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What is the Kanji for "Direction"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Direction", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Direction" is "".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Kata".

Its onyomi reading is "Hou".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The radical "丶" means "Dot" . And The kanji "万" means "Ten thousand" and can be read as "Ban" and "Man".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Direction".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Second Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N4 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

: "Way" or "Direction". The Japanese noun '方 (ほう)' has two main meanings. The first meaning is 'way', referring to a particular method, approach, or manner of doing something. For example: What is the best way to do this? - (これをどのようにするのが一番いいですか)。The second meaning is 'direction', referring to a specific orientation or side. For example: Which direction is the station? - (駅はどちらの方ですか)。'方' is a very versatile and common word in Japanese that can be used in many different contexts.

貴方: "You". The Japanese pronoun '貴方 (あなた)' means 'you'. This pronoun is used to refer to the person being addressed. It is a polite and formal way of saying 'you' and is considered more respectful than the more casual pronoun 'あなた'. This pronoun is often used in business settings, formal conversations, or when speaking to elders. For example: 貴方はどうですか? (How are you?), 貴方のご意見を伺いたいです。(I would like to hear your opinion).

方法: "Method". The noun '方法 (ほうほう)' refers to a specific procedure, technique or way of doing something. It describes the steps or approach taken to achieve a particular goal or outcome. This word can be used in various contexts, from academic and professional settings to everyday life. For example: The best method for solving this problem is... - (この問題を解決するための最良の方法は...); I will use a different method next time. - (次はほかの方法を使います).

何方: "Which". The pronoun '何方 (どちら)' means 'which'. It is used to inquire about a choice or selection between two or more options. It can be used to ask about people, places, or things. For example: Which one do you prefer? - (どちらが好きですか). Which way should we go? - (どちらに行けばいいですか).

一方: "Other side" or "One side". The noun '一方 (いっぽう)' has two main meanings. Firstly, it can mean 'the other side' or 'the opposite side'. For example: On the other hand - (一方では). Secondly, it can mean 'one side' or 'one part'. For example: On one side, the data shows... - (一方のデータは...)。The word is often used to contrast or compare two different perspectives or situations.

地方: "Region". The Japanese noun '地方 (ちほう)' means 'region'. This word refers to an area within a country that has distinct characteristics or is located away from the main population centers. It is often used to distinguish rural or provincial areas from major cities and metropolitan areas. For example: He is from the Kansai region - (彼は関西地方出身です). The rural regions of Japan - (日本の地方地域)

言い方: "Way of speaking". The noun '言い方 (いいかた)' refers to the manner, style, or approach in which one expresses themselves verbally. It describes the specific words, tone, and phrasing a person uses when communicating. For example: His way of speaking is very polite - (彼の言い方はとてもていねいです). She has a direct way of speaking - (彼女の言い方はすぐさま)

読み方: "Reading". The noun '読み方 (よみかた)' refers to the way a word or character is pronounced. It includes the specific sounds, stress, and intonation used to read or pronounce something written in Japanese. For example: The reading of this kanji is 'kawa' - (この漢字の読み方は'かわ'です). Do you know the reading of this word? - (この言葉の読み方を知っていますか?)

書き方: "Writing". The Japanese noun '書き方 (かきかた)' means 'writing'. This noun refers to the way or method of writing something down, either by hand or using a computer. It can describe the technique, style, or format used when putting words onto paper or a digital document. For example: The correct writing style - (正しい書き方). What is the proper writing method? - (書き方はどうすればいいですか?)

方向: "Direction". The noun '方向 (ほうこう)' refers to the course, bearing, orientation or heading of something. It indicates the position, way or path something is facing or moving towards. For example: Which direction do you want to go? - (どちらの方向に行きたいですか?). Go in the right direction - (正しい方向に行く).

仕方: "Way". The Japanese noun '仕方 (しかた)' means 'way'. It refers to a method, manner, or procedure for doing something. It can be used to describe how something is done or a course of action. For example: There is no other way - (仕方がない). What should I do? - (どうしましょうか)

方式: "Method". The noun '方式 (ほうしき)' refers to a particular way of doing or accomplishing something. It describes the specific approach, plan or procedure used to carry out an action or achieve a goal. For example: This new method is very efficient - (この新しい方式はとてもefficient).

