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What is the Kanji for "Year"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Year", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Year" is "".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Toshi".

Its onyomi reading is "Nen".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The radical "厂" means "Cliff" . And The kanji "午" means "Noon" and can be read as "Go" and "Uma".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Year".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in First Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N5 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

: "Year". The Japanese noun '年 (とし)' literally means 'year'. It is used to refer to a period of 12 months, or the duration of one revolution of the earth around the sun. This word is commonly used when talking about a person's age, the current year, or when expressing a time duration. Next year, I will go on a trip - (来年、旅行に行きます).

年下: "Junior" or "Younger". The Japanese noun '年下 (としした)' means 'junior' or 'younger'. It refers to someone who is younger in age or lower in position or rank compared to the speaker. It can be used to describe a person's relationship or relative position in a hierarchy. For example: He is my junior - (彼は私の年下です). She is younger than me - (彼女は私の年下です).

一昨年: "Year before last". The noun '一昨年 (おととし)' means 'year before last'. It refers to the year prior to the previous year. For example: I went on vacation two years ago - (私は一昨年、休暇に行きました).

年間: "Year". The Japanese noun '年間 (ねんかん)' means 'year'. It refers to a period of 12 months or 365 days. This word is commonly used when discussing annual or yearly events, activities, or statistics. For example: The company's revenue increased by 10% over the past year - (会社の収益は過去1年間で10%増加した). The event is held once a year - (その行事は年間に1回開催されます).

少年: "Boy". The Japanese noun '少年 (しょうねん)' refers to a young male, a boy. It is used to describe a male child or adolescent. The term carries a sense of youth and innocence, and is often used in contexts involving children, education, or coming of age. For example: The young boy played happily - (少年は楽しく遊んでいました). The little boy cried - (少年は泣きました).

年金: "Pension". The Japanese noun '年金 (ねんきん)' refers to a monthly payment made to elderly or disabled people by the government or an employer as a form of retirement income. It is a system designed to provide financial security for individuals after they stop working. For example: I will receive my pension next month - (来月年金をもらいます). She is saving money for her retirement pension - (彼女は退職年金のために金を貯めています).

年齢: "Age". The Japanese noun '年齢 (ねんれい)' refers to the length of time a person has lived or an object has existed. It is used to describe how old someone or something is. For example: How old are you? - (あなたの年齢は?) I am 25 years old - (私は25歳です).

年度: "Fiscal year". The Japanese noun '年度 (ねんど)' refers to the fiscal year, which is the 12-month period used for financial reporting and budgeting purposes, often starting on April 1 and ending on March 31 of the following year. It is commonly used in the context of government, businesses, and academic institutions to describe the relevant time period for their operations and accounting. For example: The new fiscal year will begin next month - (新しい年度は来月から始まります). The company reported record profits for the last fiscal year - (その会社は前年度に過去最高の利益を計上しました).

青年: "Youth". The Japanese noun '青年 (せいねん)' refers to a young adult, someone who is in the prime of their life, usually between the ages of 20-40. It can be used to describe young people in general, or specifically young men. The term has a positive connotation, suggesting vitality, energy and potential. For example: The youth of today will shape the future of our country - (今日の青年が国の未来を形作るだろう).

今年: "This year". The noun '今年 (ことし)' means 'this year'. It refers to the current calendar year. It is commonly used to talk about events, activities or situations that are happening within the present calendar year. For example: This year, I plan to travel more - (今年は、もっと旅行したいと思います). It is a basic noun used in everyday Japanese conversation.

再来年: "Two years from now". The noun '再来年 (さらいねん)' refers to the year that is two years after the current year. It is used to indicate a time period that is two years in the future from the present. For example: I will visit my family two years from now - (私は再来年に家族を訪問する). The festival is held every two years - (その祭りは再来年に開催される).

万年筆: "Fountain pen". The Japanese noun '万年筆 (まんねんひつ)' refers to a fountain pen, which is a type of pen that uses a reservoir of liquid ink to write. Fountain pens are commonly used for writing, calligraphy, and artistic purposes. They are known for their smooth and consistent writing experience. For example: I prefer to use a fountain pen for writing letters - (手紙を書くのには万年筆を使うのが好きです).

