If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for
"Pull", you've come to the right place!
The Japanese Kanji for
is "引".
This kanji has 2 readings:
Its kunyomi reading is "Hi".
Its onyomi reading is "In".
kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.
If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:
The kanji "弓" means "Bow"
and can be read as "Kyuu" and "Yumi". And The radical "丨" means "Stick"
Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.
What does the kanji "引" mean in japanese?
"引" means
Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Second Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N3 exam.
Here are some words that use this kanji:
引く: "Pull". The Japanese verb '引く (ひく)' means 'to pull'. This verb is used to describe the action of exerting force to move an object towards oneself. It can be used for a wide variety of contexts, such as pulling a door, drawing a picture, or playing a stringed instrument. For example: I pulled the door open - (私は扉を引いた). She pulled the violin strings - (彼女はバイオリンの弦を引いた). 取り引き: "Transaction". The noun '取り引き (とりひき)' refers to a business transaction or deal. It can be used to describe any commercial exchange of goods, services, or money between two or more parties. This word is commonly used in the context of business and finance. For example: The company completed an important transaction today - (その会社は今日重要な取り引きを完了しました). He made a good transaction with the client - (彼はクライアントと良い取り引きをしました). 引き出し: "Drawer". The Japanese noun '引き出し (ひきだ し)' means 'drawer'. A drawer is a box-like container that is built into furniture, such as a chest or dresser, and that is designed to be pulled out so that items can be stored in it. It is commonly used to store clothes, documents, and other personal belongings. For example: Please open the top drawer - (上の引き出しを開けてください). I keep my socks in the bottom drawer - (私は下の引き出しに靴下を入れています). 引き算: "Subtraction". The Japanese verbal noun '引き算 (ひきざん)' means 'subtraction'. This term refers to the mathematical operation of subtracting one number from another. It involves taking away a smaller number from a larger number to find the difference. For example: Let's do some subtraction problems - (引き算の問題をやりましょう). Subtraction is an important math skill - (引き算は重要な数学のスキルです). 引っ越す: "Move". The Japanese verb '引っ越す (ひっこす)' means 'to move'. This verb is used to describe the action of changing one's place of residence, typically by packing up belongings and relocating to a new home or apartment. It can apply to both short and long distance moves. For example: I moved to a new apartment - (私は新しいアパートに引っ越しました). They moved to the countryside - (彼らは田舎に引っ越した). 引っ越し: "Move". The Japanese verbal noun '引っ越し (ひっこし)' means 'to move'. It refers to the action of changing one's residence or place of living, such as moving to a new house or apartment. This verbal noun is often used when talking about the process of physically transporting one's belongings and settling into a new living space. For example: We will move to a new apartment next month - (来月新しいアパートに引っ越します). I moved to Tokyo last year - (去年東京に引っ越しました). 強引: "Forceful". The Japanese adjective '強引 (ごういん)' means 'forceful'. This adjective describes someone or something that acts in a determined and unyielding manner, often without consideration for others. It implies a sense of assertiveness and a disregard for obstacles or opposition. For example: He made a forceful argument - (彼は強引な議論をした). The manager took a forceful approach to the problem - (その課長は問題に強引に取り組んだ). 引用: "Quote". The Japanese verbal noun '引用 (いんよう)' means 'to quote'. It refers to the act of citing or reproducing a passage or statement from another source, such as a book, article, or speech. This word is commonly used in academic and professional contexts when referencing external materials. For example: She quoted the passage in her presentation - (彼女は発表の中でその文章を引用した). The report quotes several experts on the topic - (その報告書は、その話題について複数の専門家の引用を含んでいる). 字引: "Dictionary". The noun '字引 (じびき)' means 'dictionary'. This word refers to a reference book that contains a list of words, typically in alphabetical order, along with their meanings, pronunciations, and other information. Dictionaries are an essential tool for language learners and writers. For example: I used the dictionary to look up the meaning of the word - (その言葉の意味を調べるのに字引を使いました)。