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What is the Kanji for "Center"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Center", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Center" is "".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Naka".

Its onyomi reading is "Chuu".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The kanji "口" means "Mouth" and can be read as "Ku", "Kuchi", and "Kou". And The radical "丨" means "Stick" .

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Center".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in First Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N5 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

: "Middle" or "Center". The Japanese noun '中 (なか)' has two main meanings. First, it can mean 'middle', referring to the central part or the midpoint of something. For example: The middle of the city - (街の中). Second, it can mean 'center', referring to the main or most important part of something. For example: The center of attention - (注目の中).

中国: "China". The proper noun '中国 (ちゅうごく)' refers to the country of China. China is the world's most populous country and the fourth-largest country by land area. It has a rich history and culture, and is known for its ancient civilization, beautiful landscapes, and rapid economic development in modern times. For example: I visited China last year - (私は昨年中国を訪れました).

中心: "Center". The Japanese noun '中心 (ちゅうしん)' means 'center'. It is used to refer to the middle or most important part of something. This word is commonly used to describe the central point or focus of an object, location, or concept. For example: The center of the city - (街の中心). The center of a circle - (円の中心). She is the center of attention - (彼女は注目の中心)

中々: "Quite" or "Considerably". The adverb '中々 (なかなか)' means 'quite' or 'considerably'. It is used to emphasize the degree or intensity of something. For example: It's quite cold today - (今日は中々寒いです). He is considerably taller than me - (彼は私に比べて中々背が高い).

中央: "Center". The noun '中央 (ちゅうおう)' means 'center'. It refers to the middle or central part of something. This word is used to describe the main or most important part of a place, object, or organization. For example: The center of the city - (中央の街). The center of the table - (テーブルの中央).

中学生: "Middle school student". The Japanese noun '中学生 (ちゅうがくせい)' refers to a student who is attending a middle school or junior high school, typically between the ages of 12 and 15. This word is commonly used to refer to children in this stage of their education. For example: The middle school students went on a field trip - (中学生が遠足に行きました). She is a middle school student - (彼女は中学生です).

中学校: "Junior high school". The Japanese noun '中学校 (ちゅうがっこう)' refers to a junior high school, which is an educational institution that students attend between elementary school and high school, typically for grades 7-9. This level of schooling is compulsory in Japan. For example: I go to junior high school - (私は中学校に行きます).

途中: "Mid-point" or "Halfway". The Japanese noun '途中 (とちゅう)' refers to the midpoint or halfway point of something. It can be used to describe the middle or intermediate stage of a process, journey, or activity. For example: The train stopped at the halfway point - (電車は途中で停まりました). I'm only halfway through the book - (その本は私はまだ途中しか読んでいません).

中学: "Middle school". The Japanese noun '中学 (ちゅうがく)' refers to a middle school or junior high school, which is an educational institution between elementary school and high school. It typically serves students aged 12 to 15 years old. For example: I went to middle school in Tokyo - (東京の中学に通っていました). Our daughter is in her third year of middle school - (娘は中学3年生です).

背中: "Back". The Japanese noun '背中 (せなか)' refers to the back of the human body, including the area between the shoulders and the waist. It can be used to describe both the physical back as well as the sense of someone's 'back', as in looking at or facing someone's back. For example: She patted him on the back - (彼女は彼の背中をたたいた). I saw his back as he walked away - (彼が立ち去っていくのを彼の背中を見た).

世の中: "World" or "Society". The Japanese noun '世の中 (よのなか)' can mean 'the world' or 'society'. It refers to the overall state of the world or the society that people live in. This word is often used to describe the general conditions, trends, or circumstances that exist in the world or in people's lives. For example: The world is changing - (世の中は変わっていく). Everyone in society is busy - (世の中みんな忙しい).

連中: "Group". The Japanese noun '連中 (れんじゅう)' means 'group'. This term is used to refer to a collection of people, often with a suggestion of informality or familiarity. It can be used to describe a group of friends, colleagues, or any other type of informal gathering. For example: I went out with my group - (連中と出かけた). Those guys are my group - (あの連中が私の仲間です).