年賀状: "New year's card". The Japanese noun 年賀状 (ねんがじょう) refers to a special type of greeting card that is sent during the New Year's holiday season in Japan. These cards are typically decorated with traditional Japanese imagery and are used to wish friends, family, and acquaintances a happy new year. Sending 年賀状 is an important cultural tradition in Japan. Examples: I send new year's cards to my relatives every year - (私は毎年、家族に年賀状を送ります). The new year's cards are so beautiful this year - (今年の年賀状がとてもきれいです).

毎年: "Every year". The noun '毎年 (まいとし)' means 'every year'. It is used to refer to something that occurs, happens or is done on an annual basis. It can be used in sentences like: Every year, I go on vacation - (毎年、私は休暇に行きます). This event happens every year - (この行事は毎年行われます).

生年月日: "Birthdate". The Japanese noun '生年月日 (せいねんがっぴ)' means 'birthdate'. This noun refers to the specific date on which a person was born. It is commonly used on official documents and forms to identify an individual. For example: My birthdate is October 15th - (私の生年月日は10月15日です)。What is your birthdate? - (あなたの生年月日は何ですか?)

半年: "Half year". The noun '半年 (はんとし)' refers to a period of six months, or half of a year. This word is commonly used to describe a time span, such as an event or activity that lasts for half a year. For example: I will be away for half a year - (私は半年間不在です). The company's fiscal half year ends in June - (その会社の半期決算は6月に行われます).

近年: "Recent years". The noun '近年 (きんねん)' refers to the most recent years or the recent past. It is used to describe a period of time that is not very long ago, typically within the last several years. For example: In recent years, the population has grown significantly - (近年、人口が大幅に増加しています). The technology has advanced rapidly in recent years - (近年、技術が急速に進歩してきました).

翌年: "Next year". The Japanese noun '翌年 (よくねん)' means 'next year'. It refers to the year immediately following the current or specified year. This word is commonly used when talking about events, plans, or activities that will occur in the year after the present one. For example: I will visit my family next year - (来年、家族に会いに行きます). We have a big vacation planned for next year - (来年は大きな旅行の予定があります).

年寄り: "Elderly person". The Japanese noun '年寄り (としより)' refers to an elderly or aged person. It is a polite term used to describe someone who is advanced in years. This word carries a sense of respect and reverence for the experience and wisdom that comes with old age. For example: The elderly man rested on the bench - (年寄りが公園のベンチに座っていた). We should respect our elderly - (年寄りを敬わなければならない).

昨年: "Last year". The noun '昨年 (さくねん)' means 'last year'. This word refers to the calendar year immediately preceding the current one. It is commonly used to talk about events, activities, or experiences that took place in the year before the present one. For example: I went on vacation last year - (私は昨年旅行に行った). The company's profits declined last year - (その会社の利益は昨年減少した).

元年: "First year". The noun '元年 (がんねん)' refers to the first year of an era or reign. It is often used to denote the starting point of a new calendar system, imperial reign, or other significant event. For example: The first year of the Meiji era - (明治元年). The first year of the new Emperor's reign - (新天皇の元年).

去年: "Last year". The noun '去年 (きょねん)' means 'last year'. It refers to the year immediately preceding the current one. This word can be used in phrases like: Last year was great - (去年はすばらしかった). I visited my hometown last year - (去年、私は故郷に行きました).

長年: "Long years". The noun '長年 (ながねん)' means 'long years'. It is used to refer to a lengthy period of time, often emphasizing the duration or longevity of something. For example: He has worked at the company for long years - (彼はその会社で長年働いています). After long years of study, she became an expert - (長年の勉強の末、彼女は専門家になりました).

