If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for
"Take", you've come to the right place!
The Japanese Kanji for
is "取".
This kanji has 2 readings:
Its kunyomi reading is "To".
Its onyomi reading is "Shu".
kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.
If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:
The kanji "又" means "Again"
and can be read as "Mata" and "Mata". And The kanji "耳" means "Ear"
and can be read as "Mimi" and "Ji".
Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.
What does the kanji "取" mean in japanese?
"取" means
Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Third Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N3 exam.
Here are some words that use this kanji:
取る: "Take" or "Get". The Japanese verb '取る (とる)' has multiple meanings, but the primary meanings are 'to take' and 'to get'. This verb can be used in a wide variety of contexts, such as taking an object, taking an action, getting an item, or obtaining something. For example: I will take the book - (本を取ります), She got good grades - (彼女は良い成績を取りました). 取り引き: "Transaction". The noun '取り引き (とりひき)' refers to a business transaction or deal. It can be used to describe any commercial exchange of goods, services, or money between two or more parties. This word is commonly used in the context of business and finance. For example: The company completed an important transaction today - (その会社は今日重要な取り引きを完了しました). He made a good transaction with the client - (彼はクライアントと良い取り引きをしました). 書き取る: "Write down" or "Transcribe". The Japanese verb '書き取る (かきとる)' means 'to write down' or 'to transcribe'. It is used when you want to write down or transcribe something, such as taking notes from a lecture or copying information from a document. For example: I wrote down the important points in my notebook - (重要なポイントをノートに書き取った). She transcribed the recording word-for-word - (彼女はレコーディングを言葉どおりに書き取った). 取れる: "Come off" or "Be removed". The Japanese verb '取れる (とれる)' means 'to come off' or 'be removed'. This verb expresses the ability or possibility for something to be detached, separated or extracted from a larger object or surface. It can be used in various contexts, such as '髪の毛が取れた' (The hair came off) or '貼り付いていた切手が取れた' (The stamp that was stuck on came off). The verb conveys that the action happens without external force being applied. 受け取る: "Receive". The Japanese verb '受け取る (うけとる)' means 'to receive'. This verb is used to indicate that someone or something has been given or handed something. It is commonly used in situations where a person, organization, or entity is accepting an item, gift, letter, or other tangible thing. For example: I received the package - (私はその荷物を受け取りました). She received a letter from her friend - (彼女は友人からの手紙を受け取りました). 取得: "Acquisition". The noun '取得 (しゅとく)' means 'acquisition'. This word refers to the act of obtaining, gaining, or acquiring something, such as a skill, qualification, or possession. It can be used in various contexts, such as academic degrees, property ownership, or employment opportunities. For example: He acquired a new job - (彼は新しい仕事を取得した). The acquisition of knowledge is important - (知識の取得は重要である). 取り上げる: "Take away" or "Confiscate". The Japanese verb '取り上げる (とりあげる)' means 'to take away' or 'to confiscate'. This verb is used to describe the action of removing or seizing an object from someone. It can be used in both literal and figurative contexts, such as taking away a child's toy or confiscating an item from a student. For example: The teacher took away the student's phone - (先生は生徒の携帯電話を取り上げた). The police confiscated the drugs - (警察は薬物を取り上げた). 取り出す: "Take out". The Japanese verb '取り出す (とりだす)' means 'to take out'. This verb is used to indicate the action of removing or extracting something from a container or a location. It can be used in various contexts, such as taking an item out of a bag, retrieving a document from a drawer, or extracting something from a package. For example: I took out the book from the bag - (鞄から本を取り出した). She took out the key from her pocket - (彼女はポケットから鍵を取り出した). 取り敢えず: "For now" or "For the time being". The Japanese adverb '取り敢えず (とりあえず)' means 'for now' or 'for the time being'. It is used to indicate that something is a temporary or immediate solution, rather than a permanent or long-term one. It often implies that further action or consideration may be needed later. For example: Let's do that for now - (取り敢えずそれをやりましょう). I'll deal with it for the time being - (取り敢えずそれに対処しよう). 取り組む: "Tackle". The Japanese verb '取り組む (とりくむ)' means 'to tackle'. This verb is used to describe the act of making an effort to deal with or confront a problem, challenge, or task. It implies a serious, concentrated approach to addressing an issue. For example: I'll tackle the project step-by-step - (私はそのプロジェクトに一歩ずつ取り組んでいきます). She's really tackling her studies - (彼女は勉強に本気で取り組んでいる). 受け取り: "Receipt". The noun '受け取り (うけとり)' means 'receipt'. It refers to the act of receiving or taking delivery of something, especially an item or payment. This word is commonly used when describing the formal process of accepting a document, parcel, or payment. For example: I received the package - (その荷物を受け取りました). Please sign the receipt - (領収書に署名してください). 