If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for
"Degrees" and "Times", you've come to the right place!
The Japanese Kanji for
"Degrees" and "Times"
is "度".
This kanji has 3 readings:
Its kunyomi reading is "Tabi".
Its onyomi readings are "Do" and "Taku".
kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.
If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 3 parts:
The radical "广" means "Dotted cliff"
. The kanji "又" means "Again"
and can be read as "Mata" and "Mata". And The radical "廿" means "Twenty"
Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.
What does the kanji "度" mean in japanese?
"度" means
"Degrees" and "Times"
Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Third Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N4 exam.
Here are some words that use this kanji:
度: "Degree". The Japanese noun '度 (ど)' refers to a unit of measurement or a level/stage of something. It can be used to describe the intensity, frequency, or amount of something. For example: 40 degrees Celsius - (摂氏40度), High degree of difficulty - (難度が高い) 制度: "System". The Japanese noun '制度 (せいど)' refers to a system, framework, or set of rules and procedures that govern the operations or functioning of an organization, society, or a particular domain. It can denote formal or informal structures, policies, and practices that are established to regulate and coordinate activities. For example: The education system in Japan - (日本の教育制度). The legal system - (法制度). 程度: "Degree". The Japanese noun '程度 (ていど)' means 'degree'. It refers to the extent, level, or intensity of something. It can be used to describe the level or intensity of a quality, characteristic, or action. For example: To a high degree - (高い程度に), The degree of difficulty - (難しさの程度) 今度: "Next". The Japanese noun '今度 (こんど)' means 'next'. It is used to refer to the next instance or occurrence of something. For example: I'll see you next time - (私は次会うのを楽しみにしています), Next month we are going on a trip - (来月私たちは旅行に行きます) 何度: "Times". The Japanese noun '何度 (なんど)' means 'times'. It is used to indicate the number of occurrences of an action or event. For example: How many times have you been to Tokyo? - (東京に何度行きましたか?). I've been to the store three times today - (今日お店に何度も行きました). 態度: "Attitude". The Japanese noun '態度 (たいど)' means 'attitude'. This word refers to a person's outward manner, behavior, or way of carrying themselves. It can describe someone's overall demeanor, perspective, or mindset. For example: She has a positive attitude - (彼女は前向きな態度を持っている). He has a bad attitude - (彼は悪い態度を持っている). 急度: "Surely" or "Definitely". The Japanese adverb '急度(きっと)' means 'surely' or 'definitely'. It is used to express a high degree of certainty about a statement or action. It can be used to emphasize the speaker's confidence in the information being conveyed. For example: I will definitely go - (私は急度行きます). You will surely pass the test - (あなたは急度試験に合格するでしょう). 丁度: "Exactly". The adverb '丁度 (ちょうど)' means 'exactly'. It is used to indicate that something is precise, accurate, or without error. It can modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to emphasize the exactness of the action or quality. For example: The train arrived exactly on time - (電車は丁度時間通りに到着した). He weighed exactly 70 kilograms - (彼は丁度70キロありました). 年度: "Fiscal year". The Japanese noun '年度 (ねんど)' refers to the fiscal year, which is the 12-month period used for financial reporting and budgeting purposes, often starting on April 1 and ending on March 31 of the following year. It is commonly used in the context of government, businesses, and academic institutions to describe the relevant time period for their operations and accounting. For example: The new fiscal year will begin next month - (新しい年度は来月から始まります). The company reported record profits for the last fiscal year - (その会社は前年度に過去最高の利益を計上しました). 高度: "Height". The word '高度 (こうど)' is an adjectival noun that means 'height'. It is used to describe the vertical measurement or elevation of something. This word can be used to talk about the height of a building, mountain, or even the elevation of an aircraft. For example: The height of the building is impressive - (その建物の高度は印象的だ). The airplane flew at a high altitude - (飛行機は高度を上げて飛んでいた). 一度に: "All at once". The Japanese adverb '一度に (いちどに)' means 'all at once'. This adverb is used to express that something happens or is done all together, without any breaks or intervals. It can be used to describe actions, events, or situations where multiple things occur simultaneously. For example: I bought all the books at once - (一度にその本を全て買った). Please pay the full amount all at once - (一度に全額お支払いください). 速度: "Speed". The Japanese noun '速度 (そくど)' means 'speed'. It refers to the rate at which something moves or operates. It can be used to describe the velocity of objects, the pace of an activity, or the quickness of a process. For example: The car was driving at a high speed - (車は高速度で走っていた). He completed the task at a rapid speed - (彼はそのタスクを高速度で完了した). 支度: "Preparations". The verbal noun '支度 (したく)' means 'preparations'. It refers to the act of getting ready or making necessary arrangements for an event, activity or situation. 支度 is often used to describe the process of preparing and organizing things in advance. For example: I need to make preparations for the party - (パーティーの支度をしなければなりません). She is making preparations to move to a new house - (彼女は新しい家に引っ越すための支度をしています). 