お年玉: "Monetary gift". The Japanese word 'お年玉 (おとしだま)' refers to a monetary gift, typically given by adults to children during the New Year's holiday in Japan. This custom is an important part of Japanese culture, as it is seen as a way to celebrate the new year and to provide children with a financial 'head start' for the coming year. For example: My grandparents gave me お年玉 for the new year - (おばあちゃんとおじいちゃんがお年玉をくれた)。

年月: "Time" or "Month". The Japanese word '年月 (としつき)' is a noun that refers to a period of time, typically spanning multiple years or months. It can be used to describe lengths of time, such as 'in the last few years' or 'over a number of months'. Example sentences: Many years have passed - (多くの年月が経った). After several months, she returned - (数ヶ月の年月の後、彼女は戻ってきた).

年月日: "Date". The Japanese noun '年月日 (ねんがっぴ)' refers to the date, specifically a full date including the year, month, and day. It is commonly used when stating a particular date, such as 2023年3月1日 (2023nen 3gatsu 1nichi) - March 1, 2023. This word is essential for expressing and recording dates in Japanese.

年々: "Gradually". The adverb '年々 (ねんねん)' means 'gradually'. It is used to indicate that something is increasing or changing in a slow, step-by-step manner over time. For example: My savings have increased gradually over the years - (私の貯金は年々増えている). The company's profits have gradually risen each year - (同社の利益は年々増加している).

年代: "Era". The Japanese noun '年代 (ねんだい)' refers to a specific period of time, typically spanning several years or decades. It is used to describe historical eras, such as the Edo period or the Meiji era. The term can also be used more generally to discuss age groups or particular time periods. For example: The Heian period is an important era in Japanese history - (平安時代は日本史上重要な年代です). The younger generation - (若い年代の人々)

中年: "Middle age". The noun '中年 (ちゅうねん)' refers to the stage of life between young adulthood and old age, typically between the ages of 40 to 65. It is used to describe someone who is in the middle of their life. This term can have both positive and negative connotations, as it can suggest a person is experienced and established, but also potentially set in their ways or losing their youthful vigor. Examples: She is in her middle age - (彼女は中年だ). The middle-aged man walked by - (中年の男が通り過ぎた).

年中: "Always". The adverb '年中 (ねんじゅう)' means 'always'. It is used to indicate that something happens or is true throughout the entire year, regardless of the season. This adverb emphasizes the continuous or frequent nature of an action or state. For example: I travel abroad year-round - (私は年中海外に旅行する). The store is open year-round - (その店は年中開いている).

学年: "Grade". The Japanese noun '学年 (がくねん)' means 'grade'. This word is used to refer to the specific level or year of study within an educational system, such as primary or secondary school. It can be used to describe a student's current year of study, for example: She is in the third grade - (彼女は3年生です).

同年: "Same year". The Japanese noun '同年 (どうねん)' means 'same year'. It refers to people or things that are of the same year, such as people born in the same year. For example: We are the same year - (私たちは同年です). They graduated in the same year - (彼らは同年に卒業した).

本年: "This year". The Japanese noun '本年 (ほんねん)' means 'this year'. It is used to refer to the current calendar year. This word is commonly used in formal or business contexts to specify the current year as opposed to other years. For example: The sales goal for this year is 10% higher than last year - (本年の販売目標は前年比10%増です).

晩年: "Late years". The noun '晩年 (ばんねん)' means 'late years'. It refers to the final period of one's life, typically after retirement or old age. This term is often used to describe the later stages of a person's life, especially in reference to their achievements, reflections, or any significant events that occurred during this time. For example: In his late years, the author wrote his most acclaimed works - (作家の晩年に、彼の最も評価された作品を書いた). The late years of the president were marked by declining health - (大統領の晩年は健康の衰えに見舞われた).

年長: "Older". The adjectival noun '年長 (ねんちょう)' means 'older'. It is used to describe someone who is older in age or more senior in a group or organization. For example: The older employee received a promotion - (年長の従業員が昇進した). She is the oldest in her family - (彼女は家族の中で一番年長だ).

年末: "Year-end". The noun '年末 (ねんまつ)' refers to the end of the calendar year, typically the last few days or weeks of December. It is a significant time in Japanese culture, as it marks the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year. During this period, many businesses and schools close, and people often engage in special traditions and celebrations. For example: It's year-end, so the office is closed for the holidays - (年末だから、会社は休みです。)

来年: "Next year". The Japanese noun '来年 (らいねん)' means 'next year'. This term refers to the 12-month period that follows the current year. It is commonly used when discussing plans or events that will take place in the year after the present one. For example: I'm going on vacation next year - (来年、休暇に行きます). Next year, we'll have a big party - (来年、大きな party をします).

