If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for
"Place", you've come to the right place!
The Japanese Kanji for
is "所".
This kanji has 2 readings:
Its kunyomi reading is "Tokoro".
Its onyomi reading is "Sho".
kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.
If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:
The kanji "戸" means "Door"
and can be read as "Ko" and "To". And The kanji "斤" means "Axe" and "Catty"
and can be read as "Kin".
Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.
What does the kanji "所" mean in japanese?
"所" means
Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Third Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N3 exam.
Here are some words that use this kanji:
所: "Place". The Japanese noun '所 (ところ)' primarily means 'place' or 'location'. It refers to a specific area or spot, either physical or abstract. It can also be used to indicate a point in time or a situation. For example: This is a quiet place「ここは静かな所です」(ここはしずかなところです). I went to a beautiful place「私は美しい所に行きました」(わたしはうつくしいところにいきました). Additionally, '所' can be used in expressions like '今の所 (いまのところ)', meaning 'for now' or 'at the moment', indicating a temporal context rather than a physical one. 場所: "Place". The Japanese noun '場所 (ばしょ)' means 'place'. It refers to a specific location or spot, and can be used in various contexts to indicate where something is or where an event occurs. For example: this is a quiet place「ここは静かな場所です」(ここはしずかなばしょです). I forgot the place where we met「私たちが会った場所を忘れました」(わたしたちがであったばしょをわすれました). The word can also be used metaphorically to describe a position or role, such as in '彼には彼の場所がある (かれにはかれのばしょがある) (He has his place).' 便所: "Toilet". The Japanese noun '便所 (べんじょ)' refers to a 'toilet' or 'restroom'. It is a somewhat old-fashioned or blunt term, often used in casual or informal contexts. While it is still understood, it is less commonly used in modern Japanese compared to more polite terms like 'トイレ (といれ)' or 'お手洗い (おてあらい)'. Example sentences: Where is the toilet?「便所はどこですか?」(べんじょはどこですか?). The toilet is over there「便所はあそこです」(べんじょはあそこです). Note that this word can sometimes carry a slightly crude or humorous tone, so it is best used with caution in formal settings. 所為: "Fault". The Japanese noun '所為 (せい)' means 'fault' or 'cause'. It is often used to indicate the reason or cause of a negative outcome, typically implying blame or responsibility. For example: It's your fault that we lost「私たちが負けたのは君の所為だ」(わたしたちがまけたのはきみのせいだ). The rain is the reason we couldn't go「雨の所為で行けなかった」(あめのせいでいけなか った). Note that '所為' is often used in a negative context and can carry a nuance of blame or responsibility for an undesirable situation. 所有: "Ownership". The Japanese noun '所有 (しょゆう)' refers to the state or right of owning something. It is commonly used in legal, formal, or everyday contexts to describe possession or ownership of property, assets, or items. For example: The ownership of this land is unclear「この土地の所有は不明です」(このとちのしょゆうはふめいです). He transferred the ownership of the car to his son「彼は車の所有権を息子に譲りました」(かれはくるまのしょゆうけんをむすこにゆずりました). Note that '所有' often appears in compound words like '所有権 (しょゆうけん)' (ownership rights) or '所有物 (しょゆうぶつ)' (possessions). 事務所: "Office". The Japanese noun '事務所 (じむしょ)' refers to an 'office', a place where administrative or professional work is conducted. This term is commonly used to describe the physical location where business activities, such as paperwork, meetings, and other clerical tasks, are carried out. It can be used in various contexts, such as a law office, a real estate office, or a general business office. For example: I went to the office today「今日、事務所に行きました」(きょう、じむしょにいきました). The office is on the third floor「事務所は三階にあります」(じむしょはさんがいにあります). The word is neutral and can be applied to both small and large offices, regardless of the specific type of work being done. 所得: "Income". The Japanese noun '所得 (しょとく)' refers to 'income' or 'earnings'. It is commonly used in contexts related to finance, economics, and personal earnings. This term can refer to various types of income, such as salary, wages, or profits. For example: His income is high「彼の所得は高い」(かれのしょとくはたかい). The government taxes income「政府は所得に課税する」(せいふはしょとくにかぜいする). It is important to note that '所得' is often used in formal or official contexts, such as tax-related discussions or financial reports. 洗面所: "Washroom". The Japanese noun '洗面所 (せんめんじょ)' refers to a 'washroom' or 'bathroom sink area'. It is specifically used to describe the area where one washes their face, brushes their teeth, or performs other personal hygiene tasks. This term is commonly used in homes, hotels, and public facilities. For example: The washroom is on the first floor「洗面所は一階にあります」(せんめんじょはいっかいにあります). I left my toothbrush in the washroom「洗面所に歯ブラシを忘れました」(せんめんじょにはブラシをわすれました). Note that this term is distinct from 'トイレ (といれ)', which specifically refers to the toilet area. 停留所: "Stop". The Japanese noun '