The dictionary has many useful entries - (字引にはたくさん役立つ言葉が載っています)。 引っ張る: "Pull". The Japanese verb '引っ張る (ひっぱる)' means 'to pull'. This verb is used to describe the action of pulling or dragging something in a certain direction. It can be used for both physical objects as well as abstract concepts. For example: Pull the rope - (ひもを引っ張る). I'm pulled in many directions - (引っ張られている) 引き受ける: "Take on" or "Accept". The Japanese verb '引き受ける (ひきうける)' means 'to take on' or 'to accept'. This verb is used when someone agrees to take responsibility for a task, job, or commitment. It implies a willingness to handle something that has been entrusted to them. For example: I will take on the project - (私はそのプロジェクトを引き受けます). The company accepted the order - (その会社は注文を引き受けました). 引き上げる: "Raise". The Japanese verb '引き上げる (ひきあげる)' means 'to raise'. This verb is used to describe the action of lifting or elevating something to a higher position. It can be used in both literal and figurative contexts, such as raising a flag, raising prices, or raising one's voice. For example: They raised the flag - (旗を引き上げた). Prices were raised - (値段が引き上げられた). 索引: "Index". The Japanese noun '索引 (さくいん)' refers to an alphabetical list of items, names, topics, etc. with page numbers or other references, typically found at the end of a book. It is used to help quickly find specific information within a larger text. For example: The index at the back of the book lists all the topics covered - (本の後ろにある索引には、扱われているすべてのトピックがリストされています). 引き起こす: "Cause". The Japanese verb '引き起こす (ひきおこす)' means 'to cause' or 'to bring about'. It is used when describing something that leads to or results in a particular event or situation. For example: The heavy rain caused a flood - (豪雨が洪水を引き起こした). The accident caused a traffic jam - (事故が渋滞を引き起こした). 引き出す: "Pull out". The Japanese verb '引き出す (ひきだす)' means 'to pull out' or 'to extract'. This verb is used to describe the action of removing something from a container, drawer, or other confined space. It can be used for both physical and abstract objects. For example: I pulled out the drawer - (引き出しを引き出した). She pulled out the secret from him - (彼女は彼から秘密を引き出した). 引きずる: "Drag". The Japanese verb '引きずる (ひきずる)' means 'to drag'. This verb is used to describe the action of pulling or dragging something behind you. It can be used for both literal and figurative situations. For example: He was dragging a heavy suitcase - (彼は重い荷物を引きずっていた). I'm still dragging this problem from the past - (私はまだ過去の問題を引きずっている). 引き取る: "Take" or "Adopt". The Japanese verb '引き取る (ひきとる)' has two main meanings: 'to take' and 'to adopt'. The first meaning refers to the action of taking or receiving something, often used when picking up an item or taking custody of an object. The second meaning implies adopting or taking in someone, such as taking in a child or pet. For example: I will take the luggage - (荷物を引き取る). The family adopted the orphan - (家族は孤児を引き取った). 引っ掛かる: "Get caught". The Japanese verb '引っ掛かる (ひっかかる)' means 'to get caught'. It is used to describe a situation where someone or something becomes stuck or snagged on something else. This verb can be used both literally and figuratively. For example: I got my shirt caught on a nail - (私の服が釘にひっかかった). I got caught up in the drama - (私はその騒動にひっかかった). 値引き: "Discount". The verbal noun '値引き (ねびき)' means 'discount'. It refers to the act of reducing the price of a good or service. This is commonly done by retailers to attract customers or clear out inventory. For example: The store is offering a 20% discount on all items - (店は全商品に20%の値引きをしています). Let's ask for a discount on this purchase - (この買い物に値引きをお願いしましょう). 長引く: "Linger". The Japanese verb '長引く (ながびく)' means 'to linger'. This verb is used to describe a situation or event that extends or continues for a longer period of time than expected. It can have a negative connotation, suggesting that something is taking too long or is dragging on. For example: The meeting lingered on for hours - (会議は数時間も長引いた). The cold weather lingered well into spring - (寒さが春まで長引いた). 引き分け: "Tie". The noun '引き分け (ひきわけ)' refers to a tie or a draw in a game or competition. It indicates that neither side has won or lost, and the result is a stalemate. This term is commonly used in sports and games such as soccer, chess, and shogi. For example: The soccer match ended in a tie - (サッカーの試合は引き分けになった). They played to a draw - (引き分けに終わった). 