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What is the Kanji for "Meet"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Meet", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Meet" is "".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "A".

Its onyomi reading is "Kai".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 3 parts:

The kanji "人" means "Person" and can be read as "Jin", "Nin", "Hito", and "Ri". The kanji "二" means "Two" and can be read as "Futa" and "Ni". And The radical "厶" means "Private" .

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Meet".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Second Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N4 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

社会: "Society". The Japanese noun '社会 (しゃかい)' refers to a community of people living together and interacting with each other within a shared environment, such as a country, city, or other social group. It encompasses the social, economic, political, and cultural aspects that define a group of people. For example: She is an active member of society - (彼女は社会の活発な構成員です). The laws and norms of society - (社会の法律と規範).

会社: "Company". The Japanese noun '会社 (かいしゃ)' means 'company'. It refers to a business organization that provides goods or services and is owned by shareholders. Companies can range from small privately-owned enterprises to large publicly-traded corporations. For example: He works at a software company - (彼はソフトウェア会社に勤めている). I want to start my own company - (自分の会社を始めたい).

: "Meeting". The Japanese noun '会 (かい)' means 'meeting'. This word refers to a formal or informal gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as to discuss important matters, celebrate an occasion, or conduct business. It can be used to describe various types of meetings, from small group discussions to large-scale conferences. For example: The company held a meeting to discuss the new project - (会社は新しいプロジェクトについて会を開きました). I attended a meeting at the community center - (コミュニティセンターで会に出席しました).

会う: "Meet". The Japanese verb '会う (あう)' means 'to meet'. This verb is used to indicate that two or more people come together or encounter each other. It can be used in various contexts, such as meeting someone for the first time, meeting by chance, or arranging to meet someone. For example: I met my friend at the cafe - (私は友達とカフェで会った). Let's meet for lunch - (ランチで会いましょう).

会話: "Conversation". The Japanese verbal noun '会話 (かいわ)' means 'conversation'. This word refers to an exchange of spoken words between two or more people. It can be used to describe both casual and formal discussions. For example: We had a pleasant conversation - (私たちは楽しい会話をした). The conversation was very interesting - (その会話はとても興味深かった).

会議: "Meeting". The Japanese verbal noun '会議 (かいぎ)' means 'meeting'. This word refers to a formal gathering of people, often in a professional or official context, to discuss and make decisions on a particular topic or issue. 会議 can be used to describe meetings of all kinds, such as business meetings, committee meetings, or government meetings. For example: There will be an important meeting tomorrow - (明日、重要な会議があります). We had a productive meeting today - (今日は生産的な会議でした).

機会: "Opportunity". The Japanese noun '機会 (きかい)' means 'opportunity'. This word refers to a favorable time or situation that allows something to happen or be done. It can be used to describe chances, openings, or favorable moments that enable one to accomplish a goal or take advantage of a situation. For example: This is a great opportunity to learn a new skill - (これは新しいスキルを学ぶ良い機会です). I will seize the opportunity to apply for the job - (私はその仕事に応募する機会を掴むつもりです).

出会う: "Meet". The Japanese verb '出会う (であう)' means 'to meet'. This verb is used to describe the act of encountering or coming across someone or something, often unexpectedly. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as meeting a friend, encountering a stranger, or coming across an interesting opportunity. For example: I met my friend at the park - (公園で友達に出会った). We accidentally met on the street - (道で偶然出会った).

教会: "Church". The Japanese noun '教会 (きょうかい)' refers to a Christian place of worship. It is a building where Christians gather to pray, hold religious services, and engage in other religious activities. '教会' can be used to describe both the physical building itself as well as the religious community that meets there. For example: I went to the church on Sunday - (日曜日に教会に行った)。The old church in the town center is very beautiful - (町の中心にある古い教会はとてもきれいです).

会計: "Accounting". The noun '会計 (かいけい)' means 'accounting'. It refers to the process of recording, classifying, and summarizing financial transactions to provide information for business decisions. This includes activities such as bookkeeping, preparing financial statements, and auditing. For example: I work in accounting - (私は会計の仕事をしています). The company's annual accounting report - (会社の年間会計報告)。

議会: "Parliament". The Japanese noun '議会 (ぎかい)' refers to a legislative assembly or parliament, which is a governing body that represents the people and makes laws. It is typically composed of elected representatives. The '議会' is an important democratic institution in Japan and other countries. For example: The parliament passed a new law - (議会は新しい法律を可決しました). The members of parliament convened - (議会の議員が集まりました).

