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What is the Kanji for "Show" and "Indicate"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Show" and "Indicate", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Show" and "Indicate" is "".

This kanji has 3 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Shime".

Its onyomi readings are "Ji" and "Shi".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The kanji "二" means "Two" and can be read as "Futa" and "Ni". And The kanji "小" means "Small" and can be read as "Chii", "Shou", and "Ko".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Show" and "Indicate".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Fifth Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N3 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

示す: "Show" or "Indicate". The Japanese verb '示す (しめす)' can mean 'to show' or 'to indicate'. It is often used to express that something is being presented, revealed, or pointed out. This verb can be used in a wide range of contexts, such as to show directions, express an idea, or demonstrate evidence. Example sentences: Please show me where the park is - (公園がどこにあるか示してください). The graph clearly indicates an upward trend - (このグラフは上昇傾向を示している).

表示: "Display". The noun '表示 (ひょうじ)' means 'display'. This term refers to the visual presentation of information on a screen, monitor, or other device. It can be used to describe the output of text, graphics, or multimedia content. For example: The display shows the time - (表示には時間が表示されます). The computer has a high-quality display - (このコンピューターには高品質な表示装置がある).

掲示板: "Bulletin board". The Japanese noun '掲示板 (けいじばん)' refers to a physical board or surface used to display announcements, notices, or other information. It is commonly found in public spaces such as schools, offices, or community centers, where people can post information that they want to share with others. For example: The new schedule is posted on the bulletin board - (新しい時間割は掲示板に掲示されています).

指示: "Instruction". The Japanese noun '指示 (しじ)' means 'instruction'. This word refers to a specific direction, command or order that is given to someone to perform a particular action or behave in a certain way. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts. For example: Follow the instructions - (指示に従う). The manager gave clear instructions - (上司が明確な指示を出した).

掲示: "Post". The verbal noun '掲示 (けいじ)' means 'to post'. This term refers to the act of publicly displaying or announcing information, such as putting up a notice or advertisement. It implies making something known to a wider audience. For example: The school posted the exam schedule - (学校は試験の日程を掲示した). The company posted a new job opening - (その会社は新しい求人を掲示した).

提示: "Proposal". The Japanese noun '提示 (ていじ)' means 'proposal'. This word refers to the act of presenting or putting forward a plan, idea, or suggestion for consideration. It can be used in various contexts, such as in business, academia, or politics, where someone suggests a course of action or a solution to a problem. For example: The company made a proposal to the board - (会社は取締役会に提示しました). The professor presented a research proposal - (教授は研究提案を提示しました).

展示: "Exhibition". The Japanese noun '展示 (てんじ)' means 'exhibition'. It refers to the public display of artworks, products, or other items for the purpose of showcasing, promoting, or educating people. Exhibitions can be held in various venues such as museums, art galleries, trade fairs, or even public spaces. For example: There is an art exhibition at the museum - (美術館で展示会が開かれています). The new product line will be showcased at the trade exhibition - (新製品ラインナップが見本市で展示されます).

開示: "Disclosure". The noun '開示 (かいじ)' means 'disclosure'. It refers to the act of making information or details publicly available or known, often in a formal or legal context. For example: The company was required to make a full disclosure of its financial records - (その会社は財務記録の完全な開示を行う必要があった). Disclosure of personal information is strictly regulated by law - (個人情報の開示は法律で厳しく規制されている).

示唆: "Hint". The Japanese noun '示唆 (しさ)' means 'hint'. It refers to a subtle suggestion or indication of something, without directly stating it. This word is often used when someone wants to provide a clue or guidance to another person, without being too explicit. For example: The teacher gave us a few hints about the upcoming exam - (先生は試験について少しだけ示唆してくれた). I got a hint that she is interested in me - (彼女が私に興味があるという示唆を感じた).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "じ" is read as "ji". The hiragana "し" is read as "shi". And The hiragana "め" is read as "me".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.