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What is the Kanji for "Not"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Not", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Not" is "".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its onyomi readings are "Fu" and "Bu".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Not".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Fourth Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N4 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

: "Not" or "Un-". The Japanese prefix '不 (ふ)' indicates negation or the opposite of the word it is attached to. It can be translated as 'not', 'un-', 'in-', or 'non-'. For example: 不可能 (ふかのう) - impossible, 不安 (ふあん) - anxiety, 不 真実 (ふしんじつ) - untruthful.

不便: "Inconvenient". The Japanese adjectival noun '不便 (ふべん)' means 'inconvenient'. This word is used to describe a situation, object or circumstance that is difficult, troublesome or impractical to use or deal with. It suggests a lack of comfort, ease or efficiency. For example: The bus schedule is inconvenient - (バスのスケジュールは不便だ). This store location is quite inconvenient - (この店の場所は大変不便だ).

不動産屋: "Real estate agent". The Japanese noun '不動産屋 (ふどうさんや)' refers to a real estate agent or realtor. These are professionals who assist with the buying, selling, and renting of properties such as houses, apartments, and commercial buildings. They help clients find suitable properties, negotiate deals, and handle the paperwork involved in real estate transactions. For example: The real estate agent showed us several properties today - (不動産屋は今日、私たちに複数の物件を紹介してくれました).

不親切: "Unkind". The adjectival noun '不親切 (ふしんせつ)' means 'unkind'. It describes a lack of consideration or thoughtfulness towards others. This word can be used to criticize someone's behavior as being inconsiderate or lacking in kindness. For example: She was very unkind to the new employee - (彼女は新入社員に非常に不親切でした). It's important to be kind, not unkind - (親切でなく不親切であるのは重要ではありません).

不幸: "Misfortune". The Japanese term '不幸 (ふこう)' is an adjectival noun that means 'misfortune'. It refers to an unfortunate or unlucky situation or event. This word can be used to describe a person's circumstances, such as experiencing a tragic loss or disaster. For example: She has had a lot of misfortune in her life - (彼女はこれまで多くの不幸に見舞われてきた). Misfortune struck the family - (その家族に不幸が降りかかった).

不意: "Suddenness". The noun '不意 (ふい)' means 'suddenness'. It refers to something happening without warning or expectation. This word is often used to describe a sudden event, surprise, or unanticipated occurrence. For example: I was taken by surprise - (不意を打たれた). The sudden rain caught me off guard - (不意の雨に見舞われた).

不味い: "Bad". The Japanese adjective '不味い (まずい)' means 'bad' and is used to describe poor quality, unpleasant taste or bad flavor. It can be used to describe food, drinks, or even odors. For example: The food tastes bad - (ご飯が不味い). This meat is bad - (この肉は不味い).

不可欠: "Indispensable". The adjectival noun '不可欠 (ふかけつ)' means 'indispensable'. This word is used to describe something that is absolutely necessary, essential, or vital. It conveys the idea that the thing being described cannot be done without or replaced. For example: Her cooperation is indispensable to the success of the project - (彼女の協力は、このプロジェクトの成功に不可欠です). Computers are indispensable in modern life - (コンピューターは現代生活に不可欠です).

不要: "Unnecessary". The adjectival noun '不要 (ふよう)' means 'unnecessary'. This word is used to describe something that is not needed or required. It can refer to objects, actions, or ideas that serve no purpose. For example: That item is unnecessary - (あれは不要だ). I don't need those books, they are unnecessary - (あの本は不要です)

不快: "Discomfort" or "Annoyance". The noun '不快 (ふかい)' means 'discomfort' or 'annoyance'. It describes a feeling of unease, displeasure or agitation, often caused by an unpleasant situation or environment. For example: The loud noises caused me discomfort - (その大きな音に私は不快を感じた). The rude customer's behavior was a source of annoyance - (失礼な客の行動に私は不快感を覚えた).

不況: "Recession". The noun '不況 (ふきょう)' means 'recession'. It refers to a period of temporary economic decline characterized by a slowdown in business activity, higher unemployment, and lower consumer spending. This is a common economic condition that can have wide-ranging impacts on society. For example: The country is experiencing an economic recession - (その国は不況に見舞われています). We are in a recession and need to tighten our belts - (我々は不況にあり、財布のひものを締める必要がある).