開会: "Open". The verbal noun '開会 (かいかい)' means 'to open' or 'to start a meeting/event'. It is used to refer to the act of formally beginning a meeting, ceremony, or other official gathering. For example: The conference will open at 10 a.m. - (会議は午前10時に開会します).

社会人: "Working adult". The Japanese noun '社会人 (しゃかいじん)' refers to a working adult, someone who is employed and participating in society. This term is used to distinguish people who have entered the workforce from students or those who are not yet employed. It carries connotations of maturity, responsibility and being a contributing member of society. For example: She became a working adult after graduating from university - (彼女は大学を卒業してから社会人になった).

国会: "Parliament". The Japanese noun '国会 (こっかい)' refers to the national parliament or legislature of Japan. It is the highest organ of state power and the sole law-making body in Japan. The '国会' is made up of a House of Representatives (lower house) and a House of Councilors (upper house). Members of the '国会' are elected through democratic elections. For example: The Diet (national parliament) convenes today - (国会は今日開会する).

会長: "Chairman". The Japanese noun '会長 (かいちょう)' refers to the chairman or president of an organization, company, association, or other group. This is the highest-ranking leadership position within the group. For example: The chairman of the company gave a speech - (会社の会長が演説をした). The chairman presided over the meeting - (会長が会議を主宰した).

協会: "Association". The Japanese noun '協会 (きょうかい)' refers to an organized association or society formed for a common purpose, such as a business, professional, or special interest group. It is often used to describe non-profit organizations that bring together individuals or companies with shared goals or interests. For example: The industry association held a meeting - (業界協会が会議を開いた). She is a member of the photography association - (彼女は写真協会のメンバーです).

運動会: "Sports festival". The Japanese noun '運動会 (うんどうかい)' refers to a sports festival or athletic event, usually held at schools. It is a day where students participate in various competitive sports and physical activities. これは毎年の学校の運動会です - (This is our school's annual sports festival).学校の運動会は楽しかった - (The school sports festival was fun).

会員: "Member". The Japanese noun '会員 (かいいん)' means 'member'. It refers to someone who belongs to a club, organization, or group. It can be used in contexts such as describing someone who is a member of a professional association, a sports club, or a community group. For example: She is a member of the local book club - (彼女は地元の本の会の会員です). I signed up to become a member of the gym - (私はジムの会員になりました).

社会科学: "Social science". The Japanese term '社会科学 (しゃかいかがく)' refers to the academic disciplines that study human society and social relationships. This includes fields such as economics, political science, sociology, anthropology, and psychology. Social sciences aim to understand how societies function and evolve, and to address social issues. For example: My major is social science - (私の専攻は社会科学です).

大会: "Tournament" or "Championship". The Japanese noun '大会 (たいかい)' refers to a large-scale competitive event or tournament, such as a sports championship, academic competition, or other type of major contest. It implies a significant, high-level competition. For example: The Olympics is a famous international sports 大会 - (オリンピックは有名な国際的なスポーツ大会です). The school held a 大会 for the math club - (学校は数学部のための大会を開催しました).

委員会: "Committee". The Japanese noun '委員会 (いいんかい)' refers to a group of people who are appointed or elected to perform a function, such as investigating, advising, or governing. Committees are commonly found in organizations, businesses, and governments. They are responsible for making decisions, providing recommendations, and overseeing specific tasks or projects. For example: The student council is an important committee at our school - (学生会は私たちの学校の重要な委員会です). The company formed a new committee to review the budget - (会社は新しい委員会を作って予算を確認することにしました).

出会い: "Encounter". The Japanese noun '出会い (であい)' means 'encounter'. This word refers to an unexpected or chance meeting or interaction with another person. It can describe a brief interaction or a more significant life-changing event. For example: They had an unexpected encounter on the street - (彼らは通りでたまたま出会った). The chance encounter led to a new friendship - (たまたまの出会いで新しい友情が生まれた).

会場: "Venue". The Japanese noun '会場 (かいじょう)' means 'venue'. It refers to the place where an event, conference, meeting, or other activity takes place. It can be used to describe both indoor and outdoor locations. For example: The concert is held at the venue - (コンサートは会場で行われます). The venue for the wedding is very nice - (結婚式の会場がとてもきれいです).

