

What is the Kanji for "Investigate" and "Tune"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Investigate" and "Tune", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Investigate" and "Tune" is "調".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Shira".

Its onyomi reading is "Chou".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The kanji "言" means "Say" and can be read as "Gen", "I", "Gon" and "Koto". And The kanji "周" means "Circumference" and can be read as "Shuu" and "Mawa".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "調" mean in japanese?

"調" means "Investigate" and "Tune" .

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Third Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N3 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

調べる: "Investigate". The Japanese verb '調べる (しらべる)' primarily means 'to investigate' or 'to examine'. It is used when someone is looking into something thoroughly, such as researching information, checking details, or inspecting something. This verb is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts. For example: I will investigate the cause of the problem「問題の原因を調べます」(もんだいのげんいんをしらべます). She is checking the schedule「彼女はスケジュールを調べている」(かのじょはスケジュールをしらべている). Additionally, '調べる' can also imply looking up information, as in: I looked up the word in the dictionary「その単語を辞書で調べた」(そのたんごをじしょでしらべた).
強調: "Emphasis". The Japanese verbal noun '強調 (きょうちょう)' means 'emphasis'. It refers to the act of stressing or highlighting the importance of something. This word is often used in contexts where someone wants to draw attention to a particular point or feature. For example: The teacher emphasized the importance of studying「先生は勉強の重要性を強調した」(せんせいはべんきょうのじゅうようせいをきょうちょうした). The advertisement emphasizes the product's quality「その広告は製品の品質を強調している」(そのこうこくはせいひんのひんしつをきょうちょうしている). It can also be used in formal or informal settings, making it versatile in both spoken and written Japanese.
調査: "Investigation" or "Survey". The Japanese verbal noun '調査 (ちょうさ)' can mean either 'investigation' or 'survey', depending on the context. It refers to the act of examining or studying something systematically to gather information. For example: The police are conducting an investigation「警察が調査をしている」(けいさつがちょうさをしている). We conducted a survey about customer satisfaction「顧客満足度についての調査を行った」(こきゃくまんぞくどについてのちょうさをおこなった). This word is often used in formal or professional settings, such as research, business, or law enforcement.
口調: "Tone". The Japanese noun '口調 (くちょう)' refers to the tone or manner of speaking. It describes how someone's voice sounds, including pitch, rhythm, and intonation, which can convey emotions, attitudes, or personality. For example: His tone was calm「彼の口調は落ち着いていた」(かれのくちょうはおちついていた). She spoke in a cheerful tone「彼女は明るい口調で話した」(かのじょはあかるいくちょうではなした). This word is often used to describe the way someone speaks in conversations, speeches, or storytelling.
調子: "Condition". The Japanese noun '調子 (ちょうし)' primarily means 'condition' or 'state'. It is often used to describe the physical or mental condition of a person, the state of a machine, or the progress of a situation. For example: His condition is good「彼の調子はいい」(かれのちょうしはいい). The machine's condition is bad「機械の調子が悪い」(きかいのちょうしがわるい). Additionally, '調子' can also refer to the tone or rhythm in music, but this usage is less common in everyday conversation. For example: The rhythm of the song is fast「その曲の調子が速い」(そのきょくのちょうしがはやい).
下調べ: "Preparation". The Japanese verbal noun '下調べ (したしらべ)' refers to the act of doing preliminary research or preparation before undertaking a task. It is often used in contexts where one needs to gather information or make arrangements in advance. For example: I did some preparation before the meeting「会議の前に下調べをした」(かいぎのまえにしたしらべをした). She always does thorough preparation before traveling「彼女は旅行の前にいつもしっかり下調べをする」(かのじょはりょこうのまえにいつもしっかりしたしらべをする). This term emphasizes the importance of being well-prepared and informed.
調達: "Procurement". The Japanese noun '調達 (ちょうたつ)' refers to the act of procuring or obtaining goods, materials, or services, often in a business or organizational context. It is commonly used in supply chain management, logistics, and corporate settings. For example: The company is responsible for the procurement of raw materials「会社は原材料の調達を担当しています」(かいしゃはげんざいりょうのちょうたつをたんとうしています). We need to procure new equipment「新しい設備を調達する必要があります」(あたらしいせつびをちょうたつするひつようがあります). The term emphasizes the process of sourcing and acquiring necessary resources efficiently.