不倫: "Affair". The Japanese noun '不倫 (ふりん)' means 'affair'. It refers to an extramarital or illicit sexual relationship, typically between two people who are not married to each other. This word often carries a nuance of secrecy, scandal, and moral condemnation. For example: He had an affair with his co-worker - (彼は同僚と不倫していた). Their affair was discovered by the spouses - (二人の不倫が配偶者に発覚した).

不安: "Anxiety". The Japanese adjectival noun '不安 (ふあん)' means 'anxiety'. This word expresses a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something. It can refer to an internal state of apprehension or to an external situation that is causing distress. For example: I feel a lot of anxiety about my job performance - (仕事の成績について、とても不安を感じる). She has anxiety about speaking in public - (彼女は公の場での発言に不安を感じる).

不満: "Dissatisfaction". The Japanese word '不満 (ふまん)' is an adjectival noun that means 'dissatisfaction'. It is used to describe a feeling of displeasure or dissatisfaction with a situation, condition, or outcome. 不満 can refer to a general sense of unhappiness or discontent, as in: I have a lot of 不満 about my job - (私は仕事に対して不満が多い). It can also be used to express specific complaints or criticisms, such as: The customer expressed their 不満 with the poor service - (お客様はサービスの悪さに対し不満を述べた).

不足: "Shortage". The verbal noun '不足 (ふそく)' means 'shortage'. This noun refers to a lack or insufficiency of something. It can be used to describe a shortage of resources, money, time, or any other necessary element. For example: There is a shortage of food in the village - (村に食べ物が不足している). The project suffered from a shortage of funds - (そのプロジェクトは資金不足に悩まされた).

不可能: "Impossible". The word '不可能 (ふかのう)' is an adjectival noun meaning 'impossible'. It is used to describe something that cannot be done or achieved. This word conveys that an action or outcome is not feasible or realistically achievable. For example: It's impossible to climb that mountain in one day - (あの山を1日で登るのは不可能です). This task is impossible to complete - (この仕事を完了するのは不可能です).

不十分: "Insufficient". The adjectival noun '不十分 (ふじゅうぶん)' means 'insufficient'. This word describes something that is not adequate or complete, lacking in quantity or quality to meet a requirement. It can be used to describe a wide range of things, from resources and information to skills and performance. For example: The explanation was insufficient - (説明が不十分でした). This amount of money is insufficient - (この金額は不十分です).

不明: "Unclear". The Japanese term '不明 (ふめい)' is an adjectival noun that means 'unclear' or 'unknown'. It can be used to describe something that is uncertain, indistinct, or lacking in clarity. For example: I'm not sure about the details, it's unclear - (詳細は不明です). The cause of the incident remains unclear - (事故の原因は不明のままだ).

不良: "Delinquent". The Japanese word '不良 (ふりょう)' is an adjectival noun that means 'delinquent'. It describes a person, especially a young person, who behaves in an anti-social or criminal manner. The word can be used to refer to things like juvenile delinquency, hoodlums, or troublemakers. For example: That group of boys are delinquents - (あの男の子たちは不良です). The delinquent youth caused problems in the neighborhood - (その不良な青年が地域で問題を引き起こしました).

不合格: "Failure". The Japanese noun '不合格 (ふごうかく)' means 'failure'. This word is used to refer to a situation where someone or something does not meet the required standard or does not pass a test or examination. It carries a negative connotation and indicates that the desired outcome was not achieved. For example: He failed the exam - (彼は試験に不合格だった). I'm sorry, your application was unsuccessful - (申し訳ありませんが、あなたの応募は不合格でした).

不当: "Unfair". The adjectival noun '不当 (ふとう)' means 'unfair'. This word is used to describe a situation, action, or treatment that is unjust, unreasonable, or goes against what is considered fair or right. It implies a lack of fairness or equity. For example: The judge made an unfair decision - (裁判官は不当な判断を下した). The company's actions were unfair to the employees - (その会社の行動は従業員に不当でした).

不規則: "Irregular". The adjectival noun '不規則 (ふきそく)' means 'irregular'. This word is used to describe something that does not follow a regular pattern or rule. It can be applied to a variety of situations, such as irregular schedules, irregular heartbeats, or irregular shapes. For example: The work schedule is irregular - (仕事のスケジュールは不規則だ). The pattern of the tiles is irregular - (タイルのパターンは不規則だ).

不利: "Disadvantage". The adjectival noun '不利 (ふり)' means 'disadvantage'. This word is used to describe a situation or circumstance that is unfavorable or detrimental. It can refer to a lack of advantages or the presence of difficulties that hinder success or progress. For example: The team was at a disadvantage due to the weather conditions - (チームは天候の影響で不利な立場にあった). The decision put the company at a disadvantage in the market - (この決定により、その会社は市場で不利な立場に置かれた).

