

What is the Kanji for "Return"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Return", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Return" is "返".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Kae".

Its onyomi reading is "Hen".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The radical "辶" means "Walk" . And The kanji "反" means "Anti" and can be read as "Han", "Tan" and "So".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "返" mean in japanese?

"返" means "Return" .

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Third Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N3 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

繰り返す: "Repeat". The Japanese verb '繰り返す (くりかえす)' means 'to repeat'. It is used to describe the action of doing something again or multiple times. This verb can be applied to various contexts, such as repeating a task, a phrase, or an event. For example: Please repeat after me「私の後について繰り返してください」(わたしのあとについてくりかえしてください). History repeats itself「歴史は繰り返す」(れきしはくりかえす). The verb can also be used in a more abstract sense, such as repeating a mistake or a pattern. It is important to note that '繰り返す' often implies a deliberate or conscious repetition, rather than something happening by chance.
返事: "Reply". The Japanese verbal noun '返事 (へんじ)' means 'reply'. It refers to a response or answer given to a question, request, or message. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. For example: I received a reply from him「彼から返事をもらった」(かれからへんじをもらった). Please give me a reply soon「早く返事をください」(はやくへんじをください). The word can also imply acknowledgment, such as when someone responds to being called. For instance: She didn't give a reply when I called her「彼女を呼んでも返事がなかった」(かのじょをよんでもへんじがなかった).
返す: "Return" or "Repeat". The Japanese verb '返す (かえす)' primarily means 'to return' something to its original place or owner. It can also mean 'to repeat' an action, such as repeating a question or a gesture. For example: I will return the book tomorrow「本を明日返します」(ほんをあしたかえします). He repeated the question「彼は質問を返した」(かれはしつもんをかえした). The verb is versatile and can be used in various contexts, including returning physical objects, repeating actions, or even in abstract situations like returning a favor.
裏返す: "Reverse". The Japanese verb '裏返す (うらがえす)' means 'to reverse' or 'to turn something inside out'. It is used when flipping or turning something over, such as a piece of clothing, a page, or an object. This verb can also be used metaphorically to describe reversing a situation or perspective. For example: I reversed the shirt to see the other side「シャツを裏返した」(しゃつをうらがえした). She reversed her opinion after hearing the facts「彼女は事実を聞いて意見を裏返した」(かのじょはじじつをきいていけんをうらがえした). The teacher flipped the page of the book「先生は本のページを裏返した」(せんせいはほんのページをうらがえした).
振り返る: "Look back". The Japanese verb '振り返る (ふりかえる)' means 'to look back' or 'to reflect on the past'. It is commonly used to describe the act of turning one's head to look behind or to metaphorically reflect on past events or experiences. For example: He looked back at his childhood「彼は子供時代を振り返った」(かれはこどもじだいをふりかえった). Let's reflect on what we've learned「学んだことを振り返りましょう」(まなんだことをふりかえりましょう). This verb can be used both literally and figuratively, making it versatile in various contexts.
言い返す: "Retort". The Japanese verb '言い返す (いいかえす)' means 'to retort' or 'to talk back'. It is used when someone responds sharply or defiantly to a remark or criticism. This verb often carries a nuance of defiance or disagreement, and it is typically used in situations where someone is standing up for themselves or challenging what has been said. For example: He retorted angrily「彼は怒って言い返した」(かれはおこっていいかえした). She always talks back to her teacher「彼女はいつも先生に言い返す」(かのじょはいつもせんせいにいいかえす). The verb can also imply a sense of rebuttal or counter-argument in a more formal context, such as in a debate or discussion.
返る: "Return". The Japanese verb '返る (かえる)' means 'to return' or 'to go back'. It is often used to describe the act of returning to a place, state, or condition. This verb can be used in various contexts, such as returning home, returning to a previous state, or even returning an item. For example: I will return home「家に返る」(いえにかえる). The book returned to the library「本が図書館に返った」(ほんがとしょかんにかえった). It's important to note that '返る' is an intransitive verb, meaning it does not take a direct object. Instead, it often pairs with particles like 'に' to indicate the destination or target of the return.