聞き取り: "Comprehension". The noun '聞き取り (ききとり)' means 'comprehension'. It refers to the ability to understand and grasp the meaning of something, especially through listening or hearing. This word is used to describe the process of carefully listening and interpreting speech or audio information. For example: I had difficulty comprehending the lecture - (講義の聞き取りが難しかった). Good comprehension skills are important for language learning - (言語学習には聞き取りの力が大切だ). 書き取り: "Dictation". 書き取り (かきとり)' is a Japanese noun that refers to the practice of listening to spoken language, such as a teacher reading aloud, and writing down what is heard. It is a common exercise in language learning to improve listening comprehension and spelling skills. For example: The teacher gave a dictation exercise - (先生が書き取りの課題を出しました). Dictation is an important part of Japanese language education. 取り締まり: "Crackdown". The Japanese noun '取り締まり (とりしまり)' means 'crackdown'. It refers to an intense and concerted effort by authorities to enforce laws or regulations, often targeting a specific problem or issue. For example: The police launched a crackdown on drunk driving - (警察は飲酒運転の取り締まりを強化した). There was a crackdown on illegal logging in the forest - (森林での違法伐採に対する取り締まりがあった). 取り分け: "Especially". The adverb '取り分け (とりわけ)' means 'especially'. It is used to emphasize or highlight a particular point or aspect of something. This adverb is often used to draw attention to a specific item or detail within a larger context. For example: I like chocolate cake, but I especially enjoy the chocolate frosting - (私はチョコレートケーキが好きですが、特にチョコレートのフロスティングが好きです). That dish was expensive, but I found the ingredients especially fresh - (その料理は高価でしたが、私は特に新鮮な食材だと感じました). 取材: "Coverage". The Japanese verbal noun '取材 (しゅざい)' means 'coverage'. This term refers to the act of gathering information, such as interviewing people or researching a topic, in order to report on it. It is commonly used in the context of journalism, where reporters 'take coverage' of a news story or event. For example: The journalist took coverage of the political scandal - (記者は政治スキャンダルの取材をした). The news coverage on the accident was extensive - (事故の取材は詳しかった). 取り戻す: "Regain". The Japanese verb '取り戻す (とりもどす)' means 'to regain'. It is used to express the action of recovering or getting something back that was previously lost or taken away. It can be used in contexts such as regaining one's strength, regaining control over a situation, or regaining possession of an object. For example: They were able to regain their stolen property - (盗まれた財産を取り戻すことができた). I need to regain my energy after this long day - (疲れた後、私はエネルギーを取り戻す必要がある). 取り入れる: "Adopt" or "Incorporate". The Japanese verb '取り入れる (とりいれる)' means 'to adopt' or 'to incorporate'. This verb is used to describe the action of adopting or incorporating something new into an existing system or process. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as incorporating a new technology into a business, adopting a new policy or practice, or incorporating a foreign element into a traditional cultural practice. For example: The company has adopted a new software system - (その会社は新しいソフトウェアシステムを取り入れた). The school is incorporating more environmental education into the curriculum - (その学校は環境教育をカリキュラムにより多く取り入れている). 遣り取り: "Exchange". The noun '遣り取り (やりとり)' means 'exchange'. It refers to the mutual giving and receiving of things, information, or actions between two or more parties. It can describe a back-and-forth, interactive process, such as a conversation, a business transaction, or the exchange of gifts. For example: We had an exchange of emails regarding the project - (プロジェクトについて遣り取りをした). The exchange of information was very helpful - (遣り取りが非常に有益だった). 取り扱い: "Handling" or "Operation". The noun '取り扱い (とりあつかい)' refers to the act of handling, manipulating or operating something. It is used to describe the way an object or situation is dealt with or managed. For example: Careful handling of the antique vase - (骨董品の取り扱いは慎重に). The operation of the machine requires training - (機械の取り扱いには訓練が必要だ). 摂取: "Intake". The noun '摂取 (せっしゅ)' means 'intake'. It refers to the action of consuming or taking in something, often in the context of food, nutrients, or other substances. It can describe the act of ingesting food or drink, as well as the absorption of other substances like medicines or vitamins. For example: Intake of calories - (カロリーの摂取). The daily intake of vitamins is important - (ビタミンの毎日の摂取は大切です). 取り: "Taking" or "Seizure". The noun '取り (とり)' can mean 'taking' or 'seizure'. It refers to the act of taking or seizing something. For example: I will take it - (それを取る). The thief made a quick seizure - (泥棒が早急な取りだった). 引き取る: "Take" or "Adopt". The Japanese verb '引き取る (ひきとる)' has two main meanings: 'to take' and 'to adopt'. The first meaning refers to the action of taking or receiving something, often used when picking up an item or taking custody of an object. The second meaning implies adopting or taking in someone, such as taking in a child or pet. For example: I will take the luggage - (荷物を引き取る). The family adopted the orphan - (家族は孤児を引き取った). 読み取る: "Read". The Japanese verb '読み取る (よみとる)' means 'to read'. This verb is used to indicate the action of extracting or comprehending information from written or printed material. It implies a deeper understanding beyond just superficial reading. For example: I read the report carefully - (報告書を注意深く読み取った). Please read the instructions carefully - (説明書をよく読み取ってください). 