If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for
"Small", you've come to the right place!
The Japanese Kanji for
is "小".
This kanji has 3 readings:
Its kunyomi readings are "Chii" and "Ko".
Its onyomi reading is "Shou".
kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.
If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:
The radical "亅" means "Barb"
. And The kanji "八" means "Eight"
and can be read as "Yo", "Ya", and "Hachi".
Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.
What does the kanji "小" mean in japanese?
"小" means
Japanese School Students learn this kanji in First Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N5 exam.
Here are some words that use this kanji:
小さな: "Small". The determiner '小さな (ちいさな)' means 'small'. It is used to modify nouns, indicating that the noun has a relatively small size or volume. It can be used to describe objects, animals, or even abstract concepts. For example: A small cat - (小さな猫). The small house - (小さな家). 小さい: "Small". The Japanese adjective '小さい (ちいさい)' means 'small'. This adjective is used to describe something that has a relatively small size or volume. It can be used to describe objects, animals, or even abstract concepts. For example: My cat is small - (私の猫は小さい). The shop has small goods - (店には小さい品物がある). 小学生: "Elementary school student". The Japanese noun '小学生 (しょうがくせい)' refers to a student attending elementary school, typically between the ages of 6-12. These students are in the first stage of formal education in Japan. They wear a distinctive school uniform and receive lessons in core subjects like mathematics, Japanese, science, and social studies. For example: My son is an elementary school student - (私の息子は小学生です). She is a 6th grade elementary school student - (彼女は小学校六年生です). 小学校: "Elementary school". The Japanese noun '小学校 (しょうがっこう)' refers to an 'elementary school', which is the first stage of formal education in Japan. It typically includes grades 1 through 6, with students ranging from around 6 to 12 years old. Small children attend '小学校' to receive a basic education in subjects such as mathematics, science, Japanese language, and social studies. For example: I went to an elementary school near my house - (私は近所の小学校に通っていました) 小説: "Novel". The Japanese noun '小説 (しょうせつ)' refers to a book-length work of fiction. Novels are a popular form of literary fiction in Japan and cover a wide range of genres and styles. They can tell imaginative stories, explore complex themes, or depict the everyday lives of characters. For example: She is reading a novel - (彼女は小説を読んでいる). I enjoy reading historical novels - (私は歴史小説を読むのが好きです). 小包: "Parcel" or "Package". The Japanese noun '小包 (こづつみ)' refers to a parcel or package, typically a small package or delivery container. It is used to describe a wrapped or packaged item that is being sent or delivered. For example: I received a small parcel in the mail today - (私は今日小包を郵便で受け取りました). The shop delivered my order in a nice package - (店は私の注文を小包で配達してくれました). 小: "Small" or "Few". The kanji '小 (しょう)' has two main meanings. The first meaning is 'small', referring to something that is relatively small in size or quantity. This meaning can be applied to physical objects, as well as abstract concepts. For example: Small room - (小さい部屋). The second meaning is 'few', referring to a small number or amount of something. For example: A few people - (小さい人たち). 小川: "Stream". The Japanese noun '小川 (おがわ)' refers to a small stream or creek. Small streams are common in rural and mountainous areas of Japan. They are often used for irrigation, drinking water, and as a feature in traditional Japanese gardens. For example: We saw a small stream in the forest - (森の中に小川を見つけた). The children played by the clear stream - (子供たちは透明な小川で遊んでいた). 小雨: "Light rain". The Japanese noun '小雨 (こさめ)' means 'light rain'. This word refers to a light, drizzling rainfall, as opposed to a heavier downpour. It is often used to describe a gentle, steady rain. For example: The light rain was perfect for the garden - (小雨がガーデンにちょうどいい). We decided to stay inside because of the light rain - (小雨が降っていたので、外出を控えた). 小屋: "Hut". The noun '小屋 (こや)' refers to a small, simple dwelling or shelter, often made of basic materials like wood or straw. It is typically used to describe a rustic, humble living space, such as a cabin, shack, or cottage. For example: They live in a small hut in the countryside - (彼らは田舎に小さな小屋に住んでいます). 小売店: "Retail store". The Japanese noun '小売店 (こうりてん)' refers to a retail store or a shop that sells goods directly to consumers. These establishments are where customers can purchase items for personal or household use, as opposed to wholesale businesses that sell products in bulk to other businesses. Small mom-and-pop shops, large department stores, and specialized boutiques are all examples of 小売店. For instance: I went shopping at the retail store - (小売店で買い物をした)。She works at a retail clothing store - (彼女は小売りの衣料品店で働いている). 