引き止める: "Detain" or "Hold back". The Japanese verb '引き止める (ひきとめる)' means 'to detain' or 'to hold back'. This verb is used to describe the action of preventing someone or something from leaving or moving forward. It can be used in situations where you want to stop someone from leaving or keep them in a particular place. For example: I tried to detain the thief until the police arrived - (私は警察が到着するまで泥棒を引き止めようとした). She held me back from running into the burning building - (彼女は私が燃え盛る建物に走り込むのを引き止めた). 割り引く: "Discount". The Japanese verb '割り引く (わりびく)' means 'to discount'. This verb is used to describe the action of reducing the price of an item or service. It is commonly used in retail and sales contexts. For example: The store discounted the price of the item - (その店はその商品の値段を割り引いた). We discounted the price by 20% - (私たちはその価格を20%割り引いた). 割り引き: "Discount". The verbal noun '割り引き (わりびき)' means 'discount'. It refers to the act of reducing the price of a good or service. This is commonly done by retailers to attract customers or clear out inventory. For example: The store is offering a 20% discount on all items - (この店は全ての商品に20%の割り引きを行っている). I got a discount on my purchase - (私は購入した際に割り引きを受けた). 引っ込む: "Withdraw" or "Retreat". The Japanese verb '引っ込む (ひっこむ)' means 'to withdraw' or 'to retreat'. This verb is used to describe the action of withdrawing or retreating, either physically or figuratively. It can be used to indicate someone or something moving back, hiding, or hiding away from a situation. For example: She withdrew into her room - (彼女は自分の部屋に引っ込んだ). The turtle withdrew its head into its shell - (亀は頭を甲羅の中に引っ込めた). 引き: "Pull". The noun '引き (ひき)' means 'pull'. It refers to the action of pulling or drawing something. It can be used in various contexts, such as pulling a door, pulling a rope, or pulling a zipper. For example: I pulled the handle to open the door - (ドアのハンドルを引いた) or She pulled the zipper up - (彼女はジッパーを引いた上げた). 引き継ぐ: "Take over" or "Inherit". The Japanese verb '引き継ぐ (ひきつぐ)' means 'to take over' or 'to inherit'. This verb is used to describe the act of assuming control, responsibility, or possession of something from another person or organization. It can be used in both concrete and abstract contexts, such as taking over a business or inheriting a family legacy. For example: I will take over the company when my father retires - (父が退職したら私が会社を引き継ぐ). She inherited her grandmother's old piano - (彼女は祖母の古いピアノを引き継いだ). 引き返す: "Return". The Japanese verb '引き返す (ひきかえす)' means 'to return', 'to go back', or 'to turn back'. This verb is used to indicate the action of going back to a previous location or the reversal of a previous course of action. For example: I decided to return home - (家に引き返すことにした). He turned back midway through the hike - (ハイキングの途中で引き返した). 引き伸ばす: "Extend" or "Stretch". The Japanese verb '引き伸ばす (ひきのばす)' means 'to extend' or 'to stretch'. This verb is used to describe the action of making something longer or wider, often by applying force or tension. It can be used for physical objects as well as abstract concepts. For example: She stretched the fabric - (彼女は生地を引き伸ばした). Let's extend the deadline - (期限を引き伸ばしましょう). 引き延ばす: "Extend" or "Prolong". The Japanese verb '引き延ばす (ひきのばす)' means 'to extend' or 'to prolong'. This verb is used to describe the action of lengthening or stretching something out over a longer period of time. It can be used for physical objects as well as abstract concepts. For example: He extended the deadline - (彼は締め切りを引き延ばした). I need to prolong the meeting - (会議を引き延ばす必要がある). 引っ掛ける: "Hook" or "Catch". The Japanese verb '引っ掛ける (ひっかける)' can mean 'to hook' or 'to catch'. It is used to describe the action of attaching something to another object, as if using a hook. It can also mean to become caught or snagged on something. For example: He hooked the fish with his line - (彼は糸で魚を引っ掛けた). The scarf got caught on the branch - (スカーフが枝に引っ掛かった). To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.
But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.
Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.
This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:
The hiragana "ひ" is read as "hi". The hiragana "い" is read as "i". And The hiragana "ん" is read as "n".