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What is the Kanji for "Power"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Power", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Power" is "".

This kanji has 3 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Chikara".

Its onyomi readings are "Riki" and "Ryoku".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The radical "勹" means "Wrap" . And The radical "丿" means "Katakana no" .

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Power".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in First Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N4 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

: "Strength". The Japanese noun '力 (ちから)' means 'strength'. This word refers to the physical or mental power or ability to perform an action. It can be used to describe the strength of a person, an object, or even a force of nature. For example: He has great strength - (彼は強い力を持っている). This machine requires a lot of strength to operate - (この機械を操作するには強い力が必要だ).

協力: "Cooperation". The verbal noun '協力(きょうりょく)' means 'cooperation'. It refers to the act of working together towards a common goal or purpose. This word is used to describe situations where two or more people or groups work collaboratively to achieve something. For example: We need cooperation from all team members to complete this project - (このプロジェクトを完成させるには、全てのチームメンバーの協力が必要です). Cooperation between the two companies led to a successful partnership - (2つの会社の協力により、成功したパートナーシップが生まれた).

能力: "Ability". The Japanese noun '能力 (のうりょく)' refers to one's skills, talent or capacity to perform a particular task or function. It can be used to describe a person's general intelligence, competence or proficiency in a certain field. For example: She has great ability - (彼女は能力がすばらしい). This employee has the ability to do the job well - (この従業員はその仕事をうまくこなす能力がある).

権力: "Power". The noun '権力 (けんりょく)' means 'power'. This refers to the ability or authority to control, direct, or influence the actions, behavior, or opinions of others. It can be political power, social power, economic power, or any other type of power held by individuals, groups, or institutions. For example: The political party gained power - (その政党は権力を得た). He has a lot of power and influence - (彼は大きな権力と影響力を持っている).

努力: "Effort". The Japanese verbal noun '努力 (どりょく)' means 'effort'. This word refers to the conscious use of energy and diligence to achieve a goal or complete a task. '努力' is often used to describe the hard work and perseverance required to accomplish something challenging. For example: She made a great effort to learn the language - (彼女はその言語を学ぶのに大変な努力をした). He put in a lot of effort to pass the exam - (彼は試験に合格するために大変な努力をした).

魅力: "Charm" or "Appeal". The Japanese noun '魅力 (みりょく)' means 'charm' or 'appeal'. It refers to the quality of being attractive, interesting, or appealing to others. This word can be used to describe the charm or allure of a person, thing, or situation. For example: She has a natural charm - (彼女は天然の魅力がある). The art exhibition was full of charm - (その美術展は魅力いっぱいだった).

出力: "Output". The Japanese verbal noun '出力 (しゅつりょく)' refers to the action or process of producing or generating something, often in the context of technological or mechanical systems. This term is commonly used to describe the result or product of an operation or process, such as the data, information, or energy that is produced by a device or system. For example: The printer's output was of high quality - (プリンターの出力は高品質だった). The output of the generator was sufficient to power the whole building - (発電機の出力は建物全体を賄うのに十分だった).

火力: "Power". The Japanese noun '火力 (かりょく)' means 'power'. This noun refers to the amount of energy or force that something has, particularly in the context of engines, machinery, or weapons. It can be used to describe the power output or strength of a device. For example: The power of the engine - (エンジンの火力). The nuclear power plant has immense power - (原子力発電所には膨大な火力がある).

水力: "Hydropower". The Japanese noun '水力 (すいりょく)' refers to hydropower, which is a form of renewable energy generated by the force of flowing water. This can be from natural sources like rivers and streams, or can be artificially created by dams. Hydropower is a clean and sustainable source of electricity, and has been an important part of Japan's energy mix. For example: Hydropower provides 8% of Japan's electricity - (水力は日本の電力の8%を提供する).

気力: "Vigor". The noun '気力 (きりょく)' refers to one's inner strength, energy, or willpower. It conveys a sense of mental and physical vitality, determination, and motivation to take action. This word can be used to describe someone who is full of life and drive, or someone who lacks the necessary energy or enthusiasm to accomplish their goals. For example: His strong 気力 allowed him to overcome the obstacles - (彼の強い気力により、彼は障害を乗り越えることができた). She lost her 気力 after the failure - (失敗後、彼女の気力が失われた).

暴力: "Violence". The Japanese noun '暴力 (ぼうりょく)' means 'violence'. This word refers to the use of physical force to cause harm or damage, often in an aggressive or destructive manner. It can be used to describe acts of physical assault, aggression, or behaviors that involve the forceful exertion of power over others. For example: The news report detailed the violent incident - (ニュースレポートは暴力事件の詳細を説明した). Violence is never the answer - (暴力は決して解決策ではない).

勢力: "Power" or "Influence". The Japanese noun '勢力 (せいりょく)' can mean 'power' or 'influence'. It refers to the strength, control, or authority that a person, group, or organization has. It can describe political, military, economic, or social power and influence. For example: Their political party has significant power - (彼らの政党は大きな勢力を持っている). The local crime syndicate has a lot of influence in the area - (その地域の組織犯罪は強大な勢力を持っている).

全速力: "Full speed". The Japanese noun '全速力 (ぜんそくりょく)' means 'full speed'. This noun refers to the maximum possible speed or velocity that someone or something can attain. It is often used to describe a vehicle or object moving at its fastest possible pace. For example: The car accelerated to full speed - (車は全速力で加速した). The ship was traveling at full speed - (その船は全速力で航行していた).