小便: "Urination". The verbal noun '小便 (しょうべん)' means 'urination'. This noun refers to the act of urinating or passing urine from the body. It is a formal and clinical term primarily used in medical contexts. For example: After the surgery, he had difficulty with urination - (手術後、彼は小便に困難を唱えていた). I need to use the restroom for urination - (小便をしなければならない) 小量: "Small amount". The Japanese noun '小量 (しょうりょう)' means 'small amount'. This word is used to describe a relatively small quantity of something. It can be applied to physical objects, liquids, or abstract concepts. For example: I only need a small amount of sugar - (私はわずかな量の砂糖が必要です). A small amount of information - (小量の情報) 小学: "Elementary school". The Japanese noun '小学 (しょうがく)' refers to elementary school, which is the first stage of formal education in Japan. It covers the first six years of a child's education, from age 6 to 12. This term is often used in the context of describing a child's educational level or referring to elementary school-related activities and facilities. For example: My younger sister is in elementary school - (私の妹は小学生です). The elementary school is holding a sports festival - (小学校で運動会が行われています). 小指: "Little finger". The noun '小指 (こゆび)' refers to the smallest and weakest finger on the hand. It is sometimes called the 'pinky finger'. This finger is often used to represent something small, insignificant or delicate. For example: I cut my little finger - (私は小指 を切った). Her little finger is so small - (彼女の小指はとてもちいさい). 小遣い: "Pocket money". The Japanese noun '小遣い (こづかい)' means 'pocket money'. This term refers to a small amount of money that a person, usually a child or student, is given regularly by their parents or guardians to spend on personal expenses. It is considered to be money that the recipient can use freely and independently. For example: My parents give me 1000 yen of pocket money every week - (両親は私に毎週1000円の小遣いをくれます). 縮小: "Reduction". The Japanese verbal noun '縮小 (しゅくしょう)' means 'reduction'. It refers to the act of making something smaller in size, amount or degree. It can be used in various contexts, such as downsizing a business, reducing the budget, or decreasing the number of employees. For example: The company plans a reduction in staff - (この会社は人員削減の計画をしています). The government implemented policies to reduce the budget deficit - (政府は財政赤字削減の政策を実施しました). 小型: "Small". The Japanese noun '小型 (こがた)' means 'small'. This noun is used to describe something that is relatively small in size or volume, such as a small device, vehicle, or appliance. For example: Small car - (小型の車). This smartphone is a small model - (このスマートフォンは小型モデル です). 小鳥: "Bird". The Japanese noun '小鳥 (ことり)' means 'bird'. This word refers to small songbirds or other small feathered creatures. It is often used in a general sense to refer to any small bird. For example: The small bird flew away - (小鳥が飛んで行った). I saw a pretty little bird - (可愛い小鳥を見た). 小麦: "Wheat". The Japanese noun '小麦(こむぎ)' refers to the edible cereal grain that is widely cultivated and used as a staple food. It is the seed of the wheat plant and is used to make a variety of foods such as bread, pasta, and pastries. It is a common ingredient in Japanese cuisine. For example: I bought some wheat flour - (小麦粉を買いました). Wheat fields are a common sight in the countryside - (小麦畑は田舎の風景によく見られます). 小麦粉: "Flour". The Japanese noun '小麦粉 (こむぎこ)' refers to flour, the powder made by grinding wheat grains. It is a staple ingredient used in many Japanese foods such as breads, noodles, tempura batter, and confections. For example: I need to buy some flour to bake bread - (パンを焼くために小麦粉が必要です). This flour is made from high-quality wheat - (この小麦粉は高品質の小麦から作られています). 小児科: "Pediatrics". The Japanese noun '小児科 (しょうにか)' refers to the branch of medicine that deals with the health and medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatrics covers a wide range of medical issues including growth and development, diseases, injuries, and behavioral/mental health. For example: The hospital has a well-equipped pediatric ward - (この病院には小児科の病棟があります). 大小: "Size" or "Scale". The noun '大小 (だいしょう)' refers to the concept of relative size or scale. It can be used to describe the differences in size between two or more things. This word is often used when comparing the sizes of objects, people, or even abstract ideas. For example: The large and small bowls - (大小のボウル), The difference in size - (大小の違い). 最小: "Minimum". The noun '最小 (さいしょう)' means 'minimum'. It refers to the smallest or lowest possible amount, number, or degree of something. It can be used to describe the minimum requirements, minimum size, or minimal level of something. For example: The minimum wage is 1000 yen - (最小賃金は1000円です). The minimum temperature today is 5 degrees - (本日の最小気温は5度です). 小児: "Child". The noun '小児 (しょうに)' means 'child'. It is used to refer to a young human being, typically from birth to the onset of puberty. This word is often used in medical contexts when referring to pediatric care or children's health. For example: The hospital has a well-equipped children's ward - (その病院には小児病棟がよく整っている). The pediatrician examined the small child - (小児科医は小さな子供を診察した). To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.
But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.
Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.
This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:
The hiragana "ち" is read as "chi". The hiragana "い" is read as "i". The hiragana "し" is read as "shi". The hiragana "う" is read as "u". And The hiragana "こ" is read as "ko".