学の学長が講演を行った). The new president was elected last month - (新しい学長が先月選出された). 語学: "Language". The Japanese noun '語学 (ごがく)' means 'language'. This noun refers to the study or learning of languages. It can be used to talk about the pursuit of acquiring linguistic skills or knowledge of multiple languages. For example: I'm studying languages - (私は語学を勉強しています). She is fluent in several languages - (彼女はいくつかの語学に堪能です). 工学部: "Engineering department". The Japanese noun '工学部 (こうがくぶ)' refers to the engineering department of a university. This is a specific academic department that focuses on the study and research of engineering disciplines such as civil, mechanical, electrical, computer, and others. Students majoring in engineering fields would typically enroll in the '工学部'. For example: The engineering department has advanced facilities - (工学部には先進的な設備がある). 学費: "Tuition". The Japanese noun '学費 (がくひ)' refers to the tuition or fees that must be paid for educational services, such as attending a school, university or other educational institution. This money is required to cover the costs of instruction, facilities, and other expenses related to the education being provided. For example: The tuition for that university is very high - (その大学の学費はとてもたかい). I need to pay my tuition soon - (私はすぐ学費を払わなければならない). 学部: "Faculty". The Japanese noun '学部 (がくぶ)' means 'faculty'. It refers to a major division or school within a university, such as the faculty of medicine, faculty of engineering, faculty of arts, etc. These faculties are responsible for the education and research activities within their respective academic disciplines. For example: I am a student in the faculty of science - (私は理学部の学生です). The faculty of law has excellent professors - (法学部には優秀な教授がいます). 休学: "Leave of absence". The verbal noun '休学 (きゅうがく)' means 'leave of absence'. It refers to a temporary suspension of one's studies, usually from a school or university, for a specified period of time. This may be due to various reasons such as health issues, family emergencies, or personal circumstances. For example: He took a leave of absence from university - (彼は大学から休学した). I need to apply for a leave of absence - (私は休学を申請する必要がある). 学習: "Learning". The Japanese verbal noun '学習 (がくしゅう)' means 'learning'. This refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, developing skills, or gaining understanding through study, experience, or instruction. It can be used in various contexts, such as academic learning, professional development, or personal growth. For example: I am learning a new language - (新しい言語を学習しています). Learning is important for personal development - (学習は自己発展に大切です). 学問: "Study". The Japanese verbal noun '学問 (がくもん)' means 'study'. This noun refers to the act of studying or learning, especially in an academic or scholarly context. It can be used to describe the pursuit of knowledge through formal education, research, or self-directed learning. For example: I enjoy the study of history - (私は歴史の学問を楽しんでいます). The university has a strong tradition of academic study - (その大学は学問の伝統が強い). 小学: "Elementary school". The Japanese noun '小学 (しょうがく)' refers to elementary school, which is the first stage of formal education in Japan. It covers the first six years of a child's education, from age 6 to 12. This term is often used in the context of describing a child's educational level or referring to elementary school-related activities and facilities. For example: My younger sister is in elementary school - (私の妹は小学生です). The elementary school is holding a sports festival - (小学校で運動会が行われています). 学割: "Student discount". The Japanese term '学割 (がくわり)' refers to a student discount, which is a reduced price or rate offered to students, usually to encourage them to purchase or use certain products or services. This discount is commonly applied to things like public transportation fares, movie tickets, entrance fees to attractions, and other goods and services. The term is a combination of the words '学生(がくせい)', meaning 'student', and '割引(わりびき)', meaning 'discount'. For example: I used my student discount to buy a movie ticket - (私は学割を使って映画のチケットを買いました). 新学期: "New school semester". The Japanese noun '新学期 (しんがっき)' refers to the beginning of a new school term or academic year. It is used to describe the period when students return to school after a break, such as summer vacation. This term has a strong connotation of fresh starts and new beginnings in an educational context. For example: The new school semester starts next week - (新学期が来週始まります). 