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What is the Kanji for "Master"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Master", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Master" is "".

This kanji has 4 readings:

Its kunyomi readings are "Nushi" and "Aruji".

Its onyomi readings are "Su" and "Shu".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The radical "丶" means "Dot" . And The kanji "王" means "King" and can be read as "Ou".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Master".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Third Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N4 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

主義: "Principles" or "Doctrine". The Japanese noun '主義 (しゅぎ)' refers to a set of principles, beliefs, or a particular ideology that guides one's actions and worldview. It can be used to describe political, social, or philosophical doctrines. For example: Nationalism is a strong political doctrine - (ナショナリズムは強い主義である). The company has a strict environmental protection principles - (その会社は厳格な環境保護の主義がある).

ご主人: "Master". The Japanese noun 'ご主人 (ごしゅじん)' means 'master'. This term is used to refer to the head of a household, the owner of a business, or someone in a position of authority. It can also be used to politely address one's husband. For example: The master of the house opened the door - (ご主人が家の扉を開けた). My master runs a large company - (私の ご主人は大きな会社を経営している).

主人: "Owner". The Japanese noun '主人 (しゅじん)' means 'owner'. It is used to refer to the person who owns or is in charge of something, such as a house, business, or servant. It can also be used to politely refer to one's husband. For example: The owner of the store - (店の主人), My husband - (私の主人)

民主: "Democracy". The Japanese noun '民主(みんしゅ)' means 'democracy'. It refers to a system of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through elected representatives. Democracy is a political system that emphasizes the sovereignty of the people and the right of the people to participate in and influence the political process. For example: Our country is a democracy - (私たちの国は民主主義国家です). The people voted for a new democratic leader - (国民は新しい民主政治家を選びました).

主張: "Claim" or "Assertion". The Japanese verbal noun '主張 (しゅちょう)' means 'claim' or 'assertion'. It refers to a statement or contention that is strongly held or maintained, often in the face of opposition or doubt. '主張' can be used to express one's views, opinions, or position on an issue. For example: He made a strong claim - (彼は強い主張をした). She asserted her right to speak - (彼女は発言する権利を主張した).

主体: "Subject". The Japanese noun '主体 (しゅたい)' means 'subject'. It refers to the person, thing or entity that is the focus of an action or activity. It can be used to describe the central or key element in a situation. For example: The subject of the essay was Japanese history - (その論文の主体は日本史でした). The company is the subject of the investigation - (その会社が調査の主体です).

株主: "Shareholder". The Japanese noun '株主 (かぶぬし)' refers to a shareholder, someone who owns shares in a company. Shareholders are the owners of a corporation and have a claim on the company's assets and earnings. They have voting rights that allow them to influence the company's decisions. For example: The shareholders approved the merger - (株主は合併を承認しました).

主婦: "Housewife". The Japanese noun '主婦 (しゅふ)' refers to a married woman who manages the household and does not have a paid job outside the home. It carries the connotations of a traditional domestic role and is often associated with Japanese cultural values of female domesticity. For example: She is a full-time housewife - (彼女は専業主婦です). My mother is a kind housewife - (私の母は優しい主婦です).

主要: "Main". The adjectival noun '主要 (しゅよう)' means 'main'. It is used to describe something that is the most important, central or fundamental part of something. It can be used to refer to the primary or principal element, aspect or component of a person, thing or situation. For example: The main reason - (主要な理由). The main building - (主要な建物).

主役: "Lead". The noun '主役 (しゅやく)' refers to the lead or main character in a play, film, or other performance. It denotes the central or most important person or role. For example: She is the lead actress in the play - (彼女がその劇の主役女優だ). The lead character in the novel is very interesting - (その小説の主役はとても興味深い).

主食: "Staple food". The Japanese noun '主食 (しゅしょく)' means 'staple food'. This refers to the primary or dominant food that a person or culture relies on. Staple foods are generally high in carbohydrates and provide the bulk of energy and nutrients in a diet. Examples include rice, wheat, corn, and potatoes. For instance: Rice is the staple food in Japan - (日本では米が主食です). Bread is the staple food in many Western countries - (多くの西洋諸国ではパンが主食です).