忘年会: "Year-end party". The Japanese noun '忘年会 (ぼうねんかい)' refers to a year-end party or gathering that is typically held in December before the new year. These parties are a common tradition in Japanese workplaces and social groups, where people come together to reflect on the past year and celebrate the upcoming new year. They often involve food, drinks, and various activities. For example: We had a great time at the year-end party - (忘年会でとてもよい時間を過ごしました).

年配: "Elderly". The noun '年配 (ねんぱい)' means 'elderly'. It refers to older people or those of advanced age. This word is often used to describe people who are retired or have reached retirement age. It carries a nuance of respect and consideration for the elderly. For example: The elderly couple walked slowly down the street - (年配の夫婦がゆっくりと歩いていました). I met an elderly man at the park - (公園で年配の男性に会いました).

年収: "Income". The Japanese noun '年収 (ねんしゅう)' refers to a person's annual income or total earnings over the course of a year. It is commonly used when discussing one's financial status or when applying for jobs. For example: My annual income is 5 million yen - (私の年収は500万円です). What is your annual income? - (あなたの年収はいくらですか).

定年: "Retirement". The Japanese noun '定年 (ていねん)' means 'retirement'. It refers to the mandatory retirement age set by a company or organization, typically around 60-65 years old. It signifies the end of one's working life at a particular job or company. For example: He will retire at the age of 62 - (彼は62歳で定年退職する). My father's retirement party is next week - (父の定年退職のお祝いパーティーは来週です).

年始: "New year". The Japanese noun '年始 (ねんし)' refers to the beginning of the new year, typically encompassing the first few days or weeks of January. It is a time when many Japanese people engage in traditional new year's activities, such as visiting shrines, exchanging greetings, and enjoying special foods. For example: On new year's, I visit the shrine - (年始に神社に参拝します). The new year's holiday is an important time for families in Japan - (年始は日本の家族にとって大切な時期です).

前年: "Previous year". The noun '前年 (ぜんねん)' refers to the year immediately prior to the current one. It is used to indicate the 12-month period that came before the present year. For example: Sales were higher in the previous year - (前年の売上は高かった). This year's budget is larger than the previous year's - (今年の予算は前年より大きい).

年上: "Senior". The noun '年上 (としうえ)' means 'senior'. It refers to a person who is older than oneself. This term is used to indicate that someone is of a higher age or seniority compared to the speaker or the person being discussed. For example: My boss is my senior - (上司は私より年上だ). She is my senior by 5 years - (彼女は私より5歳年上だ).

未成年: "Minor". The Japanese noun '未成年 (みせいねん)' means 'minor'. It refers to a person who is under the legal age of majority and therefore considered a child or adolescent. This term is often used in legal and social contexts to denote those who are not yet considered fully responsible adults. For example: The store doesn't sell alcohol to minors - (店は未成年に酒を売りません). Minors must be accompanied by an adult - (未成年者は大人と一緒でなければなりません).

例年: "Usual year". The noun '例年 (れいねん)' means 'usual year'. It refers to the regular, typical or average year, as opposed to a special or unusual year. This term is often used when discussing seasonal patterns, trends or expectations that occur on an annual basis. For example: As is usually the case, the cherry blossoms bloomed earlier than例年 this spring - (通例より早く桜が咲いた). Every例年, this festival is held in the summer - (この祭りは例年夏に行われる).

年賀: "New year's card". The noun '年賀 (ねんが)' refers to a Japanese new year's card or greeting card that is sent at the beginning of the new year. These cards often feature traditional Japanese designs or imagery and are exchanged between family, friends, and colleagues to wish each other a happy new year. For example: I sent new year's cards to all my friends - (友達全員に年賀状を出しました).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "ね" is read as "ne". The hiragana "ん" is read as "n". The hiragana "と" is read as "to". And The hiragana "し" is read as "shi".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.