水中: "Underwater". The Japanese noun '水中 (すいちゅう)' means 'underwater'. It refers to the area below the surface of a body of water. This word is used to describe things that are located or occurring in the water rather than above it. For example: Diving underwater - (水中にダイビングする). The underwater camera captured the fish - (水中カメラが魚を撮影した).

空中: "Air" or "Sky". The noun '空中 (くうちゅう)' has two main meanings: 'air' and 'sky'. It refers to the open space above the earth's surface, where the atmosphere is present. This word is commonly used to describe things that are in or relate to the sky or air, such as airplanes flying in the sky - (空中を飛んでいる飛行機). The sky is the space above the earth - (空中は地球の上にある).

お中元: "Gift". The Japanese noun 'お中元 (おちゅうげん)' refers to a seasonal gift given during the summer months, typically in July. It is a customary practice in Japan to give gifts to friends, family, colleagues, and business associates as a way to show appreciation and maintain good relationships. The gifts are often food items such as fruit, sweets, or alcoholic beverages. For example: I received an お中元 from my boss - (上司からお中元をもらいました).

中世: "Middle Ages". The Japanese noun '中世 (ちゅうせい)' refers to the Middle Ages, the period of European history spanning from the 5th to the 15th century. In the context of Japanese history, '中世' generally describes the period from the 12th to the 16th century, when the country was dominated by feudal lords and samurai culture. This period is characterized by the rise of powerful shogunates, the increasing dominance of the warrior class, and the gradual centralization of political power. Examples: Europe in the Middle Ages - (中世のヨーロッパ). Japan entered the Middle Ages after the Kamakura period - (鎌倉時代の後、日本は中世に入った).

中身: "Contents". The Japanese noun '中身 (なかみ)' refers to the contents or interior of something. It can be used to describe the substances, materials, or items that are inside an object, container, or space. This word is often used in contexts related to packages, packages, and other enclosed spaces where the contents are not immediately visible from the outside. For example: The contents of the box are still a mystery - (箱の中身はまだ謎だ). She checked the contents of her bag before leaving - (彼女はバッグの中身を確認してから出かけた).

中間: "Middle". The Japanese noun '中間 (ちゅうかん)' refers to the middle or intermediate part of something. It can be used to describe the midpoint or center of a period, process, or situation. For example: In the middle of the book - (本の中間), The middle part of the year - (年の中間)

集中: "Concentration". The Japanese verbal noun '集中 (しゅうちゅう)' means 'concentration'. It refers to the act of focusing one's attention and mental effort on a specific task or activity. This word is often used to describe a state of intense mental focus and engagement, where all of one's mental resources are directed towards a particular goal or objective. For example: I need to concentrate on my work - (仕事に集中しなければなりません). He is in deep concentration - (彼は深い集中に入っています).

夜中: "Midnight". The Japanese noun '夜中 (よなか)' refers to the middle of the night, around 12am. It is used to indicate a specific time period during the night when it is very late and most people are asleep. For example: I woke up in the middle of the night - (夜中に目を覚ました). The store is open 24 hours, even at midnight - (その店は夜中でも開いている).

真ん中: "Center". The Japanese noun '真ん中 (まんなか)' means 'center'. This word is used to describe the middle or central point of something. It can be used to refer to the central part of an object, a location, or a group. For example: The book is in the center of the table - (本は机の真ん中にあります). She sat in the center of the room - (彼女は部屋の真ん中に座った).

最中: "Cake". The noun '最中 (さいちゅう)' refers to a traditional Japanese confection or wagashi. It is made of mochi rice dough with a filling, often red bean paste. These cakes are commonly enjoyed during tea ceremonies or as a snack. For example: Let's have some 最中 with our tea - (お茶と一緒に最中を食べましょう).

夢中: "Fascinated" or "Obsessed". The Japanese adjectival noun '夢中 (むちゅう)' means 'fascinated' or 'obsessed'. It describes a state of being deeply absorbed or engrossed in something, often to the exclusion of other interests. This word can be used to express intense enthusiasm or focus, such as being 'fascinated by a hobby' - (趣味に夢中だ) or being 'obsessed with a subject' - (その件に夢中になっている).