取り込む: "Incorporate". The Japanese verb '取り込む (とりこむ)' means 'to incorporate' or 'to take in'. It is used to describe the action of including, absorbing, or integrating something into a larger whole. For example: The company has incorporated the latest technology into their products - (同社は最新の技術を製品に取り入れた). The team needs to incorporate the new member's ideas - (そのチームは新メンバーのアイデアを取り入れる必要がある). 取り組み: "Effort". The Japanese noun '取り組み (とりくみ)' means 'effort'. It refers to the action of making a concerted attempt or undertaking to achieve something. It implies a persistent and dedicated approach to a task or goal. For example: The company is making a big effort to reduce waste - (その会社は廃棄物を減らすために取り組んでいる). She is putting a lot of effort into her studies - (彼女は勉強に熱心に取り組んでいる). 取り付ける: "Attach". The Japanese verb '取り付ける (とりつける)' means 'to attach'. This verb is used to describe the action of fixing or connecting one object to another. It can be used in various contexts, such as attaching a part to a machine, mounting a picture frame on a wall, or securing a tool to a handle. For example: I attached the mirror to the wall - (鏡を壁に取り付けた). The carpenter attached the doorknob to the door - (大工が扉に取り付けた). 取り決め: "Arrangement". The Japanese noun '取り決め (とりきめ)' means 'arrangement'. It refers to an agreed-upon set of rules, guidelines, or procedures that have been established between people or parties. The term is often used in the context of contracts, agreements, or understandings between individuals or organizations. For example: According to our arrangement, we will meet at 3pm - (私たちの取り決めでは、午後3時に会うことになっています). 取り消す: "Cancel". The Japanese verb '取り消す (とりけす)' means 'to cancel'. This verb is used to express the act of revoking, withdrawing, or nullifying something that was previously set or agreed upon. It can be applied to various situations, such as cancelling an order, rescinding a contract, or retracting a statement. For example: I had to cancel my dinner reservation - (私は夕食の予約を取り消さなければなりませんでした). 取り除く: "Remove" or "Eliminate". The Japanese verb '取り除く (とりのぞく)' means 'to remove' or 'to eliminate'. This verb is used to describe the action of taking something away or getting rid of something. It can be used in both physical and abstract contexts. For example: I removed the stain from my shirt - (私はシャツのシミを取り除いた). The teacher eliminated the mistakes in the student's essay - (先生は生徒のエッセイの間違いを取り除いた). 取り返す: "Recover" or "Regain". The verb '取り返す (とりかえす)' means 'to recover' or 'to regain'. It is used to express the action of getting back something that was lost or taken away. For example: I want to recover my lost money - (失くした金を取り返したい). They were able to regain control of the situation - (その状況を取り返すことができた). 取り扱う: "Handle". The Japanese verb '取り扱う (とりあつかう)' means 'to handle'. This verb is used to describe the act of operating, dealing with, or managing something. It implies physical manipulation or control over an object or situation. For example: I handle the documents carefully - (書類を丁寧に取り扱う). We handle this task with care - (このタスクを慎重に取り扱う). 取り次ぐ: "Arrange". The Japanese verb '取り次ぐ (とりつぐ)' means 'to arrange'. This verb is used to describe the act of arranging, mediating or relaying something between two or more parties. For example: The secretary arranged a meeting with the manager - (秘書が部長との面談を取り次いだ). I'll ask the receptionist to arrange for a taxi - (受付の人に代わりにタクシーを手配してもらう). 取り替える: "Replace" or "Exchange". The Japanese verb '取り替える (とりかえる)' means 'to replace' or 'to exchange'. It is used when referring to the action of substituting one thing for another, such as replacing a broken item with a new one or exchanging one product for a different one. For example: I need to replace the broken window - (割れた窓を取り替えないといけない). Let's exchange our tickets for a better seat - (もっと良い席に取り替えましょう). 取り消し: "Cancellation". The Japanese noun '取り消し (とりけし)' means 'cancellation'. This word refers to the act of annulling, revoking, or abolishing something that has been previously established or decided. It is commonly used in contexts such as cancelling a contract, order, or reservation. For example: The airline cancelled my flight - (航空会社が私の便を取り消した). My hotel reservation was cancelled - (私のホテルの予約が取り消された). 取り締まる: "Crack down on". The Japanese verb '取り締まる (とりしまる)' means 'to crack down on'. It is used to describe the act of strictly enforcing laws or regulations, or rigorously monitoring and controlling a situation. For example: The police are cracking down on speeding - (警察は取り締まりを強化している). The government cracked down on illegal logging - (政府は違法な伐採に取り締まりを行った). 取り巻く: "Surround". The Japanese verb '取り巻く (とりまく)' means 'to surround'. This verb is used to describe when something or someone is encircled or encompassed by other things or people. It can be used for physical surroundings as well as abstract situations. For example: The trees surround the house - (木々が家を取り巻いている). The political scandal was surrounded by controversy - (政治スキャンダルは問題に取り巻かれていた). To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.
But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.
Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.
This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:
The hiragana "し" is read as "shi". And The hiragana "と" is read as "to".