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What is the Kanji for "Reason"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Reason", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Reason" is "".

This kanji has 1 reading:

Its onyomi reading is "Ri".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The kanji "王" means "King" and can be read as "Ou". And The kanji "里" means "Hometown" and can be read as "Ri" and "Sato".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Reason".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Second Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N4 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

理由: "Reason". The Japanese noun '理由 (りゆう)' refers to the reason, cause, or rationale behind something. It is used to explain why something happened or why a certain action was taken. For example: What is the reason for your decision? - (あなたの決定の理由は何ですか). I don't know the reason for their behavior - (彼らの行動の理由がわかりません).

料理: "Cooking". The verbal noun '料理 (りょうり)' means 'cooking'. It refers to the act of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating various ingredients. This noun can be used to describe the overall process of making a meal, as well as the final culinary creation. For example: I enjoy cooking at home - (自宅で料理をするのが好きです). Cooking is an important life skill - (料理をすることは重要な生活スキルです).

無理: "Impossible". The Japanese adjectival noun '無理 (むり)' means 'impossible'. It is used to describe something that is not possible or feasible to do or achieve. It can also be used to express that a request or demand is unreasonable. For example: That is impossible - (それは無理です). I can't do that, it's impossible - (あれは無理です)

理論: "Theory". The noun '理論 (りろん)' refers to a set of ideas, principles or models that explain a phenomenon or event. It is used to describe a systemic analysis or framework for understanding something. '理論' is often used in academic and scientific contexts to refer to established or proposed theoretical frameworks. For example: His new theory on climate change is quite controversial - (気候変動についての彼の新しい理論はかなり議論の的になっている). The theory of evolution - (進化の理論)

理科: "Science". The Japanese noun '理科 (りか)' means 'science'. This word refers to the study of the physical and natural world, including subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, and astronomy. '理科' is commonly used in an educational context to refer to science classes or the science curriculum. For example: I enjoy studying science - (私は理科を勉強するのが好きです). The science lab - (理科室)

修理: "Repair". The Japanese verbal noun '修理 (しゅうり)' means 'repair'. It refers to the action of fixing, mending or restoring something that is broken or damaged. The verb form is '修理する (しゅうりする)' which means 'to repair'. For example: I need to repair my car - (車を修理しなければなりません). The mechanic will repair the computer - (修理屋さんがコンピューターを修理します).

心理: "Psychology". The Japanese noun '心理 (しんり)' refers to the study of the human mind and behavior. It encompasses various aspects such as cognition, emotion, and personality. This field of study aims to understand the underlying mental processes that influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions. For example: She is majoring in psychology - (彼女は心理学を専攻している). The psychology of child development is fascinating - (子供の発達心理学は魅力的である).

管理: "Manage". The verbal noun '管理 (かんり)' means 'to manage'. This word refers to the act of controlling, supervising, or administrating something. It can be used in various contexts, such as managing a business, managing a team, or managing one's own time and resources. For example: She manages the company - (彼女は会社を管理する). I need to manage my finances better - (私はお金の管理をもっと良くする必要がある).

処理: "Processing". The verbal noun '処理 (しょり)' means 'processing'. This word is used to refer to the act of handling, dealing with, or performing an operation on something. It can be used in various contexts, such as data processing, information processing, or the processing of materials. For example: Data processing - (データの処理), Processing of the application - (申請の処理)

理想: "Ideal". The noun '理想 (りそう)' refers to an ideal, a conception of something in its perfection. This word is used to describe a high standard or model that someone aims to achieve or live up to, often in relation to personal values, goals, or the way society should be organized. For example: My ideal is to become a compassionate doctor - (私の理想は思いやりのある医師になることです). She has a clear vision of her ideal society - (彼女は自分の理想の社会についての明確なビジョンを持っている).

論理: "Logic". The Japanese noun '論理 (ろんり)' refers to the formal system of reasoning, the principles and rules that govern deductive and inductive thinking. It is used to describe the rational, analytical, and systematic approach to problem solving and decision making. For example: The student's answer displayed strong logic - (その学生の答えは論理が強かった). Good logic is essential for making sound arguments - (論理的思考は議論を行う上で不可欠である).

