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What is the Kanji for "Long" and "Leader"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Long" and "Leader", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Long" and "Leader" is "".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Naga".

Its onyomi reading is "Chou".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 3 parts:

The kanji "衣" means "Clothes" and can be read as "I" and "Koromo". The radical "丨" means "Stick" . And The kanji "三" means "Three" and can be read as "San" and "Mi".

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Long" and "Leader".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Second Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N5 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

長い: "Long". The Japanese adjective '長い (ながい)' means 'long'. This adjective is used to describe something that has a relatively great length or duration. It can be used to describe objects, distances, time periods, and more. For example: The road is long - (道は長い). He has long hair - (彼は長い髪です).

: "Long". The suffix '長 (ちょう)' means 'long' when used as a suffix. It is commonly attached to nouns to indicate that something has a long duration or extends over a long period of time. For example: Congressman/representative - (国会議員[こっかいぎいん]); Company president - (社長[しゃちょう]); School principal - (校長[こうちょう])

長さ: "Length". The Japanese noun '長さ (ながさ)' means 'length'. This noun refers to the measurement or distance between two ends or extremities of something, such as the length of an object or the duration of an event. It can be used to describe the linear dimensions of physical objects as well as the temporal duration of abstract concepts. For example: The length of the table is 2 meters - (テーブルの長さは2メートルです). This book is a good length for reading - (この本は読むのに良い長さです).

長女: "Eldest daughter". The Japanese noun '長女 (ちょうじょ)' refers to the eldest daughter in a family. This term is used to denote the first-born female child, emphasizing her position within the family hierarchy. It can carry connotations of responsibility, seniority, and expectations placed on the eldest daughter. For example: My eldest daughter is very responsible - (私の長女はとてもしっかりしている). She is the eldest daughter - (彼女は長女です).

社長: "President". The Japanese noun '社長 (しゃちょう)' refers to the president or chief executive officer of a company or organization. It is a formal title used to address the highest-ranking individual within a business hierarchy. For example: The president of the company gave a speech - (社長が会社の演説を行った). She is the president of the local chamber of commerce - (彼女は地元商工会議所の社長である).

長期: "Long-term". The noun '長期 (ちょうき)' means 'long-term'. It refers to an extended period of time, often used to describe plans, goals, or policies that extend over a lengthy duration. For example: A long-term plan - (長期的な計画). The company has a long-term vision - (同社は長期的なビジョンを持っている).

長袖: "Long sleeve". The Japanese noun '長袖 (ながそで)' refers to a piece of clothing with long sleeves that cover the arms. This term is often used to describe shirts, blouses, or dresses that have sleeves that extend down to the wrists. For example: She is wearing a long-sleeved shirt - (彼女は長袖のシャツを着ています). I prefer to wear long sleeves in the winter - (私は冬に長袖を着るのが好きです).

駅長: "Stationmaster". The Japanese noun '駅長 (えきちょう)' refers to the person who is in charge of managing and overseeing the operations of a railway station. The stationmaster is responsible for ensuring the smooth running of the station, including coordinating train schedules, handling passenger inquiries, and managing station staff. They are a senior official within the railway organization. For example: The stationmaster greeted the arriving passengers - (駅長は到着した乗客を出迎えた).

会長: "Chairman". The Japanese noun '会長 (かいちょう)' refers to the chairman or president of an organization, company, association, or other group. This is the highest-ranking leadership position within the group. For example: The chairman of the company gave a speech - (会社の会長が演説をした). The chairman presided over the meeting - (会長が会議を主宰した).

学長: "President". The Japanese noun '学長 (がくちょう)' means 'president'. This word is used to refer to the highest-ranking official at a university or college. The president is responsible for overseeing the overall operations and strategic direction of the institution. For example: The university president gave a speech - (大学の学長が講演を行った). The new president was elected last month - (新しい学長が先月選出された).

