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What is the Kanji for "Minute" and "Part"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Minute" and "Part", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Minute" and "Part" is "".

This kanji has 3 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Wa".

Its onyomi readings are "Bun" and "Fun".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The kanji "八" means "Eight" and can be read as "Yo", "Ya", and "Hachi". And The kanji "刀" means "Sword" and can be read as "Chi", "Tou", and "Katana".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Minute" and "Part".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Second Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

自分: "Self". The Japanese noun '自分 (じぶん)' means 'self'. It is used to refer to oneself, the speaker, or the subject of a sentence. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as expressing one's own opinion, describing one's own actions, or referring to oneself in the third person. For example: I went to the store - (自分は店に行きました). She thinks only about herself - (彼女は自分のことばかり考えています).

分かる: "Understand". The Japanese verb '分かる (わかる)' means 'to understand'. This verb is used to express that you comprehend or grasp the meaning or essence of something. It can be used to indicate that you have gained knowledge or insight about a particular topic or situation. For example: I understand - (分かりました). I understand what you mean - (あなたの言っていることが分かります).

部分: "Part". The Japanese noun '部分 (ぶぶん)' refers to a portion, section or subdivision of something. It can be used to describe a specific component or segment of a whole. For example: The best part of the book was the last chapter - (本の中で一番良かった部分は最後の章だった). This part of the city is very crowded - (この部分の町はとても混雑している).

: "Part". The Japanese noun '分 (ぶん)' means 'part'. This word is used to refer to a portion or segment of something. It can be used to describe parts of a whole, such as fractions or percentages. For example: One part of the cake - (ケーキの一分). Three parts sugar, one part flour - (砂糖が三分、小麦粉が一分).

十分: "Enough" or "Sufficient". The word '十分 (じゅゅうぶん)' means 'enough' or 'sufficient'. It is used as both an adjective and a noun in Japanese. As an adjective, it indicates that the amount or degree of something is adequate or satisfactory. For example: I have had enough rest - (私は十分な休憩をとりました). As a noun, it refers to an adequate or sufficient amount. For example: I don't have enough time - (時間が十分ではありません).

多分: "Probably". The adverb '多分 (たぶん)' means 'probably'. It is used to express uncertainty or lack of complete confidence about something. It indicates that the speaker believes something is likely to be true, but is not entirely sure. For example: I will probably go to the park later - (多分、あとで公園に行くでしょう). She's probably at home right now - (多分、今、家にいるだろう).

気分: "Mood". The noun '気分 (きぶん)' means 'mood'. It refers to a person's current psychological state or emotional disposition. It can range from positive feelings like happiness and excitement, to negative feelings like sadness and irritation. '気分' is often used to express how one is currently feeling. Examples: I'm in a good mood today - (今日は気分がいい). Her mood was sour after the argument - (議論の後、彼女の気分は悪かった).

半分: "Half". The noun '半分 (はんぶん)' means 'half'. It refers to one of two equal parts of something. This word is commonly used to express that something has been divided into two identical portions. For example: I'll eat half the cake - (ケーキの半分を食べる). Give me half of your fries - (フライドポテトの半分をください).

分野: "Field". The Japanese noun '分野 (ぶんや)' refers to a specific area of study, work, or activity. It is used to describe a particular subject, discipline, or domain. For example: My field of study is economics - (私の専攻は経済学です). She works in the medical field - (彼女は医療分野で働いています).

分ける: "Divide". The Japanese verb '分ける (わける)' means 'to divide'. It is used to refer to the action of separating something into two or more parts. It can be used in both concrete and abstract contexts, such as dividing a cake into slices or dividing responsibilities among a group. For example: I divided the cake into six pieces - (私はケーキを6つに分けた). Let's divide the work evenly - (仕事を均等に分けましょう).

随分: "Very" or "Quite". The adverb '随分 (ずいぶん)' means 'very' or 'quite'. It is used to emphasize the degree or intensity of an adjective or adverb. For example: That's very expensive - (あれはずいぶん高い). It was quite cold outside - (外はずいぶん寒かった).

処分: "Disposal". The Japanese noun '処分 (しょぶん)' means 'disposal'. It refers to the act of getting rid of or discarding something, often in an organized and intentional way. This word is commonly used in the context of waste management, clearing out possessions, or dealing with unwanted items. For example: He needs to dispose of the broken furniture - (彼は壊れた家具を処分しなければなりません). The company needs to find a way to properly dispose of the hazardous waste - (その会社は有害廃棄物を適切に処分する方法を見つける必要があります).

一部分: "Part". The noun '一部分 (いちぶぶん)' refers to a particular section, portion, or segment of something larger. It can be used to describe a component or fraction of a whole. For example: This is just a part of the problem - (これはその問題の一部分です). The book has many parts - (その本にはいくつかの一部分がある).

春分: "Equinox". The Japanese noun '春分 (しゅんぶん)' refers to the equinox, which is one of the two points during the year when the length of day and night are equal. The spring equinox occurs around March 21st in the northern hemisphere. For example: The spring equinox is on March 21st - (春分は3月21日です).