原理: "Principle". The Japanese noun '原理 (げんり)' means 'principle'. This word refers to a fundamental law, rule, or assumption that serves as the foundation or basis for a system of thought, action, or conduct. '原理' is often used in contexts related to science, philosophy, or the fundamental rules that govern a particular field or domain. For example: The basic principle of physics - (物理学の原理). The principles of democracy - (民主主義の原理).

生理: "Menstruation". The Japanese noun '生理 (せいり)' means 'menstruation'. This term refers to the monthly discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the lining of the uterus that occurs in women of reproductive age. It is a natural biological process that is an important part of the female reproductive cycle. For example: I have my menstruation - (私は生理が来ています). She is on her period - (彼女は生理中です).

代理: "Representative". The Japanese noun '代理 (だいり)' means 'representative'. This word refers to a person who acts on behalf of another individual or organization. A '代理' is someone who is authorized to make decisions or take actions in the place of the original party. For example: My real estate agent is my representative - (私の不動産代理は私の代理人です). The manager's representative will attend the meeting - (マネージャーの代理人が会議に出席します).

合理: "Rationality" or "Logic". The noun '合理 (ごうり)' refers to the concept of rationality or logic. It encompasses the use of reason, analysis, and sound judgment to make decisions or arrive at conclusions. '合理' emphasizes the importance of being sensible, pragmatic, and objective-minded. For example: His decision was based on pure rationality - (彼の決定は純粋な合理性に基づいていた). The company's policies adhere to strict logical principles - (その企業の方針は厳格な合理性に沿っている).

義理: "Obligation" or "Duty". The Japanese noun '義理 (ぎり)' refers to one's moral or social obligation or duty. It encompasses the concept of doing what is right according to social norms and one's role in society. This can include fulfilling responsibilities to family, friends, or community. For example: I have an obligation to take care of my parents - (両親を世話する義理がある). She has a duty to her country - (彼女には国への義理がある).

合理的: "Rational". The Japanese adjective '合理的 (ごうりてき)' means 'rational'. This adjective describes something that is logical, sensible, and based on reason rather than emotions or feelings. It can be used to describe decisions, arguments, or approaches to problems. For example: His decision was rational - (彼の決定は合理的だった). A rational argument - (合理的な議論)

整理: "Organization". The verbal noun '整理 (せいり)' means 'organization'. It refers to the action of arranging, sorting, or putting things in order. This noun is commonly used to describe the process of organizing and managing various items, documents, or information. For example: I need to do some organization of my desk - (私はデスクの整理をする必要があります). Organization of the files is important - (ファイルの整理は重要だ).

物理: "Physics". The Japanese noun '物理 (ぶつり)' means 'physics'. Physics is the study of the fundamental laws of nature and the interactions between matter and energy. It covers a wide range of topics such as mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. For example: I am studying physics in university - (私は大学で物理を勉強しています).

理事: "Director". The Japanese noun '理事 (りじ)' refers to a director or board member of an organization. This term is commonly used to describe individuals who hold an administrative or governing position within a company, association, or other institution. For example: She is a director on the board - (彼女は理事会の理事です). The directors held a meeting - (理事たちが会議を開きました).

倫理: "Ethics". The Japanese noun '倫理 (りんり)' means 'ethics'. It refers to the study of moral principles and values that govern the proper conduct of an individual or group. This word is often used in academic and professional contexts to discuss moral standards, ethical dilemmas, and appropriate behavior. For example: The class discussed the ethics of genetic engineering - (遺伝子工学の倫理について議論した). The company needs to review its ethical policies - (企業は倫理方針を見直す必要がある).

理念: "Principle". The noun '理念 (りねん)' means 'principle'. It refers to a fundamental idea, belief, or value that serves as the foundation for a person's or organization's actions and decisions. It encompasses the fundamental concepts, philosophies, and ideals that guide and motivate behavior. For example: The company's actions are guided by its core principles - (その会社の行動は、その理念によって導かれている). We must always stay true to our principles - (私たちは常に自分の理念に忠実でなくてはいけない).

