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What is the Kanji for "Correct"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Correct", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Correct" is "".

This kanji has 4 readings:

Its kunyomi readings are "Masa" and "Tada".

Its onyomi readings are "Shou" and "Sei".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The kanji "一" means "One" and can be read as "Ichi", "Itsu", and "Hito". And The kanji "止" means "Stop" and can be read as "Ya", "Shi", and "To".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Correct".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in First Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N4 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

正しい: "Correct". The Japanese adjective '正しい (ただしい)' means 'correct'. This adjective is used to describe something that is accurate, proper, or right. It can be applied to facts, actions, opinions, and more. For example: The answer is correct - (答えは正しい). He is following the correct procedure - (彼は正しい手順に従っている).

正に: "Exactly" or "Precisely". The adverb '正に (まさに)' means 'exactly' or 'precisely'. It is used to emphasize that something is completely or entirely true, as in: He arrived exactly at 6pm - (彼は正に午後6時に到着した). This word can also be used to convey that something is the perfect example or quintessential embodiment of something, as in: That's precisely the problem I was talking about - (それが正にわたしが話していた問題です).

正確: "Accuracy". The Japanese adjectival noun '正確 (せいかく)' means 'accuracy'. It refers to the quality of being exact, precise, or free from error. This word is often used to describe the degree to which something conforms to a standard or truth. For example: The machine's measurements are highly accurate - (その機械の計測値は非常に正確です). We need to ensure the data is accurate - (データが正確であることを確認する必要がある)

正直: "Honesty" or "Truthfulness". The adjectival noun '正直 (しょうじき)' means 'honesty' or 'truthfulness'. It refers to the quality of being honest, sincere, and straightforward in one's dealings with others. This word is highly valued in Japanese culture and is often seen as a desirable trait. For example: He is known for his honesty - (彼は正直として知られている). I will give you an honest answer - (正直に言うと)

正面: "Front". The Japanese noun '正面 (しょうめん)' refers to the front or forward facing part of something. It is commonly used to describe the main or principal side of a building, object, or person. For example: The front of the house - (家の正面), Please face the front - (正面を向いてください).

: "Correctness". The noun '正 (せい)' means 'correctness'. It refers to the state of being correct, accurate, or proper. This word is often used to describe things that adhere to rules, standards, or expectations. For example: The answer is correct - (答えが正しい). Proper manners - (正しい振る舞い)

正月: "New Year". The Japanese noun '正月 (しょうがつ)' refers to the New Year holiday period in Japan. It encompasses the first few days of January, including January 1st, which is the most important day. During this time, people celebrate the arrival of the new year with traditional customs, decorations, special foods, and gatherings with family. For example: We celebrate New Year's in January - (正月に新年を祝います).

正式: "Official". The adjectival noun '正式 (せいしき)' means 'official'. It is used to describe something that is recognized as proper, authorized, or in accordance with established rules, procedures, or protocol. For example: The official document - (正式な書類). This is the official version - (これが正式なバージョンです).

正午: "Noon". The Japanese noun '正午 (しょうご)' refers to the time of the day when the sun is directly overhead, usually around 12:00 pm. It is the middle of the day and the highest point of the sun in the sky. For example: The meeting is scheduled for noon - (会議は正午に行われます). At noon, the sun was high in the sky - (正午には太陽が空高く輝いていました).

正門: "Main gate". The Japanese noun '正門 (せいもん)' refers to the main entrance or gate of a building, facility, or property. It is the primary access point and is often larger or more elaborate in design compared to secondary entrances. For example: The university's main gate is closed on weekends - (大学の正門は週末閉まっています). The shrine has a beautiful main gate - (神社の正門は美しい).

正解: "Correct". The Japanese verbal noun '正解 (せいかい)' means 'correct' and refers to a correct answer or solution. It is used to describe something that is accurate, right, or true. For example: That's the correct answer - (それが正解です). The correct solution is... - (正解は...)

正方形: "Square". The noun '正方形 (せいほうけい)' refers to a geometric shape that has four equal sides and four right angles. It is a type of quadrilateral. This shape is commonly found in everyday objects and architectural designs. For example: The table has a square shape - (テーブルは正方形の形をしている). The window is a perfect square - (その窓は正方形にできている).

正座: "Kneel". The Japanese verbal noun '正座 (せいざ)' means 'to kneel'. This is a traditional form of sitting where one kneels with their legs folded underneath them, typically with the buttocks resting on the heels. This is seen as a polite and respectful way of sitting, especially when meeting with elders or in formal occasions. For example: He kneeled in the traditional way - (彼は正座した). I asked them to正座 during the ceremony - (私はその儀式で彼らに正座するよう求めた).

