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What is the Kanji for "Record"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Record", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Record" is "".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Shiru".

Its onyomi reading is "Ki".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The kanji "己" means "Oneself" and can be read as "Ki", "Ko", and "Onore". And The kanji "言" means "Say" and can be read as "Gen", "I", "Gon", and "Koto".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Record".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Second Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N3 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

記す: "Record". The verb '記す (しるす)' means 'to record'. This verb is used to express the act of writing down, documenting, or registering information. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as record an event, a fact, or an observation. For example: He recorded the details in his notebook - (彼はノートに詳細を記した). They recorded the conversation - (彼らはその会話を記録した).

記録: "Record". The verbal noun '記録 (きろく)' means 'record'. It refers to the action of recording or documenting information, events, or data. This noun can be used to describe the act of keeping track of something, as well as the resulting record or documentation itself. For example: The athlete set a new record - (その選手は新記録を樹立した). I need to record the details of the meeting - (会議の詳細を記録する必要がある).

記事: "Article". The Japanese noun '記事 (きじ)' refers to a written article or piece of text, usually published in a newspaper, magazine, or online. Articles can cover a wide range of topics, from news and current events to opinion pieces and feature stories. For example: She wrote an interesting article about the new city park - (彼女は新しい都市公園についての興味深い記事を書きました).

記載: "Entry". The Japanese noun '記載 (きさい)' means 'entry'. This word refers to the act of recording, listing, or including information in a document, record, or other written material. It can be used in various contexts, such as filling out a form, writing an article, or compiling a report. For example: The application form requires detailed entries - (申請書には詳細な記載が必要です). Please make an entry for the new employee - (新入社員の記載をしてください).

記念日: "Anniversary". The Japanese noun '記念日 (きねんび)' means 'anniversary'. This word refers to a date that commemorates a significant event, such as a wedding, graduation, or the founding of a company or organization. It is often celebrated annually. For example: Today is my wedding anniversary - (今日は私の結婚記念日です). We celebrated the company's 50th anniversary - (会社の創立50周年を祝いました).

記者: "Reporter". The Japanese noun '記者 (きしゃ)' means 'reporter'. A reporter is a person whose job is to gather information about news and events and then write articles or broadcast news reports about them. Reporters play an important role in informing the public about what is happening in the world. For example: She is a talented reporter - (彼女は優秀な記者だ). The reporter interviewed the mayor - (記者が市長にインタビューした).

: "Record". The Japanese suffix '記 (き)' means 'record'. This suffix is commonly attached to nouns to form words that indicate a written or recorded account or documentation of something. For example: 日記 (にっき) - diary, record - (A diary/record of my daily life). 歴史記 (れきしき) - historical record - (A record of historical events).

日記: "Diary". The Japanese noun '日記 (にっき)' means 'diary'. A diary is a personal journal or log where one records daily events, thoughts, and experiences. It is a common practice in Japan to keep a '日記' to reflect on one's life and express oneself. For example: I wrote in my diary today - (今日私は日記に書きました). She kept a diary of her travels - (彼女は旅行の日記を付けていた).

記入: "Fill in". The verbal noun '記入 (きにゅう)' means 'to fill in'. This term refers to the action of writing information into a form, document or other type of field. It implies carefully and accurately inputting data as required. For example: Please fill in all the fields on the form - (フォームの全ての項目に記入してください). He carefully filled in the job application - (彼は就職申請書に丁寧に記入した).

暗記: "Memorize". The verbal noun '暗記 (あんき)' means 'to memorize'. This word refers to the act of committing information to memory through repetition or study. It can be used to describe the process of memorizing facts, formulas, or other material for academic or professional purposes. For example: I need to memorize the multiplication tables - (掛け算の表を暗記しなければなりません). She memorized all the vocabulary words - (彼女はすべての単語を暗記しました).

記憶: "Remember". The Japanese verbal noun '記憶 (きおく)' means 'to remember'. It refers to the ability to recall or recollect information, events, or experiences from the past. This word is commonly used in phrases like 'recall a memory' or 'have a good memory'. For example: I remember my first day of school - (私は小学校の初日のことを記憶している). She has a good memory - (彼女は良い記憶力がある).