温度: "Temperature". The Japanese noun '温度 (おんど)' means 'temperature'. This word refers to the degree or intensity of heat present in something. It is commonly used to describe the temperature of the environment, an object, or a person's body. For example: The temperature today is high - (今日の温度が高い). The water temperature is 45 degrees - (水の温度は45度です). 湿度: "Humidity". The Japanese noun '湿度 (しつど)' refers to the amount of water vapor present in the air or gas. It is a measure of the moisture content in the atmosphere. A high humidity level indicates that the air is moist, while a low humidity level indicates dry air. Humidity affects comfort levels, as well as various physical and chemical processes. For example: The humidity is high today - (今日の湿度は高い). The air has low humidity - (空気の湿度が低い). 震度: "Intensity". The noun '震度 (しんど)' refers to the intensity or magnitude of an earthquake. It is a measure of the strength of an earthquake based on observed effects on people, structures and the natural environment. The intensity scale ranges from 1 to 7, with 7 being the most severe. For example: The earthquake measured intensity 6 on the shindo scale - (地震の震度は6だった). The intensity of the quake was very high - (地震の震度が非常に高かった). 濃度: "Concentration". The Japanese noun '濃度 (のうど)' means 'concentration'. It refers to the amount or degree of a substance that is present in a solution or mixture. It can be used to describe the intensity or strength of something, such as the concentration of a chemical solution or the concentration of a gas in the air. For example: The concentration of sugar in the juice is high - (ジュースの中の糖分の濃度が高い). The air pollution concentration is low today - (今日は大気汚染の濃度が低い). 限度: "Limit". The Japanese noun '限度 (げんど)' means 'limit'. This word refers to the maximum or minimum amount, degree or level that is allowed, acceptable or possible. It can describe a physical, financial, or psychological boundary. For example: There is a limit to how much we can carry - (限度まで荷物を運べます). The teacher set a time limit for the exam - (試験の時間限度を設定しました). 再度: "Again". The noun '再度 (さいど)' means 'again'. It is used to indicate that an action or event is being repeated or done for a second time. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as: Please do it again - (再度やってください). I'll have to ask you that question again - (私はそれをさいど尋ねなければなりません). 二度と: "Never again". The adverb '二度と (にどと)' means 'never again'. This adverb is used to express a strong determination or resolve to not repeat an action or experience in the future. It conveys the idea that something will definitely not happen again. For example: I will never do that again - (二度とあんなことはしません). She said she would never come back - (二度と戻ってこないと彼女は言いました). この度: "This occasion". The Japanese noun 'この度 (このたび)' means 'this occasion'. It is used to refer to a specific instance or event that is happening currently or recently. It can be used to introduce or explain a situation, such as in the following examples: On this occasion, I would like to apologize - (この度はお詫び申し上げます). This time, I have a special announcement to make - (この度、特別なお知らせがあります). 毎度: "Always" or "Repeatedly". The Japanese noun '毎度 (まいど)' has two primary meanings: 'always' and 'repeatedly'. It is commonly used to express the idea of something occurring or happening on a regular basis. For example: I always come here - (毎度ここへ来る). I repeatedly buy from this store - (この店から毎度買う). 度忘れ: "Forgetfulness". The verbal noun '度忘れ (どわすれ)' means 'forgetfulness'. This term refers to the act of forgetting something, often something important or that was previously known. It can be used to describe a temporary lapse in memory or the inability to recall certain information. For example: I had a moment of forgetfulness and forgot my keys at home - (私はちょっと度忘れがあって、家に鍵を忘れてきてしまいました). 角度: "Angle". The Japanese noun '角度 (かくど)' means 'angle'. This word refers to the space between two intersecting lines or surfaces. It can be used to describe the degree or measurement of this space. For example: The window is at a 45 degree angle - (その窓は45度の角度にある). What angle should I cut the wood at? - (どの角度で木材を切ればよいですか?). 度々: "Often". The Japanese adverb '度々 (たびたび)' means 'often'. It is used to indicate that an action or event happens frequently. This adverb can modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to convey the idea of something occurring multiple times or on a regular basis. For example: I often go to the park - (私は度々公園に行きます). He is often late - (彼は度々遅刻します). 適度: "Moderate". The Japanese adjectival noun '適度(てきど)' means 'moderate'. It describes something that is not excessive or extreme, but rather at the right or appropriate level. This term can be used to describe a wide range of things, such as the amount of food consumed, the intensity of a workout, or the usage of resources. For example: The athlete maintained a moderate pace during the race - (そのアスリートは競争中、適度なペースを保った). Drinking alcohol in moderation is better for your health - (適度なアルコール摂取のほうが健康上よい). To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.
But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.
Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.
This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:
The hiragana "ど" is read as "do". The hiragana "た" is read as "ta". The hiragana "く" is read as "ku". And The hiragana "び" is read as "bi".