

What is the Kanji for "Stop"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Stop", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Stop" is "止".

This kanji has 3 readings:

Its kunyomi readings are "Ya" and "To".

Its onyomi reading is "Shi".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The kanji "上" means "Up" and can be read as "Ue", "Jou" and "A". And The radical "丨" means "Stick" .

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "止" mean in japanese?

"止" means "Stop" .

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Second Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N4 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

止める: "Stop". The Japanese verb '止める (やめる)' means 'to stop' or 'to quit'. It is commonly used to indicate the cessation of an action, habit, or activity. For example: I stopped smoking「タバコをやめました」(たばこをやめました). She quit her job「彼女は仕事をやめた」(かのじょはしごとをやめた). This verb can also imply giving up something permanently or temporarily, depending on the context. It is often used in everyday conversations to express the act of discontinuing something.
止まる: "Stop". The Japanese verb '止まる (とまる)' means 'to stop'. It is used to describe the action of something ceasing movement or activity. This verb can be applied to various contexts, such as vehicles, people, or even natural phenomena. For example: the bus stopped「バスが止まった」(バスがとまった). The rain stopped「雨が止まった」(あめがとまった). Additionally, '止まる' can also imply a temporary pause, as in 'the clock stopped「時計が止まった」(とけいがとまった)'. It is important to note that '止まる' is an intransitive verb, meaning it does not take a direct object.
行き止まり: "Dead end". The Japanese noun '行き止まり (いきどまり)' refers to a 'dead end', typically a road or path that does not continue further. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a situation where progress is blocked or no further options are available. For example: This road is a dead end「この道は行き止まりです」(このみちはいきどまりです). We've reached a dead end in our negotiations「交渉は行き止まりに達した」(こうしょうはいきどまりにたっした).
止む: "Stop". The Japanese verb '止む (やむ)' means 'to stop' or 'to cease'. It is often used to describe natural phenomena or events that come to an end, such as rain, wind, or noise. For example: the rain stopped「雨が止んだ」(あめがやんだ). The noise finally ceased「やっと音が止んだ」(やっとおとがやんだ). This verb can also be used in a more abstract sense, such as when emotions or situations subside. For instance: his anger subsided「彼の怒りが止んだ」(かれのいかりがやんだ). It is important to note that '止む' is an intransitive verb, meaning it does not take a direct object. The transitive counterpart would be '止める (やめる)', which means 'to stop something'.
禁止: "Prohibition". The Japanese verbal noun '禁止 (きんし)' means 'prohibition' or 'ban'. It is used to indicate that something is not allowed or is forbidden. This word is commonly seen on signs and in rules, such as 'No Smoking' or 'No Entry'. For example: Smoking is prohibited here「ここでは喫煙が禁止されています」(ここではきつえんがきんしされています). Photography is prohibited in this area「このエリアでは撮影が禁止されています」(このエリアではさつえいがきんしされています). The word '禁止' is often used in formal or official contexts to indicate rules or regulations that must be followed.
受け止める: "Accept" or "Catch". The Japanese verb '受け止める (うけとめる)' has two primary meanings. The first is 'to catch', as in physically catching something. For example: he caught the ball「彼はボールを受け止めた」(かれはボールをうけとめた). The second meaning is 'to accept', often used in a more abstract or emotional sense, such as accepting responsibility or feelings. For example: she accepted his feelings「彼女は彼の気持ちを受け止めた」(かのじょはかれのきもちをうけとめた). This verb is versatile and can be used in both literal and figurative contexts, making it important to consider the surrounding words to determine the intended meaning.
止め: "Stop". The Japanese noun '止め (とめ)' means 'stop'. It refers to the act of stopping or halting something, or the state of being stopped. This word is often used in contexts where an action, movement, or process is being brought to an end. For example: the train came to a stop「電車が止めになった」(でんしゃがとめになった). Please stop the music「音楽を止めてください」(おんがくをとめてください). It can also be used in martial arts to refer to a finishing move or decisive action, such as '止めを刺す (とめをさす)', which literally means 'to deliver the finishing blow'.