: "Main". The Japanese adjective '主 (おも)' means 'main'. It is used to indicate something that is the most important, central or primary of its kind. It can be used to describe things like the main topic, the main goal, the main reason, etc. For example: The main topic of the meeting - (会議の主な話題). This is the main reason why I'm here - (これが私がここにいる主な理由です).

共産主義: "Communism". The Japanese noun '共産主義 (きょうさんしゅぎ)' refers to the political and economic system of communism. It is a socioeconomic system characterized by the collective ownership and control of the means of production, and the organization of society into classes. Communism aims for a classless society and the equal distribution of goods. Example: The political party supports communism - (その政党は共産主義を支持している).

自主的: "Voluntary". The Japanese adjective '自主的 (じしゅてき)' means 'voluntary'. This adjective describes something that is done of one's own free will, without coercion or obligation. It suggests an independent and self-directed nature. For example: I made this decision voluntarily - (私はこの決断を自主的に下した). He volunteered for the project in a voluntary manner - (彼はこのプロジェクトに自主的に参加した).

主に: "Mainly". The adverb '主に (おもに)' means 'mainly'. It is used to indicate that something is the primary or dominant factor in a situation. It can be used to describe actions, events, or characteristics. For example: I mainly eat vegetables - (私は主に野菜を食べます). The book is mainly about history - (その本は主に歴史について書かれている).

資本主義: "Capitalism". The noun '資本主義 (しほんしゅぎ)' refers to the economic and political system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Capitalism is characterized by the accumulation of capital, competitive markets, and wage labor. It is often contrasted with other economic systems like socialism or communism. For example: Capitalism has led to great economic growth - (資本主義は経済成長をもたらした). The rise of capitalism - (資本主義の台頭)

主観的: "Subjective". The Japanese adjective '主観的 (しゅかんてき)' means 'subjective'. This adjective describes something that is based on personal feelings, opinions or interpretations rather than facts. It implies a view or judgment that is influenced by the person's own perspective or experiences. For example: The critic's review was very subjective - (その批評は非常に主観的だった). His opinion on the matter is quite subjective - (彼のその問題についての意見は非常に主観的だ).

主な: "Main". The determiner '主な (おもな)' means 'main'. It is used to indicate the most important or primary part of something. It can be used to describe nouns, such as 'the main objective' - (主な目的) or 'the main cause' - (主な原因). It emphasizes that the thing being described is the principal or essential one among others.

主催: "Host". The verbal noun '主催 (しゅさい)' means 'to host' or 'to organize'. It refers to the act of arranging, managing, or being responsible for an event, activity, or gathering. For example: The company hosted the annual conference - (企業は年次総会を主催しました). They organized the charity event - (彼らは慈善イベントを主催しました).

自主: "Independence". The Japanese noun '自主 (じしゅ)' means 'independence'. This term refers to the ability to act or function without external control or influence. It suggests self-governance, self-reliance and the freedom to make one's own decisions. For example: He studied abroad to gain more independence - (彼は自主性を身につけるために留学しました). The company operates with a high degree of independence from the parent corporation - (その会社は親会社から大きな自主性を持って運営されている).

主題: "Topic" or "Subject". The Japanese noun '主題 (しゅだい)' refers to the main or central theme, topic or subject of something. It is used to describe the main focus or point of a story, article, speech, or other form of discourse. For example: The main topic of the presentation was the company's quarterly earnings - (プレゼンテーションの主題は同社の四半期業績でした). The subject of the book is the history of the samurai - (その本の主題は侍の歴史です).

持ち主: "Owner". The Japanese noun '持ち主 (もちぬし)' means 'owner'. This word refers to the person who owns or possesses something. It can be used to describe the owner of an object, a property, or even a pet. For example: The owner of this house is very friendly - (この家の持ち主はとても親切だ). My dog's owner came to pick him up - (私の犬の持ち主が迎えに来た).