方針: "Policy". The noun '方針 (ほうしん)' means 'policy'. It refers to a course of action or principle of management adopted or proposed by an organization or individual. It is used to guide and determine present and future decisions and actions. For example: The company's new policy is to reduce emissions - (その会社の新しい方針は排出量を削減することです). The government's policy on healthcare - (政府の医療政策)

明け方: "Dawn". The noun '明け方 (あけがた)' refers to the period just before sunrise, when the sky begins to grow lighter. It describes the transitional time between night and day, right as the sun is rising over the horizon. This time of day is often associated with tranquility and new beginnings. For example: The birds were singing at the dawn - (鳥たちが明け方に歌っていた). She woke up just before dawn - (彼女は明け方ごろ目覚めた).

両方: "Both". The noun '両方 (りょうほう)' means 'both'. It is used to indicate that two specific things are included. For example: I want both apples - (りょうほうのりんごがほしい). Both of them came to the party - (りょうほうが party に来ました).

生き方: "Way of life". The Japanese noun '生き方 (いきかた)' refers to one's way of living, approach to life, or lifestyle. It encompasses the values, principles, and choices that guide an individual's daily existence and long-term pursuits. This term emphasizes the intentional and thoughtful nature of how one chooses to live, rather than simply one's daily routine. For example: She has a unique way of life - (彼女は生き方が特別だ). Finding your own way of life is important - (自分なりの生き方を見つけることは大切だ).

仕方無い: "Unavoidable" or "Helpless". The Japanese adjective '仕方無い (しかたない)' can mean 'unavoidable' or 'helpless'. It is used to describe a situation or circumstance that is out of one's control or that there is nothing that can be done about. For example: I couldn't help it, it was unavoidable - (仕方がなかった、仕方がないことでした). I was helpless to change the situation - (仕方がなかったので、何もできませんでした).

夕方: "Evening". The Japanese noun '夕方 (ゆうがた)' means 'evening'. This word refers to the time of day that is between afternoon and night, typically the hours between around 5pm to 7pm. It is commonly used to describe the general period or timeframe rather than a specific time. For example: I usually eat dinner in the evening - (私は通常夕方に夕食を食べます). Let's meet in the evening - (夕方に会いましょう).

彼方: "Yonder". The Japanese pronoun '彼方 (かなた)' means 'yonder'. It is used to refer to a distant or remote place, beyond a certain point. It conveys a sense of distance and remoteness. For example: Yonder mountains - (彼方の山々). The ship sailed off into the yonder - (船は彼方へと航海していった).

方面: "Direction". The noun '方面 (ほうめん)' refers to a specific direction or orientation. It can be used to describe the compass direction (north, south, east, west) or a general direction in space. For example: Which direction are you going? - (どちらの方面に行きますか). I'm heading in that direction - (あの方面に行きます).

方々: "Way". The noun '方々 (かたがた)' means 'way'. This word refers to a direction or manner in which something is done or occurs. It is often used in formal or polite contexts to mean 'in various ways' or 'in various directions'. For example: In various directions - (あちこちの方々). I've been that way before - (あの方々へ行ったことがあります).

正方形: "Square". The noun '正方形 (せいほうけい)' refers to a geometric shape that has four equal sides and four right angles. It is a type of quadrilateral. This shape is commonly found in everyday objects and architectural designs. For example: The table has a square shape - (テーブルは正方形の形をしている). The window is a perfect square - (その窓は正方形にできている).

他方: "The other side". The noun '他方 (たほう)' means 'the other side'. This word is used to refer to the opposite or contrasting side of something. It is often used to provide balance or contrast when discussing different aspects or perspectives on a topic. For example: On the other hand, the other side argues that... - (他方では、反対側の意見は...)

味方: "Ally". The Japanese noun '味方 (みかた)' means 'ally'. This word refers to a person or group that supports or helps another person or group, typically in a conflict or competition. It can also be used more broadly to describe someone who is on your side or who supports your cause. For example: My team has many powerful allies - (私のチームには多くの強力な味方がいる). She is a loyal ally - (彼女は忠実な味方だ).

前方: "Front". The Japanese noun '前方 (ぜんぽう)' means 'front'. This noun refers to the area or direction in front of something. It can be used to describe the space or location directly ahead of a person or object. For example: I looked to the front - (前方を見た). They are walking in the front - (前方を歩いている).

