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What is the Kanji for "Fall"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Fall", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Fall" is "".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "O".

Its onyomi reading is "Raku".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 3 parts:

The radical "艹" means "Grass" . The radical "氵" means "Water" . And The kanji "各" means "Each" and can be read as "Kaku" and "Onoono".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Fall".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Third Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N3 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

落ちる: "Fall". The Japanese verb '落ちる (おちる)' means 'to fall'. This verb is used to describe the action of something moving down rapidly under the influence of gravity. It can be used for literal physical falling of objects or people, as well as figurative falling like a decline in status or mood. For example: The apple fell from the tree - (りんごが木から落ちた). Prices have fallen recently - (最近、価格が落ちている).

落札: "Purchase". The Japanese noun '落札 (らくさつ)' means 'purchase'. This term is used to refer to the successful bidding and acquisition of an item at an auction or a public sale. It describes the action of winning the bid and becoming the new owner of the auctioned item. For example: The painting was purchased at the auction - (その絵画は落札された). He won the bid and made the purchase - (彼は落札して購入した).

落とす: "Drop" or "Lose". The Japanese verb '落とす (おとす)' can mean either 'to drop' or 'to lose'. When used to mean 'to drop', it refers to the action of letting something fall from one's hand or a higher position to a lower one. For example: I dropped my keys - (私は鍵を落とした). When used to mean 'to lose', it indicates that someone has misplaced or no longer has possession of an object. For example: I lost my wallet - (私は財布を落とした).

落ち着く: "Calm". The verb '落ち着く (おちつく)' means 'to calm down'. It is used when someone or something becomes settled or tranquil after a period of turbulence or distress. For example: I finally calmed down after the confrontation - (あの騒ぎの後、ついに落ち着いた). Please calm down, everything will be okay - (落ち着いてください、大丈夫です)

落ち着き: "Composure". The noun '落ち着き (おちつき)' means 'composure'. It refers to a state of calm, tranquility, and being at ease. This word is used to describe someone who is collected, poised, and in control of their emotions, even in stressful or challenging situations. For example: She remained calm and composed throughout the interview - (彼女はインタビューの間ずっと落ち着いていた). The student maintained his composure during the exam - (その学生は試験中落ち着いていた).

落とし物: "Lost item". The Japanese word '落とし物 (おとしもの)' refers to an item that has been accidentally dropped or misplaced by its owner. It is a common noun used to describe any kind of object that has been lost or found, such as a wallet, keys, or a piece of jewelry. For example: I found a lost item at the train station - (私は駅で落とし物を見つけました).

落ち葉: "Fallen leaves". The Japanese noun '落ち葉 (おちば)' refers to leaves that have fallen from trees. This word is used to describe the dead leaves that accumulate on the ground, especially during the autumn season. '落ち葉' can be found in natural settings like forests, parks, or gardens. For example: The ground is covered in fallen leaves - (地面は落ち葉で覆われている).

集落: "Settlement". The Japanese word '集落 (しゅうらく)' means 'settlement'. It refers to a small community or group of houses or other buildings in a rural area. The word is used to describe a village or hamlet, a small residential area outside of a city or town. For example: The villagers live in a small settlement - (村人たちは小さな集落に住んでいる). They found a remote settlement in the mountains - (山奥に遠く離れた集落を見つけた).

部落: "Community". The Japanese word '部落 (ぶらく)' refers to a type of community or settlement, often in a rural area. It can be used to describe a village, hamlet, or other small, distinct residential area. This word carries historical connotations related to social discrimination against certain marginalized groups in Japan. For example: The villagers in the rural community - (田舎の部落の人々). He grew up in a small mountain community - (彼は山の部落で育った).

落ち込む: "Be depressed". 落ち込む (おちこむ)' is a Japanese verb meaning 'to be depressed'. It expresses a state of low mood, melancholy or dissatisfaction. This verb is often used to describe someone who is feeling down, discouraged or dejected about a particular situation. For example: He is feeling depressed about losing his job - (彼は仕事を失って落ち込んでいる). I felt really depressed after failing the exam - (試験に落ちてすごく落ち込んだ).

段落: "Paragraph". The Japanese noun '段落 (だんらく)' refers to a distinct section of written text, usually separated by line breaks. Paragraphs are used to organize ideas and structure written work, such as essays, articles, or novels. For example: The article is divided into several paragraphs - (この記事は複数の段落に分かれている). The report has clear and well-structured paragraphs - (レポートにはきちんとした段落構成がある).

見落とす: "Overlook". The verb '見落とす (みおとす)' means 'to overlook'. This verb is used to describe the action of failing to notice or consider something important. It implies that something significant has been missed or neglected. For example: I overlooked the important detail in the report - (私はレポートの重要な部分を見落としていた). She overlooked the key point in the discussion - (彼女はディスカッションの重要なポイントを見落としていた).

落第: "Fail". The word '落第 (らくだい)' is a Japanese verbal noun meaning 'to fail'. It is used to describe the act of failing, such as failing an examination or school grade. This word has a negative connotation and implies that someone was unable to meet the required standards or expectations. For example: He failed the exam - (彼は試験に落第した). I don't want to fail the class - (クラスに落第したくない)

墜落: "Crash". The Japanese verbal noun '墜落 (ついらく)' means 'crash'. This term is used to refer to a sudden and uncontrolled descent or fall of an aircraft, spacecraft, or other object from the air. It connotes a violent and destructive landing. For example: The plane crashed into the mountain - (飛行機は山に墜落した). There was a terrible plane crash - (ひどい墜落事故があった).

暴落: "Crash". The Japanese verbal noun '暴落 (ぼうらく)' means 'crash'. It refers to a sudden and dramatic decline in the value or price of something, typically stocks or the stock market. This term is often used in financial contexts to describe a major drop in stock prices or a market crash. For example: The stock market crashed - (株式市場が暴落した). Prices crashed suddenly - (価格が突然暴落した).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "お" is read as "o". The hiragana "ら" is read as "ra". And The hiragana "く" is read as "ku".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.