議長: "Chairperson". The Japanese noun '議長 (ぎちょう)' means 'chairperson'. This word refers to the person who presides over and leads a meeting, conference or other formal gathering. The chairperson is responsible for managing the proceedings, recognizing speakers, and ensuring the meeting stays on track. For example: The chairperson called the meeting to order - (議長が会議を開会した). The chairperson of the committee presented the report - (委員会の議長が報告書を提示した).

長官: "Chief". The Japanese noun '長官 (ちょうかん)' means 'chief'. It refers to a high-ranking government official or the head of a department or organization. This term is often used to describe cabinet members, agency directors, or other senior administrative positions. For example: The chief of the police department - (警察の長官). The minister is the chief of this ministry - (大臣はこの省の長官である).

成長: "Growth". The Japanese verbal noun '成長 (せいちょう)' means 'growth'. This noun refers to the process of developing or maturing, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual growth. It can be used to describe the growth of a child, the growth of a business, or the growth of an idea. For example: The child showed remarkable growth over the past year - (その子どもは過去1年間に目覚ましい成長を遂げた). Her business has experienced tremendous growth - (彼女の会社は驚くべき成長を遂げた).

部長: "Manager". The Japanese noun '部長 (ぶちょう)' refers to a manager or head of a department or division within a company or organization. This position typically involves overseeing the operations and personnel of a specific department or section. The '部長' is a mid-level management role that reports to higher-level executives. For example: The department manager told us about the new project - (部長が新しいプロジェクトについて教えてくれた).

延長: "Extension". The verbal noun '延長 (えんちょう)' means 'extension'. It refers to the act of extending or prolonging something, such as the duration of an event, contract, or deadline. For example: The meeting was extended by one hour - (会議は1時間延長された). The deadline for the project has been extended - (プロジェクトの締め切りが延長された).

長男: "Eldest son". The Japanese noun '長男 (ちょうなん)' refers to the eldest son in a family. This term is used to indicate the firstborn male child, who may be expected to inherit the family business or take on other responsibilities. For example: My eldest son is studying law - (私の長男は法律を勉強しています). He is the eldest son in our family - (彼は私の家族の長男です).

校長: "Principal". The noun '校長 (こうちょう)' refers to the principal or head of a school. The principal is the top administrator and leader of an educational institution, responsible for overseeing the school's operations, managing staff, and providing direction for the school's educational programs. For example: The principal gave a speech to the students - (校長が生徒たちに演説をした). The new principal started at our school this year - (新しい校長先生が今年うちの学校に来た).

課長: "Manager". The Japanese noun '課長 (かちょう)' refers to a manager or section chief within a company or organization. This title is used to designate a mid-level managerial position, above regular employees but below senior executives. The '課長' is responsible for overseeing the operations and personnel of their particular department or division. For example: The department manager gave instructions to the team - (課長が部署のチームに指示を出した).

長年: "Long years". The noun '長年 (ながねん)' means 'long years'. It is used to refer to a lengthy period of time, often emphasizing the duration or longevity of something. For example: He has worked at the company for long years - (彼はその会社で長年働いています). After long years of study, she became an expert - (長年の勉強の末、彼女は専門家になりました).

年長: "Older". The adjectival noun '年長 (ねんちょう)' means 'older'. It is used to describe someone who is older in age or more senior in a group or organization. For example: The older employee received a promotion - (年長の従業員が昇進した). She is the oldest in her family - (彼女は家族の中で一番年長だ).

長らく: "Long". The adverb '長らく (ながらく)' means 'long (time)'. It is used to indicate that an action or state has persisted for an extended period. It can be used to describe how long something has been happening or how long a situation has lasted. For example: I have lived here long - (私はここに長らく住んでいます). We have been waiting long - (私たちは長らく待っています).

長話: "Lengthy talk". The Japanese verbal noun '長話 (ながばなし)' means 'lengthy talk'. It refers to a prolonged conversation or discussion that goes on for an extended period. This word can be used to indicate that someone is rambling on or talking excessively about a topic. For example: Don't give me a lengthy talk, just get to the point - (長話はよせ、要点を言ってくれ).