秋分: "Autumn equinox". The noun '秋分 (しゅうぶん)' refers to the autumn equinox, which is one of the 24 solar terms in the traditional East Asian calendar. It marks the time when the sun is directly above the equator and the day and night are of equal length. The autumn equinox is an important cultural and religious event in East Asia, celebrated as a national holiday in countries like Japan and China. For example: The autumn equinox is in September - (秋分は9月にあります).

区分: "Division". The Japanese verbal noun '区分 (くぶん)' means 'division'. It refers to the act of separating or categorizing something into distinct parts or sections. This word is commonly used in contexts related to organizing, classifying, or grouping items, concepts, or data. For example: The company made a division of the departments - (会社は部門を区分した). The book is divided into three sections - (その本は3つの区分に分かれている).

分かれる: "Split" or "Separate". The Japanese verb '分かれる (わかれる)' means 'to split' or 'to separate'. This verb is used to describe something or someone dividing, branching off, or going in different directions. It can be used for physical objects, such as a road that divides into two paths, or more abstract concepts, like a group of people going their separate ways. For example: The road splits into two directions - (道が二つに分かれています). After the party, the guests all went their separate ways - (パーティー後、ゲストたちはそれぞれ分かれて帰りました).

身分: "Status". The Japanese noun '身分 (みぶん)' means 'status'. It refers to a person's standing, rank, or position in society. This word is often used to describe one's social, professional, or legal standing. For example: His high status in the company - (その会社での彼の高い身分). She comes from a family of high social status - (彼女は高い社会的地位の家庭から来ている).

取り分け: "Especially". The adverb '取り分け (とりわけ)' means 'especially'. It is used to emphasize or highlight a particular point or aspect of something. This adverb is often used to draw attention to a specific item or detail within a larger context. For example: I like chocolate cake, but I especially enjoy the chocolate frosting - (私はチョコレートケーキが好きですが、特にチョコレートのフロスティングが好きです). That dish was expensive, but I found the ingredients especially fresh - (その料理は高価でしたが、私は特に新鮮な食材だと感じました).

成分: "Ingredient". The Japanese noun '成分 (せいぶん)' means 'ingredient'. It refers to a component or constituent part of a mixture or compound. This word is commonly used when describing the contents of food, medicine, or other products. For example: The ingredients of this cake are sugar, flour, and eggs - (このケーキの成分は砂糖、小麦粉、卵です). The active ingredient in this medicine is acetaminophen - (この薬の主な成分はアセトアミノフェンです).

分割: "Division" or "Split". The Japanese noun '分割 (ぶんかつ)' refers to the act of dividing or splitting something into two or more parts. This can be applied to physical objects, but also to abstract concepts like ideas, responsibilities, or periods of time. For example: The company decided on a division of assets - (その会社は資産の分割を決めた). The bill was split evenly among the group - (その請求書は グループ内で均等に分割された).

分布: "Distribution". The Japanese noun '分布 (ぶんぷ)' means 'distribution'. This word refers to the way in which something is spread out over an area or divided up among a set of people or things. It can be used to describe the spatial, statistical, or conceptual arrangement of various elements. For example: The distribution of wealth in the country is unequal - (その国の富の分布は不平等である). The distribution of the population across the region is uneven - (その地域の人口分布は均一ではない).

分子: "Molecule". The Japanese noun '分子 (ぶんし)' refers to a molecule, which is the smallest unit of a chemical compound that still retains its chemical properties. Molecules are composed of atoms bonded together. This term is commonly used in chemistry and biology to describe the building blocks of matter. For example: The molecule is very small - (その分子はとても小さい). Hydrogen molecules - (水素分子).

大分: "Quite". The adverb '大分 (だいぶ)' means 'quite' or 'rather'. It is used to indicate that something is to a significant degree or extent. It can be used to modify adjectives, adverbs, or verbs. For example: It's quite cold today - (今日は大分寒い). I have quite a lot of work to do - (私はかなり仕事がたくさんある).

水分: "Moisture". The noun '水分 (すいぶん)' refers to the water content or fluid component present in something. It is commonly used to describe the degree of wetness or dampness of a substance. For example: The soil has good moisture content - (土の水分量が良い). This plant needs more moisture - (この植物にはもっと水分が必要だ).

配分: "Distribution". The Japanese noun '配分 (はいぶん)' means 'distribution'. This word refers to the act of dividing something into parts or shares and assigning those parts to different people or things. It can be used in contexts such as the distribution of resources, responsibilities, or rewards. For example: The company made an equal distribution of the profits - (会社は利益を均等に配分しました). The teacher made a fair distribution of the tasks - (先生は課題を公平に配分しました).

大部分: "Majority". The noun '大部分 (だいぶぶん)' refers to the 'majority' or the greater part of something. It is used to describe the largest portion or the most significant part of a whole. For example: The majority of the students passed the exam - (大部分の生徒が試験に合格した). A majority of the population lives in the city - (大部分の人口が都市に住んでいる).

分解: "Disassembly". The verbal noun '分解 (ぶんかい)' means 'disassembly'. It refers to the act of taking something apart into its individual components or pieces. This word is often used in the context of repairing or maintaining complex devices or machines, where it is necessary to disassemble them in order to access and work on their internal parts. For example: The mechanic disassembled the engine to inspect the problem - (整備士は問題を点検するために、エンジンを分解した).