学会: "Association" or "Conference". The Japanese word '学会 (がっかい)' refers to either an academic or professional association, organization, or society, or a conference, symposium, or meeting held by such an organization. It is commonly used to describe scholarly, scientific, or business-related groups that hold regular meetings or events. For example: I attended the annual conference of the medical association - (私は医学会の年次大会に出席しました). The academic association held a symposium last weekend - (学会は先週末にシンポジウムを開催しました).

再会: "Reunion". The Japanese verbal noun '再会 (さいかい)' means 'reunion'. It refers to the act of meeting someone again after a period of separation or absence. This word is often used when two people who have not seen each other for some time come together again. For example: We had a wonderful reunion after 5 years - (5年ぶりの再会でとてもよかった). The reunion filled me with joy - (再会に心が喜んだ).

司会: "Emcee". The Japanese verbal noun '司会 (しかい)' means 'emcee'. This word refers to the person who hosts or moderates an event, such as a conference, ceremony, or television program. The emcee introduces speakers, keeps the event flowing, and ensures everything runs smoothly. For example: The emcee welcomed the guests - (司会者が来賓を歓迎した). The conference emcee did a great job - (学会の司会者は素晴らしい仕事をした).

総会: "General meeting". The Japanese noun '総会 (そうかい)' refers to a 'general meeting', typically of the members of an organization or company. This meeting is held regularly, often once a year, to discuss and decide on important matters such as budgets, policies, and the election of officers. '総会' is an important event in the life of an organization, where all stakeholders come together to collectively make decisions. For example: The annual general meeting will be held next month - (年次総会は来月開催されます).

集会: "Gathering". The Japanese noun '集会 (しゅうかい)' refers to a public gathering or assembly of people, often for a specific purpose such as a political rally, a community event, or a protest. This word suggests a deliberate coming together of a group of individuals. For example: The workers held a gathering to discuss the labor issues - (労働者は労働問題を話し合うため集会を開いた). The students organized a gathering to advocate for environmental protection - (学生たちは環境保護を訴えるため集会を企画した).

都会: "City". The Japanese noun '都会 (とかい)' means 'city'. This word refers to a large, densely populated urban area with a variety of commercial, cultural, and administrative activities. It is typically contrasted with rural or suburban areas. For example: I live in the city - (私は都会に住んでいます). The hustle and bustle of the city - (都会の喧騒)

閉会: "Close" or "Adjourn". The Japanese verbal noun '閉会 (へいかい)' means 'close' or 'adjourn'. It is used to refer to the conclusion or end of a meeting, session, or event. For example: The conference was adjourned - (会議は閉会した). The ceremony closed - (式は閉会した).

忘年会: "Year-end party". The Japanese noun '忘年会 (ぼうねんかい)' refers to a year-end party or gathering that is typically held in December before the new year. These parties are a common tradition in Japanese workplaces and social groups, where people come together to reflect on the past year and celebrate the upcoming new year. They often involve food, drinks, and various activities. For example: We had a great time at the year-end party - (忘年会でとてもよい時間を過ごしました).

送別会: "Farewell party". The Japanese noun '送別会 (そうべつかい)' refers to a farewell party or gathering held to bid farewell to someone who is departing, such as an employee leaving a company or a friend moving away. It is a social event where people come together to express their appreciation, well-wishes, and say goodbye to the person. For example: They held a farewell party for the manager who is retiring - (課長の退職に際して送別会が開かれた).

会見: "Meeting". The Japanese noun '会見 (かいけん)' means 'meeting'. This word refers to a formal gathering, usually between public figures or representatives of organizations, to discuss or announce something. 会見s often involve interactions with the press and media. For example: The president gave a press conference - (大統領は会見を行った). The minister held a meeting with the reporters - (大臣は記者団と会見した).

展覧会: "Exhibition". The Japanese noun '展覧会 (てんらんかい)' means 'exhibition'. It refers to a public display of art, historical items, or other interesting objects. Exhibitions are often held in museums, galleries, or other dedicated spaces. For example: The museum is holding a special exhibition on ancient artifacts - (その美術館では、古代の遺物の特別展覧会が開催されています。)

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "あ" is read as "a". The hiragana "か" is read as "ka". And The hiragana "い" is read as "i".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.