暑中見舞い: "Summer greeting". The Japanese noun '暑中見舞い (しょちゅうみまい)' refers to a summer greeting card or letter that is sent during the hottest part of the summer (usually July-August) in Japan. It is a traditional way to keep in touch with friends, family or colleagues and convey well wishes for their health and comfort during the warm summer months. For example: I received a summer greeting card from my aunt - (私は叔母からの暑中見舞いをもらいました).

日中: "Day" or "China". The Japanese noun '日中 (にっちゅう)' has two meanings. The first meaning is 'day', referring to the daytime hours. The second meaning is 'China', referring to the country. This word can be used to talk about the relationship or interaction between Japan and China, such as during the day or during a particular period of time. For example: The visit took place during the day - (その訪問は日中に行われた). China and Japan have a long history - (日中は長い歴史がある).

中年: "Middle age". The noun '中年 (ちゅうねん)' refers to the stage of life between young adulthood and old age, typically between the ages of 40 to 65. It is used to describe someone who is in the middle of their life. This term can have both positive and negative connotations, as it can suggest a person is experienced and established, but also potentially set in their ways or losing their youthful vigor. Examples: She is in her middle age - (彼女は中年だ). The middle-aged man walked by - (中年の男が通り過ぎた).

年中: "Always". The adverb '年中 (ねんじゅう)' means 'always'. It is used to indicate that something happens or is true throughout the entire year, regardless of the season. This adverb emphasizes the continuous or frequent nature of an action or state. For example: I travel abroad year-round - (私は年中海外に旅行する). The store is open year-round - (その店は年中開いている).

中華: "China". 中華 (ちゅうか)' is the Japanese term for China, referring to the Chinese mainland and used to describe anything related to China or Chinese culture. It can be used as a proper noun to refer to the country itself or as an adjective to describe something as 'Chinese'. For example: I want to visit China - (私は中華を訪れたい). Chinese food - (中華料理).

中止: "Stop". The verbal noun '中止 (ちゅうし)' means 'to stop'. This term is used to indicate that an event, activity, or process has been terminated or discontinued. It conveys the idea of bringing something to an end, often due to unforeseen circumstances or a conscious decision. For example: The concert was stopped - (コンサートは中止された). They had to stop the game due to the rain - (雨のため試合を中止した).

中古: "Used". The noun '中古 (ちゅうこ)' refers to something that is 'used' or 'pre-owned'. It is commonly used to describe second-hand goods, such as cars, electronics, or furniture, that have been previously owned and used. For example: I bought a used car - (中古の車を買いました). The store sells used books - (中古の本を売っている店)

町中: "Downtown". The noun '町中 (まちなか)' refers to the central part of a town or city, the downtown area. It is commonly used to describe the busy, crowded areas in the heart of a city, where there are many shops, restaurants, and other establishments. For example: Let's meet downtown - (町中で会いましょう). I love walking through the downtown area - (町中を歩くのが好きです).

中期: "Mid". The Japanese noun '中期 (ちゅうき)' refers to the middle period or stage of something. It can be used to describe the middle period of a historical event, a person's life, or the development of an organization or project. For example: We are currently in the mid-stage of the project - (私たちは現在、プロジェクトの中期にいます).

中指: "Middle finger". The Japanese noun '中指 (なかゆび)' refers to the middle finger, the third finger of the hand, counting from the thumb. This finger is considered the most offensive finger to extend or point at someone in Japanese culture, as a rude or insulting gesture. For example: Don't give me the middle finger - (私に中指を立てないでください).

中立: "Neutrality". The verbal noun '中立 (ちゅうりつ)' means 'neutrality'. This term refers to the state of being neutral, unbiased, or impartial, without favoring one side over another. It is often used in contexts such as international politics, where countries or organizations maintain a neutral stance on certain issues. For example: The country adopted a position of neutrality during the conflict - (その国は紛争の際に中立の立場をとりました). The committee aims to remain neutral and objective in its decisions - (委員会は中立かつ客観的な判断を下すことを目指しています).

真夜中: "Midnight". The noun '真夜中 (まよなか)' refers to the middle of the night, or the period between 12:00 AM and 1:00 AM. It is often used to describe a time when things are very quiet and calm. For example: We arrived at the inn at midnight - (我々は真夜中にその宿に到着した). The city was silent at midnight - (真夜中、街は静まり返っていた).