君主: "Ruler". The noun '君主 (くんしゅ)' refers to a monarch or sovereign ruler, such as a king, queen, or emperor who holds the highest political power and authority over a country or territory. This term carries a sense of absolute or supreme leadership. For example: The king is the ruler of the kingdom - (王は王国の君主である). The emperor is a powerful ruler - (天皇は強力な君主である).

主流: "Mainstream". The Japanese noun '主流 (しゅりゅう)' refers to the 'mainstream' or dominant trend, style, or way of thinking within a particular field or society. It is used to describe the most common or widely accepted ideology, opinion, or practice. For example: The mainstream view is that... - (主流の意見は...). This word often carries the connotation of something being the most popular or widely adopted option, rather than necessarily being the best or most correct one.

家主: "Landlord". The Japanese noun '家主 (やぬし)' means 'landlord'. This word refers to the owner or proprietor of a house, apartment, or other rental property. The '家主' is the person who rents out their property to tenants. For example: The landlord raised the rent - (家主が家賃を上げた). I need to speak to the landlord about some repairs - (修理のことで家主に話さなければならない).

主導: "Leadership". The noun '主導 (しゅどう)' means 'leadership'. It refers to the act of directing, guiding or taking charge of a situation or group of people. This word conveys the idea of taking an active and influential role in determining the course of events or decisions. For example: She took a leadership role in the organization - (彼女は組織の主導的役割を果たした). The company maintains a strong leadership in the industry - (この会社は業界をリードしている).

坊主: "Monk". The noun '坊主 (ぼうず)' refers to a Buddhist monk. Monks are religious figures who have taken vows and live a life dedicated to spiritual pursuits, often in a monastery. They typically have a shaved head and wear distinctive robes. For example: He decided to become a monk and live in the temple - (彼は坊主になり寺に住むことにした).

主観: "Subjectivity". The noun '主観 (しゅかん)' refers to the personal and individual perspective, opinion, or point of view of an individual. It describes the subjective experience or interpretation of something, as opposed to an objective or external perspective. This word is often used in discussions of philosophy, psychology, and the social sciences. For example: The report was written from the author's subjectivity - (レポートは著者の主観で書かれていた). The artist's subjective interpretation of the landscape - (その画家の風景に対する主観的な解釈)

地主: "Landlord". The Japanese noun '地主 (じぬし)' refers to a landlord, someone who owns property that they rent out to others. This term is commonly used to describe the owner of land, houses, or apartments that are rented to tenants. For example: The landlord raised the rent - (地主は家賃を値上げした). The wealthy landlord owns several properties - (金持ちの地主はいくつかの物件を所有している).

領主: "Lord". The Japanese word '領主 (りょうしゅ)' refers to a feudal lord or landowner who held authority over a specific territory or domain. In the feudal system of Japan, the '領主' was a powerful figure who controlled the land, people, and resources within their domain. They often had the right to collect taxes and administer justice. For example: The feudal lord governed his domain with strict policies - (領主は厳しい政策で領地を治めた).

主任: "Manager". The Japanese noun '主任 (しゅにん)' means 'manager'. This word refers to a person who is in charge of a particular department, team, or project. They are responsible for overseeing the work of a group of employees and making decisions related to the functioning of the department or team. For example: The manager held a meeting with his team - (主任は部下たちと会議を行った). She is the manager of the sales department - (彼女は営業部の主任です).

亭主: "Husband". The Japanese noun '亭主 (ていしゅ)' means 'husband'. This word refers to a man who is married and is considered the head of the household. It is a more formal and traditional term for a husband compared to other words like 'otto'. For example: My husband works late - (亭主が遅く仕事に戻ってくる). He is a good husband - (彼はいい亭主だ).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "す" is read as "su". The hiragana "し" is read as "shi". The hiragana "ぬ" is read as "nu". The hiragana "あ" is read as "a". The hiragana "る" is read as "ru". And The hiragana "じ" is read as "ji".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.