在学: "Enroll". The verbal noun '在学 (ざいがく)' means 'to enroll'. This term refers to being enrolled or registered as a student at an educational institution such as a school, university or college. It indicates that one is currently attending and participating in the educational program of that institution. For example: I am currently enrolled in university - (私は現在大学に在学しています). The student is enrolled in high school - (その生徒は高校に在学しています). 数学: "Math". The Japanese noun '数学 (すうがく)' refers to the academic field of mathematics. This includes the study of quantities, structures, space, and change. It is a core subject in the Japanese education system and is considered essential for understanding the world around us. For example: I like studying math - (私は数学を勉強するのが好きです). Math is an important subject - (数学は重要な教科です). 科学者: "Scientist". The Japanese noun '科学者 (かがくしゃ)' refers to a person who is an expert in a particular field of science and who conducts research or experiments to further the understanding of that field. Scientists can work in a wide range of disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and many others. For example: She is a famous scientist - (彼女は有名な科学者です). The scientist conducted an important experiment - (科学者はその重要な実験を行いました). 学科: "Department". The Japanese noun '学科 (がっか)' refers to an academic department or division within a university or college. It represents a specific field of study or academic discipline, such as the biology department or the history department. '学科' is commonly used to describe the various specialized areas of study that students can major in at an educational institution. For example: I am in the literature department - (私は文学学科に所属しています). What is your department? - (あなたの学科は何ですか?) 自然科学: "Natural sciences". The Japanese word '自然科学 (しぜんかがく)' refers to the 'natural sciences', a branch of science that deals with the study of the physical world and its phenomena, such as physics, chemistry, biology, and astronomy. This term is used to distinguish these fields from the social sciences or humanities. For example: She is majoring in the natural sciences - (彼女は自然科学を専攻しています). 人文科学: "Humanities". The Japanese noun '人文科学 (じんぶんかがく)' refers to the academic disciplines that study human culture, society, and aspects of human existence, such as history, philosophy, literature, art, and languages. These fields of study focus on understanding the human experience and the human condition from various perspectives. For example: The humanities department at the university offers courses in art history and classical literature - (大学の人文科学部には美術史と古典文学の講義がある). 社会科学: "Social science". The Japanese term '社会科学 (しゃかいかがく)' refers to the academic disciplines that study human society and social relationships. This includes fields such as economics, political science, sociology, anthropology, and psychology. Social sciences aim to understand how societies function and evolve, and to address social issues. For example: My major is social science - (私の専攻は社会科学です). 学説: "Theory". The Japanese noun '学説 (がくせつ)' means 'theory'. It refers to a system of ideas that explain or account for a particular aspect of reality. A '学説' is the result of academic research and investigation, and it is often used in the context of science, philosophy, or social studies. For example: The scientist presented a new theory - (科学者は新しい学説を発表した). The theory of evolution - (進化の学説) 学園: "School". The Japanese noun '学園 (がくえん)' means 'school'. It refers to an educational institution, typically one that offers higher education. This word is often used to describe prestigious or well-known schools, such as universities or private high schools. For example: The students attend the prestigious academy - (生徒たちは名門の学園に通っています). The university campus is located in the center of the city - (その大学の学園は市中心部にあります). 学者: "Scholar". The Japanese noun '学者 (がくしゃ)' refers to a learned or erudite person, typically someone who has an academic or specialized knowledge in a particular field. A scholar is someone who has dedicated themselves to the pursuit of knowledge and research. They are often associated with universities, institutes, or academic communities. For example: He is a renowned scholar of Japanese history - (彼は日本史の著名な学者です). The scholar wrote an insightful paper on the topic - (その学者は、その話題について洞察力のある論文を書いた). 学歴: "Education background". The Japanese noun '学歴 (がくれき)' refers to one's educational background, qualifications, or credentials. It is often used when discussing a person's academic achievements, such as the schools they have attended or the degrees they have obtained. This information is commonly considered important in Japanese culture and society. For example: His education background is impressive - (彼の学歴は素晴らしい). What is your educational background? - (あなたの学歴は何ですか?). 