調理: "Cooking". The Japanese noun '調理 (ちょうり)' refers to the act or process of cooking or preparing food. It is commonly used in contexts related to food preparation, such as in professional kitchens, home cooking, or culinary arts. For example: I am studying cooking「私は調理を勉強しています」(わたしはちょうりをべんきょうしています). This kitchen is for cooking「このキッチンは調理用です」(このキッチンはちょうりようです). The word can also appear in compound terms like '調理師 (ちょうりし)', which means 'chef' or 'cook'.
調べ: "Investigation". The Japanese noun '調べ (しらべ)' primarily means 'investigation' or 'inquiry'. It refers to the act of examining or researching something thoroughly to uncover facts or details. This word is often used in formal or official contexts, such as police investigations or academic research. For example: The police are conducting an investigation「警察が調べを進めています」(けいさつがしらべをすすめています). I need to do some research on this topic「このテーマについて調べが必要です」(このテーマについてしらべがひつようです). Additionally, '調べ' can also refer to a musical 'tune' or 'melody', but this usage is less common and context-dependent.
体調: "Condition". The Japanese noun '体調 (たいちょう)' refers to one's physical condition or state of health. It is commonly used to describe how someone is feeling physically, whether they are in good health or not. For example: I'm not feeling well today「今日は体調が悪い」(きょうはたいちょうがわるい). She is in good condition「彼女は体調が良い」(かのじょはたいちょうがいい). This word is often used in medical contexts or when discussing health-related issues.
順調: "Smooth". The Japanese adjectival noun '順調 (じゅんちょう)' means 'smooth' or 'favorable'. It is used to describe a situation, process, or condition that is progressing well without any problems. It often implies that things are going according to plan or as expected. For example: The project is going smoothly「プロジェクトは順調に進んでいます」(ぷろじぇくとはじゅんちょうにすすんでいます). Her recovery is going well「彼女の回復は順調です」(かのじょのかいふくはじゅんちょうです). This word is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts to describe positive progress.
調和: "Harmony". The Japanese verbal noun '調和 (ちょうわ)' means 'harmony'. It refers to a state of balance, agreement, or peaceful coexistence between different elements, such as people, ideas, or nature. It is often used in contexts involving relationships, music, art, or societal balance. For example: the harmony of nature「自然の調和」(しぜんのちょうわ). We need to live in harmony with others「他人と調和して生きる必要がある」(たにんとちょうわしていきるひつようがある). This word can also imply a sense of blending or coordination, as in 'color harmony'「色の調和」(いろのちょうわ).
単調: "Monotonous". The Japanese adjectival noun '単調 (たんちょう)' means 'monotonous'. It is used to describe something that lacks variety, is repetitive, or is unchanging in tone, pattern, or style. This word is often used to describe routines, sounds, or tasks that become boring due to their repetitive nature. For example: The lecture was monotonous「その講義は単調だった」(そのこうぎはたんちょうだった). The sound of the machine is monotonous「その機械の音は単調だ」(そのきかいのおとはたんちょうだ). It can also describe a flat or unvarying tone in speech or music.
調味料: "Seasoning". The Japanese noun '調味料 (ちょうみりょう)' refers to 'seasoning' or 'condiments' used in cooking to enhance the flavor of food. It encompasses a wide range of items, including salt, pepper, soy sauce, vinegar, and more. For example: I bought some seasoning at the store「店で調味料を買いました」(みせでちょうみりょうをかいました). This dish needs more seasoning「この料理はもっと調味料が必要です」(このりょうりはもっとちょうみりょうがひつようです). The term is commonly used in culinary contexts and is essential for discussing cooking and food preparation.
調整: "Adjustment". The Japanese verbal noun '調整 (ちょうせい)' means 'adjustment'. It refers to the act of making small changes to something in order to achieve the desired result or to make it function correctly. This term is commonly used in various contexts, such as adjusting settings on a device, fine-tuning plans, or balancing different elements. For example: I need to adjust the schedule「スケジュールを調整する必要がある」(スケジュールをちょうせいするひつようがある). Please adjust the volume「音量を調整してください」(おんりょうをちょうせいしてください). The term can also be used in more abstract contexts, such as adjusting one's attitude or approach to a situation.
調節: "Adjustment". The Japanese verbal noun '調節 (ちょうせつ)' means 'adjustment'. It refers to the act of regulating, controlling, or fine-tuning something to achieve a desired state or condition. This word is commonly used in contexts involving mechanical devices, environmental conditions, or personal habits. For example: I adjusted the temperature「温度を調節した」(おんどをちょうせつした). He adjusted the volume of the music「彼は音楽の音量を調節した」(かれはおんがくのおんりょうをちょうせつした). It can also be used metaphorically, such as adjusting one's schedule or lifestyle.

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "ち" is read as "chi". The hiragana "う" is read as "u". The hiragana "し" is read as "shi". And The hiragana "ら" is read as "ra".

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