不十分: "Insufficient". The adjectival noun '不十分 (ふじゅうぶん)' means 'insufficient'. This word describes something that is not adequate or complete, lacking in quantity or quality to meet a requirement. It can be used to describe a wide range of things, from resources and information to skills and performance. For example: The explanation was insufficient - (説明が不十分でした). This amount of money is insufficient - (この金額は不十分です).

分配: "Distribution" or "Allocation". The noun '分配 (ぶんぱい)' refers to the act of distributing or allocating something among multiple parties or entities. It can be used in contexts such as the distribution of resources, profits, or responsibilities. For example: The company made a fair distribution of the profits - (その会社は利益を公平に分配しました). The teacher allocated the tasks among the students - (先生は生徒たちにタスクを分配しました).

引き分け: "Tie". The noun '引き分け (ひきわけ)' refers to a tie or a draw in a game or competition. It indicates that neither side has won or lost, and the result is a stalemate. This term is commonly used in sports and games such as soccer, chess, and shogi. For example: The soccer match ended in a tie - (サッカーの試合は引き分けになった). They played to a draw - (引き分けに終わった).

分担: "Division". The verbal noun '分担 (ぶんたん)' means 'division'. It refers to the act of dividing something into parts or shares, or the distribution of responsibilities among a group. For example: The division of work was discussed at the meeting - (仕事の分担がミーティングで話し合われた). The project tasks were divided among the team - (プロジェクトのタスクが分担された).

当分: "For the time being". The adverb '当分 (とうぶん)' means 'for the time being'. It is used to indicate that something will continue or remain in its current state for an unspecified but relatively short period of time. For example: I will be staying here for the time being - (当分、ここに滞在するつもりです). She won't be back for a while - (当分彼女は戻ってこないでしょう).

分泌: "Secretion". The noun '分泌 (ぶんぴつ)' refers to the process by which substances are released or discharged from cells or glands in the body. This includes the production and release of hormones, enzymes, mucus, and other bodily fluids. For example: The body's glands secrete important hormones - (体の腺は重要なホルモンを分泌する). Sweat is a secretion from the skin - (汗は皮膚からの分泌物だ).

分類: "Classification". The Japanese word '分類 (ぶんるい)' is a verbal noun that means 'classification'. It refers to the act of categorizing or grouping things according to their shared characteristics or qualities. This word is commonly used in academic and professional contexts, such as in biology, library science, or data analysis. For example: The professor gave a lecture on the classification of bird species - (教授は鳥類の分類についての講義を行った). The company needs to improve its product classification system - (その会社は製品の分類システムを改善する必要がある).

分間: "Minutes". The Japanese suffix '分間 (ぶんけん)' means 'minutes'. This suffix is used to indicate a period of time in minutes. It is commonly used in expressions of time, such as to specify the duration of an activity or event. For example: 10 minutes - (10分間). I will be there in 5 minutes - (5分間で着きます).

分離: "Separation". The Japanese verbal noun '分離 (ぶんり)' means 'separation'. This term refers to the act of dividing, detaching or parting from something. It can be used in various contexts, such as the separation of two objects, the division of a group or organization, or the disconnection between two concepts. For example: The separation of church and state - (宗教と国家の分離). The company underwent a separation of its departments - (その会社は部門を分離させた).

余分: "Excess". The Japanese adjectival noun '余分 (よぶん)' means 'excess'. It is used to describe something that is more than what is needed or required. This word can be used to refer to extra or unnecessary amounts of things, such as: I have an excess of pencils - (鉛筆が余分にある). There is excess waste in this factory - (このファクトリーには余分なゴミがある).

分散: "Dispersion". The verbal noun '分散 (ぶんさん)' means 'dispersion'. It refers to the action or process of distributing something over a wide area or among a number of recipients. This can apply to physical objects, energy, resources, or even attention and focus. For example: The light is dispersed through the prism - (光は分散されてプリズムを通る). The company decided to disperse its workforce to different locations - (会社は従業員を分散させて各地に配置した).

分析: "Analysis". The Japanese verbal noun '分析 (ぶんせき)' means 'analysis'. It refers to the process of examining or studying something in detail in order to understand its nature, structure, or function. It is commonly used in academic, scientific, or professional contexts. For example: We need to do a thorough analysis of the data - (データの分析を徹底的に行う必要があります). This issue requires careful analysis - (この問題は慎重に分析する必要がある).

分裂: "Split". The Japanese verbal noun '分裂 (ぶんれつ)' means 'split'. This term is used to describe a situation or process where something is divided into two or more parts. It can refer to a physical splitting, such as a cell dividing, or a political or ideological division, such as a party splitting into factions. For example: The country has split into two opposing factions - (この国は2つの対立する派閥に分裂した). The splitting of opinion on this issue is concerning - (この問題に関する意見の分裂は懸念される).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "ぶ" is read as "bu". The hiragana "ん" is read as "n". The hiragana "ふ" is read as "fu". And The hiragana "わ" is read as "wa".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.