真っ最中: "Midst". The noun '真っ最中 (まっさいちゅう)' means 'midst'. It refers to the middle or central part of an ongoing event or situation. It is often used to describe being in the thick of something, when an action or process is in full swing. For example: I'm in the midst of cooking dinner - (夕食を作っている真っ最中だ). The company is in the midst of a major restructuring - (その企業は大規模な再編成の真っ最中にある).

中略: "Omission". The Japanese noun '中略 (ちゅうりゅうく)' means 'omission'. This refers to the act of leaving out or skipping over a portion of a text or speech. It is often used when summarizing or shortening a longer passage to highlight the key points. For example: The speaker did an omission of the details - (スピーカーは詳細を中略した). The editor made an omission in the article - (編集者は記事の中略をした).

中流: "Middle class". The Japanese noun '中流 (ちゅうりゅう)' refers to the middle class in society. It describes the socioeconomic group that is neither the wealthy upper class nor the poor lower class, but rather falls in the middle in terms of income, lifestyle, and social status. This term is commonly used to categorize the economic and social standing of individuals and families. For example: They belong to the middle class - (彼らは中流階級に属している). The middle class is growing in Japan - (日本の中流階級は増えつつある).

中断: "Interrupt". The Japanese verbal noun '中断 (ちゅうだん)' means 'interrupt'. This noun refers to the action of stopping something temporarily, breaking off from an activity or process. It can be used to describe interrupting a conversation, a work task, or any other ongoing activity. For example: I interrupted my work to take a break - (仕事を中断してbreak を取りました). The meeting was interrupted by a phone call - (会議が電話で中断された).

中継: "Broadcast". The verbal noun '中継 (ちゅうけい)' means 'broadcast'. It refers to the act of transmitting an event or program live on television, radio, or the internet. This term is commonly used to describe the live coverage of sports events, news reports, and other live programming. For example: The soccer match was broadcast live - (サッカーの試合は中継された). They broadcast the concert on the radio - (コンサートが中継された).

女中: "Maid". The Japanese noun '女中 (じょちゅう)' refers to a female domestic servant or maid. This term is used to describe a woman who is employed to perform housekeeping duties such as cleaning, cooking, and serving in a household. It carries a somewhat old-fashioned and formal nuance. For example: The maid cleaned the house - (女中が家を掃除した). She worked as a maid for a wealthy family - (彼女は裕福な家族の女中として働いていた).

中途: "Midway". The noun '中途 (ちゅうと)' refers to the middle or intermediate stage of something. It is used to describe a point in time or a phase that is between the beginning and the end. For example: He got promoted midway through the project - (彼はプロジェクトの中途で昇進した). Midway through the book, the story takes an unexpected turn - (本の中途で物語は予期せぬ展開をとる).

中枢: "Center". The noun '中枢 (ちゅうすう)' refers to the central or main part of a system, organization, or body. It is often used to describe the core or crucial part that controls or coordinates the functioning of something. For example: The brain is the central center of the body's nervous system - (脳は身体の神経系の中枢である). The company's management team is the central hub that runs the organization - (その企業の経営チームが組織の中枢である).

中級: "Intermediate". The noun '中級 (ちゅうきゅう)' refers to an 'intermediate' level or stage, usually in the context of language proficiency, education level, or skill development. It indicates a level that is between beginner and advanced. For example: My Japanese level is intermediate - (私の日本語のレベルは中級です). She is studying at the intermediate English class - (彼女は中級の英語クラスに通っています).

中毒: "Addiction". The verbal noun '中毒 (ちゅうどく)' means 'addiction'. This term refers to a strong and uncontrollable compulsion or dependence on a particular substance or activity. It is often associated with the inability to stop consuming or engaging in that substance/activity, despite negative consequences. Example sentences: He has an addiction to alcohol - (彼はアルコールに中毒している). Drug addiction is a serious problem - (薬物中毒は深刻な問題です).

中旬: "Middle". The Japanese noun '中旬 (ちゅうじゅん)' refers to the middle part or period of a month. It is usually used to describe the time between the 10th and 20th days of a month. For example: The conference will be held in the middle of August - (会議は8月の中旬に開かれます).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "な" is read as "na". The hiragana "か" is read as "ka". The hiragana "ち" is read as "chi". And The hiragana "う" is read as "u".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.