不必要: "Unnecessary". The Japanese adjectival noun '不必要 (ふひつよう)' means 'unnecessary'. It is used to describe something that is not required or needed for a particular purpose. This word emphasizes that the item or action in question is superfluous and could be omitted without any significant impact. For example: This item is unnecessary - (この物は不必要です). She bought an unnecessary amount of food - (彼女は不必要な量の食べ物を買った).

不安定: "Unstable". The Japanese adjectival noun '不安定 (ふあんてい)' means 'unstable'. This word is used to describe something that is not firmly fixed or established, and is likely to change or fail. It can be applied to situations, systems, or conditions that are uncertain or precarious. For example: The economy is unstable - (経済は不安定だ). The unstable political situation - (不安定な政治情勢).

不運: "Misfortune". The Japanese adjectival noun '不運 (ふうん)' refers to bad luck, ill fortune, or misfortune. It describes a state of experiencing unfortunate events or an unlucky situation. For example: I had the misfortune of losing my wallet - (私は財布を無くすという不運に見舞われました). He experienced a string of misfortunes this year - (彼は今年いくつもの不運に見舞われた).

不自然: "Unnatural". The Japanese adjectival noun '不自然 (ふしぜん)' means 'unnatural'. This word describes something that is not natural or in accordance with the normal course of things. It can be used to describe physical appearances, behaviors, situations or events that seem out of the ordinary. For example: That makeup looks very unnatural - (あのメイクはとても不自然だ). The situation feels unnatural - (その状況は不自然に感じられる).

不自由: "Difficulty". The Japanese verbal noun '不自由 (ふじゆう)' means 'difficulty'. This word expresses a state of being limited, constrained, or lacking in freedom. It can refer to physical disabilities, social or situational restrictions, or any kind of impediment. For example: I have difficulty walking - (私は歩くのに不自由がある). She lives with physical disabilities - (彼女は身体的な不自由を抱えて生活している).

不思議: "Mysterious" or "Strange". The adjectival noun '不思議 (ふしぎ)' can mean either 'mysterious' or 'strange'. It is used to describe something that is unusual, puzzling or difficult to explain. For example: That's a mysterious phenomenon - (あれは不思議な現象だ). I find this whole situation very strange - (この状況は全体的に不思議に感じる).

不平: "Discontent". The Japanese adjectival noun '不平 (ふへい)' means 'discontent'. This word expresses a feeling of dissatisfaction, displeasure, or complaint about a situation or circumstance. It can be used to describe one's own feelings or the general sentiment of a group. For example: His discontent with the company's decision was evident - (彼の会社の決定に対する不平が明らかだった). The employees voiced their discontent about the new policies - (従業員たちは新しい方針に対する不平を訴えた).

不平等: "Inequality". The adjectival noun '不平等 (ふびょうどう)' means 'inequality'. This term refers to a lack of equality or fairness, often in the distribution of wealth, status, or opportunity within a society. It describes a situation where some individuals or groups have more advantages or privileges than others. For example: The economic inequality in this country is a major social issue - (この国の経済的不平等は重大な社会問題です). Inequality in education opportunities still exists - (教育の機会の不平等はまだ存在している).

不注意: "Carelessness". The Japanese adjectival noun '不注意 (ふちゅうい)' means 'carelessness'. It refers to a lack of care, attention, or caution. This word is often used to describe situations where someone acts without sufficient thought or consideration, leading to mistakes or accidents. For example: His carelessness caused the accident - (彼の不注意が事故の原因になった). Carelessness can lead to serious consequences, so it's important to be mindful and attentive.

不確か: "Uncertain". The adjectival noun '不確か (ふたしか)' means 'uncertain'. This word describes a state of being unsure, doubtful, or lacking in confidence about something. It can be used to express uncertainty about facts, plans, or the outcome of a situation. For example: I'm uncertain about the exam results - (試験の結果が不確かだ). This plan is uncertain - (この計画は不確かである).

不器用: "Clumsy" or "Awkward". The Japanese word '不器用 (ぶきよう)' can be used as an adjectival noun and means 'clumsy' or 'awkward'. It describes someone who lacks dexterity or coordination and has difficulty performing tasks skillfully. This word can be used to describe people who are accident-prone or generally unskilled at physical activities. For example: He is clumsy when playing sports - (彼はスポーツをする時不器用だ). She is an awkward dancer - (彼女は不器用なダンサーです).