裏返し: "Inside out". The Japanese verbal noun '裏返し (うらがえし)' means 'inside out' or 'reversed'. It is used to describe something that is turned inside out or flipped, often referring to clothing or objects. It can also metaphorically describe a situation or meaning that is the opposite of what is expected. For example: She wore her shirt inside out「彼女はシャツを裏返しに着ていた」(かのじょはシャツをうらがえしにきていた). The meaning of his words was the opposite of what he said「彼の言葉は裏返しの意味だった」(かれのことばはうらがえしのいみだった). This term is commonly used in everyday conversation and can be applied to both literal and figurative contexts.
返済: "Repayment". The Japanese noun '返済 (へんさい)' refers to the act of repaying or settling a debt, loan, or obligation. It is commonly used in financial contexts, such as repaying a loan or mortgage. For example: I will repay the loan next month「来月にローンを返済します」(らいげつにローンをへんさいします). The repayment period is five years「返済期間は5年です」(へんさいきかんはごねんです). This word emphasizes the completion of a financial obligation and is often used in formal or business settings.
取り返す: "Reclaim". The Japanese verb '取り返す (とりかえす)' means 'to reclaim' or 'to take back'. It is used when someone retrieves something that was lost, stolen, or taken away. This verb can also imply recovering from a setback or regaining something intangible, such as time or trust. For example: I reclaimed my lost wallet「失くした財布を取り返した」(なくしたさいふをとりかえした). He tried to reclaim his reputation「彼は評判を取り返そうとした」(かれはひょうばんをとりかえそうとした). The verb often carries a sense of effort or struggle in the process of reclaiming.
返還: "Return" or "Restoration". The Japanese noun '返還 (へんかん)' refers to the act of returning or restoring something to its original owner or place. It is often used in formal or legal contexts, such as the return of territory, property, or rights. For example: The return of the land to its original owner「土地の返還が行われた」(とちのへんかんがおこなわれた). The restoration of cultural artifacts to their country of origin「文化財の返還が決定した」(ぶんかざいのへんかんがけっていした). This term carries a formal tone and is commonly used in diplomatic, legal, or historical discussions.
引き返す: "Turn back". The Japanese verb '引き返す (ひきかえす)' means 'to turn back' or 'to return'. It is used when someone or something reverses direction and goes back to a previous location or state. This verb can be used in various contexts, such as physical movement, decisions, or actions. For example: He turned back halfway through the journey「彼は途中で引き返した」(かれはとちゅうでひきかえした). Due to the bad weather, we had to turn back「悪天候のため、引き返さなければならなかった」(あくてんこうのため、ひきかえさなければならなかった). The verb often implies a deliberate decision to go back, rather than simply returning.
繰り返し: "Repetition". The Japanese noun '繰り返し (くりかえし)' means 'repetition'. It refers to the act of repeating something, whether it be an action, a process, or a statement. This word is often used in contexts where something is done or said multiple times, either for emphasis, practice, or as part of a routine. For example: Repetition is important for learning「繰り返しは学習に重要です」(くりかえしはがくしゅうにじゅうようです). He repeated the same mistake「彼は同じ間違いを繰り返した」(かれはおなじまちがいをくりかえした). The word can also be used in a more abstract sense, such as in music or patterns, where repetition is a key element.
返却: "Return". The Japanese verbal noun '返却 (へんきゃく)' means 'return' in the sense of giving something back, such as returning a borrowed item. It is commonly used in contexts like returning books to a library or returning rented items. For example: Please return the book by tomorrow「本を明日までに返却してください」(ほんをあしたまでにへんきゃくしてください). I returned the DVD to the rental shop「DVDをレンタルショップに返却した」(DVDをレンタルショップにへんきゃくした). The term emphasizes the act of returning something to its original place or owner.

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "へ" is read as "he". The hiragana "ん" is read as "n". The hiragana "か" is read as "ka". And The hiragana "え" is read as "e".



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