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What is the Kanji for "Every"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Every", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Every" is "".

This kanji has 1 reading:

Its onyomi reading is "Mai".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The radical "𠂉" means "Person" . And The radical "毋" means "Mother" .

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Every".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Second Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N5 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

毎週: "Weekly". The Japanese noun '毎週 (まいしゅう)' means 'weekly'. It is used to indicate something that happens or occurs on a weekly basis, such as a weekly meeting, a weekly magazine, or a weekly allowance. For example: I go to the gym weekly - (私は毎週ジムに行きます). The store has a weekly sale - (その店は毎週セールをしています).

毎朝: "Every morning". The Japanese noun '毎朝 (まいあさ)' means 'every morning'. This noun is used to refer to the time period of the morning that occurs consistently and repeatedly on a daily basis. It is often used to describe a routine or habitual action that takes place during the morning hours. For example: I wake up early every morning - (私は毎朝早く起きます). She goes for a jog every morning - (彼女は毎朝ジョギングに行きます).

毎晩: "Every night". The Japanese noun '毎晩 (まいばん)' means 'every night'. It is used to indicate that something occurs or happens every single night, without exception. For example: I go to bed at 10 pm every night - (毎晩10時に寝る). She cooks dinner for her family every night - (彼女は毎晩家族のために夕食を作る).

毎日: "Every day". The Japanese noun '毎日 (まいにち)' means 'every day', referring to something that occurs or happens on a daily basis. This word is commonly used to describe a routine, habit or activity that takes place consistently on a daily schedule. For example: I exercise every day - (私は毎日運動する). She reads the newspaper every day - (彼女は毎日新聞を読む).

: "Each". The Japanese suffix '毎 (ごと)' means 'each'. It is used to indicate that something applies to every instance or occurrence of the noun it modifies. For example: 毎週(まいしゅう) - every week, 毎日(まいにち) - every day, 毎回(まいかい) - every time.

毎年: "Every year". The noun '毎年 (まいとし)' means 'every year'. It is used to refer to something that occurs, happens or is done on an annual basis. It can be used in sentences like: Every year, I go on vacation - (毎年、私は休暇に行きます). This event happens every year - (この行事は毎年行われます).

毎月: "Monthly". The Japanese noun '毎月 (まいつき)' means 'monthly'. It refers to something that happens or is done once every month. This word is often used when discussing events, payments, or activities that occur regularly on a monthly basis. For example: I get paid monthly - (私は毎月給料をもらう). The rent is due monthly - (家賃は毎月支払う).

毎度: "Always" or "Repeatedly". The Japanese noun '毎度 (まいど)' has two primary meanings: 'always' and 'repeatedly'. It is commonly used to express the idea of something occurring or happening on a regular basis. For example: I always come here - (毎度ここへ来る). I repeatedly buy from this store - (この店から毎度買う).

毎回: "Each time". The noun '毎回 (まいかい)' means 'each time' or 'every time'. It is used to indicate that something occurs repeatedly or on a regular basis. For example: I go to the gym every time - (私は毎回ジムに行く). They go to the park every weekend - (彼らは毎回週末に公園に行く).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "ま" is read as "ma". And The hiragana "い" is read as "i".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.