

What is the Kanji for "Most"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Most", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Most" is "最".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Motto".

Its onyomi reading is "Sai".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The component "曰" . And The kanji "取" means "Take" and can be read as "Shu" and "To".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "最" mean in japanese?

"最" means "Most" .

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Fourth Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N3 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

最初: "First". The noun '最初 (さいしょ)' means 'first'. It refers to the beginning, the initial point or stage of something. It can be used to indicate the starting point of a process, event or timeline. For example: This is the first time I've been here - (これが私がここへ来る最初の時です). I arrived at the first station - (私は最初の駅に到着しました).
最近: "Recently". The noun '最近 (さいきん)' means 'recently'. It is used to refer to a period of time that is not too distant from the present. It can be used to talk about events, trends, or changes that have occurred in the recent past. For example: I've been feeling tired recently - (最近疲れがち). She started a new job recently - (彼女は最近新しい仕事を始めた).
最も: "Most". The adverb '最も (もっとも)' means 'most'. It is used to indicate the highest degree or greatest extent of something. It can be used to modify adjectives and other adverbs. For example: She is the most beautiful girl in the class - (彼女は クラスで一番 美しい), I run the fastest - (私は 一番速く走る)
最後: "Last" or "End". The noun '最後 (さいご)' means 'last' or 'end'. It refers to the final part, stage, or instance of something. This word is used to describe the concluding part of an event, process, or time period. For example: This is the last chapter of the book - (これは本の最後の章です). I arrived at the end of the party - (私は会の最後に到着しました).
最高: "Best". The Japanese noun '最高 (さいこう)' means 'best'. This word is used to describe something of the highest quality, excellence or importance. It can be used to express that something is the most ideal, supreme or outstanding. For example: This is the best apple I've ever eaten - (これが私が食べたことのある最高のりんごです). She got the best grade in the class - (彼女はクラスで最高の成績を取りました).
最大: "Maximum". The noun '最大 (さいだい)' means 'maximum'. It refers to the greatest or highest degree, amount, or quantity attainable or recordable. It can be used to describe the peak or largest value of something. For example: The maximum temperature today was 25 degrees - (今日の最大気温は25度でした). This is the maximum number of people allowed - (これが最大の許容人数です).
最終: "Final". The noun '最終 (さいしゅう)' means 'final'. It refers to the last or concluding part of something. This word is commonly used to describe the last stage, element, or occurrence of a process, event, or series. For example: The final train of the day - (最終の列車). This is the final chapter of the book - (これは本の最終章です).
: "Utmost". The noun '最 (さい)' means 'utmost' or 'supreme'. It is used to indicate the highest degree or greatest extent of something. For example: The utmost importance - (最も重要な) He gave it his utmost effort - (彼は最大の努力をした)
最早: "Already". The adverb '最早(もはや)' means 'already'. This adverb is used to indicate that something has occurred or been completed at an earlier time than expected. It can also convey a sense of finality or the end of a situation. For example: It's already too late - (もはや遅すぎる). The sun has already set - (もはや太陽は沈んでいる).
最上: "Supreme". The noun '最上 (さいじょう)' means 'supreme'. It refers to the highest, utmost, or most excellent level or state of something. It can be used to describe the best or most important part of something. For example: This is the supreme example of our work - (これは我々の作品の最上の例です).
最低: "Lowest". The Japanese noun '最低 (さいてい)' refers to the lowest point, level, or degree of something. It can be used to describe the smallest or poorest quality of an object, situation, or standard. For example: This is the lowest price - (これが最低の値段です). The lowest score on the test - (試験の最低点)
最悪: "Worst". The adjectival noun '最悪 (さいあく)' means 'worst'. This word is used to describe a situation, outcome or quality as being extremely bad, undesirable or unfortunate. It conveys the idea that something is the most negative or disastrous possible. For example: This is the worst day ever - (これは最悪の日だ). The worst part is having to wait - (最悪なのは待たなければならないことだ).
最強: "Strongest" or "Ultimate". The noun '最強 (さいきょう)' means 'the strongest' or 'the ultimate'. It refers to something that is the most powerful, dominant, or supreme in its category. This word is often used to describe the best, most skilled, or most capable person, object, or entity. For example: He is the strongest fighter in the region - (彼はその地域で最強の戦闘員である). This sword is the ultimate weapon - (この剣は最強の武器である).
最先端: "Cutting-edge". The Japanese noun '最先端 (さいせんたん)' refers to the most advanced, innovative or modern state of something. It is used to describe technology, ideas, or methods that are at the forefront of their field. For example: The latest smartphone models feature cutting-edge technology - (最新のスマートフォンは最先端の技術を備えている). This company is known for its cutting-edge research and development - (この会社は最先端の研究開発で知られている).
最中: "Cake". The noun '最中 (さいちゅう)' refers to a traditional Japanese confection or wagashi. It is made of mochi rice dough with a filling, often red bean paste. These cakes are commonly enjoyed during tea ceremonies or as a snack. For example: Let's have some 最中 with our tea - (お茶と一緒に最中を食べましょう).
最新: "Latest". The Japanese noun '最新 (さいしん)' means 'latest'. It is used to describe something that is the most recent, up-to-date, or cutting-edge. For example: the latest model of the phone - (最新のスマートフォンモデル). The latest news - (最新のニュース).
真っ最中: "Midst". The noun '真っ最中 (まっさいちゅう)' means 'midst'. It refers to the middle or central part of an ongoing event or situation. It is often used to describe being in the thick of something, when an action or process is in full swing. For example: I'm in the midst of cooking dinner - (夕食を作っている真っ最中だ). The company is in the midst of a major restructuring - (その企業は大規模な再編成の真っ最中にある).
最小: "Minimum". The noun '最小 (さいしょう)' means 'minimum'. It refers to the smallest or lowest possible amount, number, or degree of something. It can be used to describe the minimum requirements, minimum size, or minimal level of something. For example: The minimum wage is 1000 yen - (最小賃金は1000円です). The minimum temperature today is 5 degrees - (本日の最小気温は5度です).
最適: "Optimal". The adjectival noun '最適 (さいてき)' means 'optimal'. This word describes something that is the best or most suitable for a particular situation or purpose. It implies that something is ideal or the perfect choice. For example: This is the optimal solution - (これが最適な解決策だ). The optimal time to start is 9AM - (最適な開始時刻は午前9時だ).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "さ" is read as "sa". The hiragana "い" is read as "i". The hiragana "も" is read as "mo". And The hiragana "と" is read as "to".