学会: "Association" or "Conference". The Japanese word '学会 (がっかい)' refers to either an academic or professional association, organization, or society, or a conference, symposium, or meeting held by such an organization. It is commonly used to describe scholarly, scientific, or business-related groups that hold regular meetings or events. For example: I attended the annual conference of the medical association - (私は医学会の年次大会に出席しました). The academic association held a symposium last weekend - (学会は先週末にシンポジウムを開催しました). 奨学金: "Scholarship". The Japanese noun '奨学金 (しょうがくきん)' refers to a scholarship, which is financial assistance provided to students to help cover the costs of their education. Scholarships are typically awarded based on academic merit, financial need, or other criteria. They can be provided by educational institutions, government bodies, private organizations, or individuals. For example: I received a scholarship to attend university - (私は大学に行くための奨学金をもらいました). She applied for a scholarship to help pay for her studies - (彼女は勉強費用を援助してもらうために奨学金に応募しました). 学年: "Grade". The Japanese noun '学年 (がくねん)' means 'grade'. This word is used to refer to the specific level or year of study within an educational system, such as primary or secondary school. It can be used to describe a student's current year of study, for example: She is in the third grade - (彼女は3年生です). 法学部: "Law school". The Japanese noun '法学部 (ほうがくぶ)' refers to the law school or faculty of law at a university. It is where students can study and obtain a degree in legal studies. In Japan, law is one of the most popular and prestigious fields of study at the university level. Students who enroll in the 法学部 will take courses covering various aspects of the legal system, such as civil law, criminal law, international law, and more. For example: He is a student at the law school - (彼は法学部の学生です). 学級: "Class". The Japanese noun '学級 (がっきゅう)' means 'class'. It refers to a group of students who study together at the same grade level in a school. This term is commonly used in the context of elementary, middle, and high schools to describe the specific group a student belongs to. For example: The students in my class are very friendly - (私のクラスの生徒はとてもフレンドリーです). My class has 30 students - (私のクラスには30人の生徒がいます). 短期大学: "Junior college". The Japanese noun '短期大学 (たんきだいがく)' refers to a junior college, which is a type of post-secondary educational institution in Japan that provides a 2-year program. Junior colleges offer vocational and professional training, and their programs are generally shorter and more specialized than those of a 4-year university. For example: She studies at a junior college - (彼女は短期大学で勉強しています). 学力: "Academic ability". 学力 (がくりょく) refers to a person's academic knowledge, skills, and performance. It encompasses a wide range of intellectual capabilities such as reading comprehension, mathematical reasoning, and problem-solving abilities acquired through education. This term is commonly used to assess and compare students' overall academic achievements. For example: Her academic ability is excellent - (彼女の学力は優れている). The school aims to improve students' academic abilities - (その学校は生徒の学力向上を目指している). 文学者: "Literary scholar". The Japanese noun '文学者 (ぶんがくしゃ)' refers to a literary scholar or someone who studies and writes about literature. This person may be an expert in literature, an academic, a critic, or someone who has a deep knowledge and appreciation for literary works. They may analyze, interpret, and write about novels, poetry, plays, and other forms of literature. For example: The renowned literary scholar gave a lecture on classic Japanese poetry - (著名な文学者が古典的な日本の詩について講義を行った). 退学: "Withdraw". The Japanese verbal noun '退学 (たいがく)' means 'to withdraw' or 'to drop out'. It refers to a student leaving an educational institution, such as a school or university, before completing their studies. This is usually done at the student's own request or decision, but can also be initiated by the institution. For example: She had to withdraw from university due to financial difficulties - (彼女は経済的な理由で大学を退学しなければならなかった). He was forced to withdraw from school - (彼は学校を退学させられた). To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.
But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.
Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.
This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:
The hiragana "が" is read as "ga". The hiragana "く" is read as "ku". The hiragana "ま" is read as "ma". And The hiragana "な" is read as "na".