双方: "Both" or "Mutual". The Japanese noun '双方 (そうほう)' refers to 'both' sides or parties involved in a situation. It indicates that two things or people are being considered or addressed together. For example: Both sides agreed to the terms - (双方がその条件に同意した). This noun can also imply a sense of mutual or reciprocal relationship or interaction between two parties. For instance: The mutual understanding between them was strong - (双方の理解は強かった).

行方: "Whereabouts". The noun '行方 (ゆくえ)' means 'whereabouts'. It refers to the current location or the direction in which someone or something is moving. This term is often used when the specific location of a person or object is unknown or uncertain. For example: I don't know the whereabouts of my wallet - (私のお財布の行方がわかりません). The whereabouts of the missing child are still unknown - (行方不明の子供の行方はまだわかっていません).

方言: "Dialect". The Japanese noun '方言 (ほうげん)' refers to a form of a language that is specific to a particular region, socioeconomic class, or other social group. Dialects often have their own unique vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation that differ from the standard form of the language. For example: The Kansai dialect is quite different from the Tokyo dialect - (関西弁はとうきょうだいissフはかなり違う). The local dialect in this area is very strong - (この地域の方言はとても強い).

やり方: "Way". The noun 'やり方 (やりかた)' means 'way'. It refers to a method, approach or manner of doing something. This word can be used to describe how a task or activity is carried out. For example: What is the best way to do this? - (この仕事をするのにベストな方法は何ですか?). She has a unique way of solving problems - (彼女は問題を解決する独特の方法がある).

目方: "Weight". The Japanese noun '目方 (めかた)' means 'weight'. This word refers to the heaviness or mass of an object, typically measured in units such as kilograms or grams. It is commonly used when discussing the weight of items, for example: This book has a weight of 500 grams - (この本の目方は500グラムです).

長方形: "Rectangle". The Japanese noun '長方形 (ちょうほうけい)' refers to a geometric shape that is a rectangle. A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles and two pairs of parallel sides of different lengths. This word is commonly used to describe rectangular objects, structures, or areas. For example: The window is a rectangle - (その窓は長方形です). The room is a perfect rectangle - (その部屋は完全な長方形です).

方角: "Direction". The noun '方角 (ほうがく)' refers to a cardinal direction or orientation. It can be used to specify the north, south, east, or west, or any intermediate direction such as northeast or southwest. For example: Which direction is the park? - (公園はどの方角にありますか). My house is in the southern direction - (私の家は南の方角にあります).

処方: "Prescription". The Japanese noun '処方 (しょほう)' means 'prescription'. It refers to the written order from a medical professional, such as a doctor or pharmacist, that specifies the medication and instructions for a patient to take. For example: The doctor gave me a prescription for the medication - (医者は薬の処方箋を書いてくれた). I need to take this prescription to the pharmacy - (この処方箋を薬局に持っていく必要がある).

平方: "Square". The Japanese noun '平方 (へいほう)' means 'square'. It refers to a geometric shape with four equal sides and four right angles. This word is commonly used to express measurements and areas, such as in 'square meters' or 'square feet'. For example: The room is 20 square meters - (この部屋は20平方メートルです). The area of the garden is 100 square feet - (庭の面積は100平方フィートです).

片方: "One". The noun '片方 (かたほう)' means 'one'. It refers to a single item or part out of a pair or set. This word is often used to describe one of two matching or similar things, such as one shoe, one glove, or one of a pair of chopsticks. For example: I only bought one shoe - (靴の片方しか買いませんでした). He wore only one glove - (彼は片方の手袋しか着けていませんでした).

四方: "Four sides". The noun '四方 (しほう)' means 'four sides'. It refers to the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) and can be used to describe something that is surrounding or encompassing on all sides. For example: The castle was surrounded on all four sides - (城は四方から囲まれていた). The landscape stretched out in all four directions - (景色は四方に広がっていた).

後方: "Rear". The noun '後方 (こうほう)' means 'rear'. This word refers to the back or the direction behind something. It can be used to describe the back part or area of an object, place, or movement. For example: The enemy is approaching from the rear - (敵は後方から接近している). Please look behind you - (後方を見てください).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "ほ" is read as "ho". The hiragana "う" is read as "u". The hiragana "か" is read as "ka". And The hiragana "た" is read as "ta".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.