原子力: "Atomic power". The noun '原子力 (げんしりょく)' refers to atomic power or nuclear power. It describes the energy generated from the splitting or fusion of atomic nuclei. This power source is used to generate electricity in nuclear power plants. It is a controversial topic due to concerns over nuclear waste and potential accidents. For example: Nuclear power is a major source of electricity - (原子力は主要な電力源である). Nuclear power plants use atomic power to produce electricity - (原子力発電所は原子力を使って電気を作る).

有力: "Influential". The adjectival noun '有力 (ゆうりょく)' means 'influential'. It refers to someone or something that has a powerful position, impact, or authority that allows them to influence decisions, events, or people. This word is often used to describe influential individuals, organizations, or factors in a particular field or situation. For example: The company has an influential shareholder - (その会社には有力な株主がいる). She is an influential political figure - (彼女は有力な政治家だ).

強力: "Powerful" or "Forceful". The adjectival noun '強力 (きょうりょく)' means 'powerful' or 'forceful'. It is used to describe something that has a great amount of strength, influence, or intensity. This word can be applied to describe physical power, as well as more abstract concepts like political or economic power. For example: The powerful earthquake - (強力な地震). Their political party is very powerful - (彼らの政党は非常に強力だ).

体力: "Stamina". The noun '体力 (たいりょく)' refers to a person's physical strength, endurance and vigor. It represents the overall capacity of the body to perform and withstand physical exertion and activity. This concept is important in sports, physical labor, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For example: She has great stamina and can run for a long time - (彼女は体力がすごくて、長い間走れる). My job requires a lot of physical stamina - (私の仕事は体力がとても必要です).

実力: "Ability". The noun '実力 (じつりょく)' refers to one's true ability, competence or skill in a particular area. It implies the actual capacity or potential that someone possesses, rather than just superficial or perceived ability. '実力' suggests the genuine, inner talent or expertise that a person has developed through hard work and experience. For example: He showed his true ability during the competition - (彼は試合で自分の実力を発揮した). She has the ability to become an excellent pianist - (彼女はピアニストとして優れた実力を持っている).

圧力: "Pressure". The Japanese noun '圧力 (あつりょく)' means 'pressure'. This word refers to the force exerted on a surface by something in contact with it. It can be used to describe physical pressure, such as air pressure or water pressure, as well as figurative pressure, such as social or political pressure. For example: High air pressure - (高い圧力). The company faces increasing market pressure - (その会社は市場の圧力に直面している).

入力: "Input". The Japanese verbal noun '入力 (にゅうりょく)' means 'input'. It refers to the act of entering, inputting or feeding information into a computer, device or system. For example: I need to input the data - (データを入力しなければなりません). Please input your password - (パスワードを入力してください).

全力: "Full effort". The noun '全力 (ぜんりょく)' refers to 'full effort' or 'maximum effort'. It indicates that someone is exerting themselves completely and giving their absolute best in an activity or endeavor. For example: He gave his full effort in the game - (彼はその試合で全力を尽くした). I will do my 全力 to win the competition - (私は競争に勝つために全力を尽くします).

効力: "Effect" or "Efficacy". The Japanese noun '効力 (こうりょく)' refers to the effect, impact, or efficacy of something. It can be used to describe the power or influence of a law, medicine, action, or process. For example: The medicine had a strong effect - (その薬は効力が強い). The law had little effect - (その法律はあまり効力がない).

力強い: "Powerful". The Japanese adjective '力強い (ちからづよい)' means 'powerful'. This adjective is used to describe something that has great strength, force or intensity. It can be applied to physical objects, people, or even abstract concepts. For example: He has a powerful punch - (彼のパンチは力強い). The storm was powerful - (その嵐は力強かった).

動力: "Power". The Japanese noun '動力 (どうりょく)' means 'power'. This word refers to the energy or force that drives or activates something, such as the power that makes a machine or vehicle move. It can be used to describe both physical and abstract forms of power. For example: The car has a powerful engine - (その車は強い動力を持っている). The economic power of the company - (その企業の強力な動力)

学力: "Academic ability". 学力 (がくりょく) refers to a person's academic knowledge, skills, and performance. It encompasses a wide range of intellectual capabilities such as reading comprehension, mathematical reasoning, and problem-solving abilities acquired through education. This term is commonly used to assess and compare students' overall academic achievements. For example: Her academic ability is excellent - (彼女の学力は優れている). The school aims to improve students' academic abilities - (その学校は生徒の学力向上を目指している).

武力: "Force". The noun '武力 (ぶりょく)' refers to military or physical force. It encompasses the use of weapons, violence, and coercion to achieve a particular goal or objective. This term is often associated with conflict, war, and the exercise of power. For example: They used military force to take over the city - (彼らは武力を使って都市を占領した). The country's military force is very powerful - (その国の武力は非常に強力だ).

電力: "Power". The noun '電力 (でんりょく)' refers to electrical power or electricity. It is used to describe the generation, distribution, and consumption of electrical energy. '電力' is an important concept in fields like engineering, technology, and energy policy. For example: The city requires a lot of power - (その街は多くの電力を必要とする). The power plant generates electricity - (発電所が電力を発電する).

労力: "Effort". The Japanese noun '労力 (ろうりょく)' refers to the physical or mental effort required to accomplish a task. It suggests the amount of work, toil, or exertion needed to achieve something. For example: The project required a great deal of effort - (このプロジェクトには多大な労力が必要でした). She put a lot of effort into her studies - (彼女は勉強に多くの労力を注ぎました).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "り" is read as "ri". The hiragana "き" is read as "ki". The hiragana "く" is read as "ku". The hiragana "ち" is read as "chi". The hiragana "か" is read as "ka". And The hiragana "ら" is read as "ra".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.