正当: "Justification". The Japanese word '正当 (せいとう)' is an adjectival noun that means 'justification'. It refers to the act of justifying or providing a valid reason for one's actions or beliefs. This word is often used in legal and ethical contexts to discuss the legitimacy or reasonableness of a particular course of action. For example: His actions were not justification for the punishment - (彼の行動は罰せられるべき正当な理由とはいえなかった). The company provided justification for the layoffs - (会社は人員削減の正当な理由を示した).

正常: "Normal". The Japanese adjectival noun '正常 (せいじょう)' means 'normal'. This word is used to describe something that is typical, regular, or functioning as it should. It can be applied to physical states, mental states, or even social situations. For example: That's the normal process - (これが正常な過程です). Her mental state is normal - (彼女の精神状態は正常です).

改正: "Revision". The Japanese verbal noun '改正 (かいせい)' means 'revision'. This term is used to refer to the act of revising or modifying something, such as a law, regulation, or policy. It implies making changes or improvements to something that already exists. For example: The government made a revision to the tax law - (政府は税法を改正した). They are in the process of revising the school curriculum - (彼らは学校のカリキュラムを改正中です).

修正: "Correction" or "Edit". The Japanese verbal noun '修正 (しゅうせい)' means 'correction' or 'edit'. It refers to the act of making changes or improvements to something, usually to fix errors or improve the quality. This word can be used in a variety of contexts, such as correcting a document, editing an article, or adjusting a design. For example: I need to make a correction to my essay - (私は私のエッセイを修正する必要があります). The architect will edit the building plans - (建築家は建築計画を修正します).

正義: "Justice". The Japanese noun '正義 (せいぎ)' means 'justice'. This word refers to the concept of fairness, rightness, and moral correctness. It can describe the pursuit of what is right and lawful, as well as the punishment of wrongdoing. '正義' is an important moral and philosophical idea in Japanese culture. For example: To fight for justice - (正義のために戦う). The sense of justice - (正義感)

公正: "Fairness". The Japanese noun '公正 (こうせい)' means 'fairness'. It refers to the quality of being just, impartial, and reasonable in the way people are treated. This word is often used to describe the fair and equitable treatment of people under the law or in a given situation. For example: We must ensure public policies uphold fairness - (私たちは公共政策が公正であることを確実にしなければなりません). The judge acted with fairness in his rulings - (裁判官は判決で公正に行動した).

適正: "Appropriateness". The adjectival noun '適正 (てきせい)' refers to the quality or state of being appropriate, suitable, or fitting. It suggests that something is well-suited, proper, or meets the necessary requirements for a particular situation or purpose. For example: The project has the necessary appropriateness to achieve the desired goals - (このプロジェクトは目的を達成するための適正を備えている). The company hired candidates with the appropriate qualifications - (その会社は適正な資格を持つ候補者を採用した).

正しく: "Correctly". The adverb '正しく (まさしく)' means 'correctly'. It is used to describe an action or state that is done properly, accurately or the right way. It can emphasize that something is exactly or precisely the case. For example: He solved the problem correctly - (彼は問題を正しく解いた). This is precisely the right answer - (これは正しく答えだ).

不正: "Unfair" or "Improper". The adjectival noun '不正 (ふせい)' means 'unfair' or 'improper'. It describes something that goes against principles of justice, fairness, or ethics. It can be used to criticize actions, decisions, or situations that are unjust or inappropriate. For example: His actions were completely unfair - (彼の行動は完全に不正だった). The company engaged in improper business practices - (その会社は不正な事業慣行に関与していた).

正体: "True form". The Japanese noun '正体 (しょうたい)' refers to a person or thing's true identity, nature or essence. It suggests the actual, real or underlying nature of something, which may be hidden or disguised. For example: I want to know your true form - (あなたの正体を知りたい). The criminal's true form was revealed - (犯人の正体が明らかになった).

訂正: "Correction". The verbal noun '訂正 (ていせい)' means 'correction'. This term refers to the act of changing or modifying something to make it more accurate or correct. It is often used in the context of fixing errors, mistakes or inaccuracies. For example: I will make a correction to my essay - (私は私のエッセイを訂正します). The teacher made a correction on the student's paper - (先生は生徒の論文に訂正を施しました).

正規: "Regular". The noun '正規 (せいき)' means 'regular'. It refers to something that is normal, standard, or official. It can be used to describe positions, procedures, or documents that follow established rules and guidelines. For example: Regular employee - (正規社員). She has a regular job - (彼女は正規の仕事をしている).

正す: "Correct" or "Fix". The Japanese verb '正す (ただす)' means 'to correct' or 'to fix'. This verb is used when making a change to something in order to make it right or accurate. It can be used to fix errors, mistakes or problems. For example: I will correct my essay - (私は私の論文を正します). Please fix this problem - (この問題を正してください).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "ま" is read as "ma". The hiragana "さ" is read as "sa". The hiragana "し" is read as "shi". The hiragana "う" is read as "u". The hiragana "せ" is read as "se". The hiragana "い" is read as "i". The hiragana "た" is read as "ta". And The hiragana "だ" is read as "da".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.