真理: "Truth". The Japanese noun '真理 (しんり)' refers to an objective and fundamental truth or fact that is seen as universal and undeniable. It is often used in philosophical and religious contexts to describe an essential, immutable reality that transcends subjective human perceptions. For example: Seeking the truth - (真理を探す). The eternal truths of the universe - (宇宙の永遠の真理)

理性: "Reason". The Japanese noun '理性 (りせい)' refers to the faculty of rational thought, judgment and understanding. It represents the ability to think logically and make sound decisions based on logic and reasoning, rather than emotions or instincts. This word is often used to describe the human capacity for rational, analytic and objective thinking. For example: He made that decision using his reason - (彼はその決断を理性的に考えて行った). The philosophers discussed the nature of human reason - (哲学者たちは人間の理性の本質について議論した).

理屈: "Logic". The Japanese noun '理屈 (りくつ)' means 'logic'. It refers to a rational, reasonable, or systematic explanation or argument. This word is often used to describe someone's reasoning or justification for their actions or beliefs. For example: He always tries to argue his point with logic - (彼はいつも理屈をつけて自分の意見を説明しようとする). I don't care about your logic, I want results - (理屈は関係ない、結果が欲しい)

総理: "Prime minister". The Japanese noun '総理 (そうり)' means 'prime minister'. This term refers to the head of government and the leader of the cabinet in Japan. The '総理' is the most powerful political position in the country and is responsible for overseeing the activities of the executive branch. For example: The prime minister gave a speech today - (総理は今日演説を行いました).

地理: "Geography". The Japanese noun '地理 (ちり)' means 'geography'. Geography is the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries. It is an important subject in schools, as it helps students understand the world around them and the relationships between different regions and environments. For example: I enjoy studying geography - (私は地理を勉強するのが好きです). Geography is a fascinating subject - (地理は非常に興味深い科目です).

: "Reason". The Japanese noun '理 (り)' means 'reason'. It refers to the fundamental principles, logic, or rationale behind something. It can be used to describe the motivations, explanations, or justifications for an action or event. For example: There are good reasons for this decision - (この決定にはよい理がある). The reasoning behind her actions was sound - (彼女の行動の理は妥当だった).

調理: "Cooking". The Japanese noun '調理 (ちょうり)' refers to the act of preparing food or cooking. It encompasses all the steps involved in turning raw ingredients into a prepared dish, such as chopping, mixing, heating, and seasoning. This word is commonly used in the context of cooking, food preparation, and culinary arts. For example: She is good at cooking - (彼女は調理が上手). Cooking skills - (調理の技術)

理解: "Understanding". The verbal noun '理解 (りかい)' means 'understanding'. It refers to the cognitive process of comprehending, perceiving, and interpreting information or a situation. '理解' is used to describe the act of comprehending the meaning, significance, nature, or explanation of something. For example: I don't fully understand the instructions - (私は説明をよく理解していません). He has a deep understanding of the problem - (彼はその問題を深く理解している).

論理的: "Logical". The Japanese adjective '論理的 (ろんりてき)' means 'logical'. This adjective is used to describe something that is based on clear and rational thinking, or that follows a clear line of reasoning. It can be used to describe ideas, arguments, or approaches. For example: His argument was very logical - (彼の議論は非常に論理的だった). The research findings were logical and well-supported - (その研究結果は論理的で裏付けられていた).

無理矢理: "Forcibly". The adverb '無理矢理 (むりやり)' means 'forcibly'. It is used to describe an action that is done against someone's will or without their consent. It conveys the idea of using physical or psychological pressure to make someone do something they do not want to do. For example: I was forced to do it - (無理矢理それをさせられた). He made me go with him forcibly - (無理やり一緒に行かされた).

理系: "Scientific". The Japanese noun '理系 (りけい)' refers to the scientific field or discipline. It is often used to distinguish the sciences, such as physics, chemistry, and biology, from the humanities and social sciences. For example: I'm studying in the sciences - (私は理系の勉強をしています). He is interested in the scientific field - (彼は理系に興味があります).

総理大臣: "Prime minister". The Japanese word '総理大臣 (そうりだいじん)' refers to the head of the Cabinet and the chief executive of the government of Japan. The prime minister is the leader of the majority party in the National Diet and is responsible for appointing and dismissing other ministers. The prime minister holds a significant amount of political power and is considered the most important political figure in Japan. For example: The current prime minister of Japan is Fumio Kishida - (現在の日本の総理大臣は岸田文雄です).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "り" is read as "ri"

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.