上記: "Above". The noun '上記 (じょうき)' means 'above'. It is used to refer to something that was mentioned previously in a text or document. This word is commonly used in formal writing to indicate that the current item is related to or refers back to the item that was discussed earlier. For example: As mentioned above, sales increased by 10% last quarter - (上記の通り、前四半期の売上は10%増加した).

記念: "Commemoration". The verbal noun '記念 (きねん)' means 'commemoration'. It refers to an act of remembering or celebrating a special event or occasion. This word is commonly used when talking about commemorating important dates, achievements, or milestones. For example: We held a commemoration for the 50th anniversary of the company - (会社の設立50周年を記念した). The memorial service was a commemoration of his life - (彼の人生を記念する葬儀が行われた).

記号: "Symbol". The Japanese noun '記号 (きごう)' means 'symbol'. This word refers to a sign, character, or other visual representation that conveys a particular meaning or carries a specific purpose. Symbols are used to represent ideas, objects, or concepts in various contexts such as mathematics, logic, language, and communication. For example: The question mark is a symbol used to indicate a question - (疑問符は質問を表す記号です). That logo is a symbol of the company - (あのロゴマークはその会社の記号です).

記述: "Description". The verbal noun '記述 (きじゅつ)' means 'description'. It refers to the act of describing or explaining something in words, providing details about its characteristics, nature, or features. This term is commonly used in academic, technical, or formal contexts when writing about a subject or topic. For example: The paper provided a detailed description of the experimental process - (論文は実験過程の詳しい記述を提供した). The report included a description of the company's financial performance - (レポートには同社の財務実績の記述が含まれていた).

登記: "Registration". The noun '登記 (とうき)' refers to the official registration or recording of legal rights, titles, and claims to property. It is the process of formally recording ownership of land, buildings, vehicles, etc. with the appropriate government authorities. This is an important legal procedure to establish and protect one's property rights. For example: After buying the house, I had to complete the registration - (家を買った後、私は登記を完了しなければなりませんでした).

下記: "The following". The noun '下記 (かき)' means 'the following'. It is used to refer to a list, group or set of items that will be mentioned subsequently. It is commonly used in formal or written contexts, such as in business documents or academic papers, to introduce a list of points or items. For example: 下記の通りです - (It is as follows). Please see the following - (下記をご覧ください).

表記: "Notation". The Japanese noun '表記 (ひょうき)' refers to the way in which a word or phrase is written or expressed. It can include things like the choice of characters (kanji, hiragana, katakana), the spelling, the formatting, etc. '表記' is used to discuss how a particular word or term is represented in written language. For example: The correct notation for this word is... - (その言葉の正しい表記は...)

書記: "Clerk". The Japanese noun '書記 (しょき)' means 'clerk'. This noun refers to a person whose job is to record or keep track of information, such as a secretary or administrative assistant. They are often responsible for tasks like writing, filing, and organizing office documents. For example: The clerk helped me find the file I needed - (書記が必要なファイルを見つけるのに助けてくれた). The office has several clerks who manage the daily paperwork - (事務所には日々の書類処理を担当する書記がいく人かいる).

筆記試験: "Written exam". The Japanese noun '筆記試験 (ひっきしけん)' means 'written exam'. It refers to a test or examination where the candidates must write their answers by hand, rather than answering orally or through multiple choice. Written exams are commonly used in academic and professional settings to evaluate a person's knowledge and skills. For example: I have a written exam tomorrow - (明日は筆記試験があります). She passed the written exam with high scores - (彼女は筆記試験に合格し高得点を取りました).

筆記用具: "Writing utensil". The Japanese noun '筆記用具 (ひっきようぐ)' means 'writing utensil'. This refers to any tool or instrument used for writing, such as pens, pencils, markers, etc. It is a general term that encompasses all types of implements used for the purpose of writing. For example: The teacher provided the students with various writing utensils - (先生が生徒たちに筆記用具を準備してくれた). I packed my pencils and other writing utensils in my bag - (私は鉛筆やその他の筆記用具をかばんに入れた).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "き" is read as "ki". The hiragana "し" is read as "shi". And The hiragana "る" is read as "ru".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.