不公平: "Unfair". The adjectival noun '不公平 (ふこうへい)' means 'unfair'. This term is used to describe a situation or treatment that is not fair, equitable, or just. It implies a lack of impartiality, bias, or discrimination. For example: The grading system is unfair - (採点システムが不公平だ). It's not fair that they received better treatment - (彼らがより良い待遇を受けたのは不公平だ).

不法: "Illegal". The adjectival noun '不法 (ふほう)' means 'illegal'. This word is used to describe actions, things or situations that are against the law or not permitted by law. It can be used to refer to unlawful activities, unauthorized conduct, or any kind of illicit behavior. For example: Illegal logging - (不法伐採), Illegal entry - (不法入国), Engaging in illegal activities - (不法な行為に手を染める)

不完全: "Imperfect". The adjectival noun '不完全 (ふかんぜん)' means 'imperfect'. It is used to describe something that is not complete or fully developed, lacking in some essential aspect. This word can be applied to various situations, such as an incomplete process, a flawed product, or an unsatisfactory outcome. For example: The product is imperfect - (その製品は不完全だ). Her performance was imperfect - (彼女のパフォーマンスは不完全だった).

不正: "Unfair" or "Improper". The adjectival noun '不正 (ふせい)' means 'unfair' or 'improper'. It describes something that goes against principles of justice, fairness, or ethics. It can be used to criticize actions, decisions, or situations that are unjust or inappropriate. For example: His actions were completely unfair - (彼の行動は完全に不正だった). The company engaged in improper business practices - (その会社は不正な事業慣行に関与していた).

不景気: "Depression". The Japanese adjectival noun '不景気 (ふけいき)' means 'depression'. This term refers to a prolonged economic downturn characterized by high unemployment, reduced consumer and business spending, and stagnant economic growth. It is often used to describe a state of poor economic conditions within a country or region. For example: The country is currently in a economic depression - (この国は現在不景気な状態にある). The company is experiencing a financial depression - (その会社は不景気な状況にある).

不幸せ: "Unhappiness". The Japanese adjectival noun '不幸せ (ふしあわせ)' means 'unhappiness'. This term describes a state of sadness, sorrow, or lack of joy. It can be used to express feelings of misfortune, distress, or dissatisfaction with one's circumstances. For example: I am filled with unhappiness - (私は不幸せでいっぱいです). Her unhappiness is apparent - (彼女の不幸せが明らかです)

不在: "Absence". The noun '不在 (ふざい)' means 'absence'. This term is used to describe a situation where someone or something is not present or available. It can refer to the state of being away or missing from a location or event. For example: He is out on business during his absence - (彼は不在中に仕事に出かけている). The manager's absence caused problems at the office - (マネージャーの不在によりオフィスで問題が発生した).

不得意: "Weakness". The adjectival noun '不得意 (ふとくい)' means 'weakness'. This term is used to describe an area or skill that someone is not good at or struggles with. It implies a lack of proficiency or competence in a particular domain. For example: Math is my weakness - (数学は私の不得意です). His weakness is public speaking - (彼の不得意は公の場での演説です).

不潔: "Unclean". The Japanese adjectival noun '不潔 (ふけつ)' means 'unclean'. This word is used to describe something as dirty, filthy or lacking proper hygiene. It can be used to refer to physical objects, places, or even a person's personal cleanliness. For example: The restaurant kitchen was unclean - (その店のキッチンは不潔だった). She has unclean habits - (彼女の習慣は不潔だ).

不機嫌: "Discontent" or "Unhappy". The adjectival noun '不機嫌 (ふきげん)' means 'discontent' or 'unhappy'. It describes a state of dissatisfaction, annoyance, or lack of contentment. This word can be used to refer to someone who is in a bad mood or exhibiting an unpleasant demeanor. For example: She seems quite discontent today - (今日、彼女は非常に不機嫌のようだ). The unhappy customer complained to the manager - (不機嫌な顧客がマネージャーに不平を言った).

不愉快: "Unpleasant". The adjectival noun '不愉快 (ふゆかい)' means 'unpleasant'. This word is used to describe a situation, experience, or feeling that is uncomfortable, disagreeable, or distressing. It suggests a negative emotional state or reaction. For example: The unpleasant smell made me feel sick - (不愉快な匂いで気分が悪くなった). I had an unpleasant encounter with that rude person - (あの失礼な人と不愉快な出会いがあった).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "ふ" is read as "fu". And The hiragana "ぶ" is read as "bu".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.