長所: "Strength". The Japanese word '長所 (ちょうしょ)' refers to a person's strength, positive attribute, or advantageous quality. It is often used in the context of evaluating someone's skills, abilities, or character. For example: His kindness is one of his strengths - (彼の優しさが彼の長所の一つです). The company's long history is a major strength - (この会社の長い歴史はその大きな長所である).

長持ち: "Last long". The verbal noun '長持ち (ながもち)' means 'to last long'. It describes something that has the quality or ability to endure or continue for an extended period of time without wearing out or breaking down. For example: This product lasts long - (この製品は長持ちする). The battery in this device has good longevity - (このデバイスのバッテリーは長持ちする).

長生き: "Longevity". The Japanese verbal noun '長生き (ながいき)' means 'longevity'. This term refers to the state or condition of living a long life. It can be used to express the idea of having a long lifespan or living for an extended period of time. For example: He is known for his longevity - (彼の長生きで有名だ). I hope to achieve longevity - (私は長生きを望んでいます).

長引く: "Linger". The Japanese verb '長引く (ながびく)' means 'to linger'. This verb is used to describe a situation or event that extends or continues for a longer period of time than expected. It can have a negative connotation, suggesting that something is taking too long or is dragging on. For example: The meeting lingered on for hours - (会議は数時間も長引いた). The cold weather lingered well into spring - (寒さが春まで長引いた).

長方形: "Rectangle". The Japanese noun '長方形 (ちょうほうけい)' refers to a geometric shape that is a rectangle. A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles and two pairs of parallel sides of different lengths. This word is commonly used to describe rectangular objects, structures, or areas. For example: The window is a rectangle - (その窓は長方形です). The room is a perfect rectangle - (その部屋は完全な長方形です).

身長: "Height". The Japanese noun '身長 (しんちょう)' means 'height'. This word refers to the measurement of how tall a person is. It is commonly used to describe one's physical stature or the vertical dimensions of an object. For example: My height is 170 cm - (私の身長は170センチです). The height of the building is impressive - (その建物の身長は印象的です).

船長: "Captain". The Japanese noun '船長 (せんちょう)' refers to the captain or commanding officer of a ship. The captain is responsible for the overall operation and safety of the vessel and its crew. They make important decisions, give orders, and oversee the navigation and management of the ship. For example: The ship's captain ordered the crew to prepare for departure - (船長が乗組員に出航の準備をするよう命じた). The cruise ship captain welcomed the passengers on board - (クルーズ船の船長が乗客を歓迎した).

長続き: "Endurance". The Japanese verbal noun '長続き (ながつづき)' means 'endurance'. It refers to the ability to persist or last for a long time without interruption. This word is often used to describe relationships, habits, or any endeavor that requires sustained effort and commitment over an extended period. For example: Their marriage has shown great endurance - (二人の結婚は長続きしている). I hope I can have the endurance to complete this project - (このプロジェクトを最後まで長続きさせられるといいな).

細長い: "Slender" or "Long and thin". The Japanese adjective '細長い (ほそながい)' means 'slender' or 'long and thin'. It is used to describe things that are long and narrow in shape, such as a pencil, a piece of paper, or a person's body. It can also be used to describe abstract concepts that are lengthy or drawn-out. For example: The room had a long and slender shape - (その部屋は細長い形をしていた). She has a slender figure - (彼女は細長い体型だ).

院長: "Director", "Head", or "Principal". The Japanese word '院長 (いんちょう)' refers to the director, head, or principal of an institution, organization or facility. It is commonly used to refer to the director of a hospital, clinic, school, or other type of institution. For example: The hospital director gave a speech - (病院の院長が講演を行った). The school principal is retiring next month - (来月、その学校の院長が定年退職する).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "ち" is read as "chi". The hiragana "う" is read as "u". The hiragana "な" is read as "na". And The hiragana "が" is read as "ga".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.