中止: "Cancellation". The Japanese verbal noun '中止 (ちゅうし)' means 'cancellation' or 'suspension'. It refers to the act of stopping or discontinuing an event, activity, or process before its completion. This term is often used in formal contexts, such as canceling events, meetings, or operations due to unforeseen circumstances. For example: The event was canceled due to rain「イベントは雨で中止になった」(イベントはあめでちゅうしになった). The meeting was suspended「会議は中止された」(かいぎはちゅうしされた). It is important to note that '中止' implies a deliberate decision to stop something, often due to external factors.
通行止め: "Roadblock". The Japanese noun '通行止め (つうこうどめ)' refers to a 'roadblock' or 'road closure'. It is commonly used to indicate that a road or path is closed to traffic, often due to construction, accidents, or other obstructions. This term is frequently seen on signs and announcements. For example: The road is closed due to construction「工事のため通行止めです」(こうじのためつうこうどめです). The mountain trail is closed「山道は通行止めです」(やまみちはつうこうどめです). The term emphasizes the prohibition of passage, and it is often used in both formal and informal contexts to inform people about restricted access.
立ち止まる: "Stop" or "Pause". The Japanese verb '立ち止まる (たちどまる)' means 'to stop' or 'to pause'. It is used to describe the action of stopping one's movement, often to think, observe, or reconsider. This verb is commonly used in both physical and metaphorical contexts. For example: he stopped to look at the scenery「彼は景色を見るために立ち止まった」(かれはけしきをみるためにたちどまった). She paused to think about her decision「彼女は決断について考えるために立ち止まった」(かのじょはけつだんについてかんがえるためにたちどまった). The verb emphasizes a deliberate halt, often implying a moment of reflection or hesitation.
引き止める: "Stop" or "Detain". The Japanese verb '引き止める (ひきとめる)' primarily means 'to stop' or 'to detain'. It is used when someone tries to prevent another person from leaving or moving forward. This verb often carries a sense of urgency or insistence. For example: I tried to stop him from leaving「彼を引き止めようとした」(かれをひきとめようとした). The police detained the suspect「警察は容疑者を引き止めた」(けいさつはようぎしゃをひきとめた). The verb can also imply a physical or emotional effort to keep someone in place, such as in a conversation or during an argument.
立ち入り禁止: "No entry". The Japanese noun '立ち入り禁止 (たちいりきんし)' means 'no entry' or 'off-limits'. It is commonly used to indicate areas where entry is prohibited, such as restricted zones, construction sites, or private property. This term is often seen on signs and warnings. For example: This area is off-limits「このエリアは立ち入り禁止です」(このエリアはたちいりきんしです). Do not enter, it's prohibited「立ち入り禁止です、入らないでください」(たちいりきんしです、はいらないでください). The term is a combination of '立ち入り (たちいり)' meaning 'entry' and '禁止 (きんし)' meaning 'prohibition'.
廃止: "Abolition". The Japanese verbal noun '廃止 (はいし)' means 'abolition' or 'discontinuation'. It refers to the act of officially ending or stopping something, such as a system, law, or practice. This term is often used in formal or official contexts. For example: The government decided on the abolition of the law「政府はその法律の廃止を決定した」(せいふはそのほうりつのはいしをけっていした). The company announced the discontinuation of the service「その会社はサービスの廃止を発表した」(そのかいしゃはサービスのはいしをはっぴょうした). Note that '廃止' is typically used in written or formal speech, and its usage implies a permanent termination.
停止: "Stop". The Japanese verbal noun '停止 (ていし)' means 'stop' or 'halt'. It is commonly used to describe the cessation of movement, activity, or operation. This term is often used in formal or technical contexts, such as machinery, vehicles, or systems. For example: The train came to a stop「電車が停止した」(でんしゃがていしした). The machine stopped due to an error「機械がエラーで停止した」(きかいがエラーでていしした). Additionally, '停止' can also refer to the suspension or discontinuation of services, processes, or functions, as in: The service has been temporarily stopped「サービスが一時停止している」(サービスがいちじていししている).
防止: "Prevention". The Japanese verbal noun '防止 (ぼうし)' means 'prevention'. It is used to describe the act of stopping something from happening or avoiding a negative outcome. This word is often used in contexts related to safety, security, and health. For example: crime prevention「犯罪防止」(はんざいぼうし). Accident prevention「事故防止」(じこぼうし). It is commonly paired with other nouns to form compound words that specify what is being prevented, such as '火災防止 (かさいぼうし) (fire prevention)' or '感染防止 (かんせんぼうし) (infection prevention)'. The word carries a formal tone and is frequently used in official or technical contexts.

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "や" is read as "ya". The hiragana "し" is read as "shi". And The hiragana "と" is read as "to".

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