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What is the Kanji for "Target"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Target", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Target" is "".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its kunyomi reading is "Mato".

Its onyomi reading is "Teki".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 1 parts:

The kanji "白" means "White" and can be read as "Byaku", "Haku", "Shiro", and "Shira"

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Target".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Fourth Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

: "Like". The suffix '的 (てき)' is used to form adjectives from nouns or other words. It indicates that something has the qualities or characteristics of the word it is attached to. For example: 科学的 (かがくてき) - scientific, 子供的 (こどもてき) - childlike.

目的: "Purpose". The Japanese noun '目的 (もくてき)' means 'purpose'. This word refers to the goal, aim or intention that someone or something is trying to achieve. It can be used to describe the reason or motivation behind an action or decision. For example: My purpose in life is to help others - (私の人生の目的は他人を助けることだ). The company's main purpose is to make a profit - (その会社の主な目的は利益を得ることである).

具体的: "Concrete" or "Specific". The Japanese adjectival noun '具体的 (ぐたいてき)' has two main meanings. The first meaning is 'concrete', referring to something that is tangible, real, or material, as opposed to abstract or theoretical. The second meaning is 'specific', describing something precise, detailed, or particular. This word is often used to contrast with more general or conceptual ideas. Example sentences: This plan is very concrete - (この計画は非常に具体的です). The details provided were quite specific - (提供された詳細は非常に具体的でした).

経済的: "Economic". The Japanese adjective '経済的 (けいざいてき)' means 'economic'. It is used to describe something related to economics, the economy, or financial matters. This adjective can be used to describe things like economic policies, economic growth, economic conditions, and economic factors. For example: The economic situation is stable - (経済的な状況は安定している). Economic development is important - (経済的発展は重要だ).

自主的: "Voluntary". The Japanese adjective '自主的 (じしゅてき)' means 'voluntary'. This adjective describes something that is done of one's own free will, without coercion or obligation. It suggests an independent and self-directed nature. For example: I made this decision voluntarily - (私はこの決断を自主的に下した). He volunteered for the project in a voluntary manner - (彼はこのプロジェクトに自主的に参加した).

合理的: "Rational". The Japanese adjective '合理的 (ごうりてき)' means 'rational'. This adjective describes something that is logical, sensible, and based on reason rather than emotions or feelings. It can be used to describe decisions, arguments, or approaches to problems. For example: His decision was rational - (彼の決定は合理的だった). A rational argument - (合理的な議論)

形式的: "Formal". The Japanese adjective '形式的 (けいしきてき)' means 'formal'. This adjective is used to describe something that adheres to established rules, procedures, or conventions. It often implies a lack of flexibility or personal touch. For example: The ceremony was very formal - (その式典は非常に形式的でした). The report had a formal structure - (そのレポートは形式的な構造でした).

実用的: "Practical". The Japanese adjective '実用的 (じつようてき)' means 'practical'. This adjective describes something that is useful and suitable for a particular purpose. It can be used to describe objects, ideas, or methods that are functional and effective. For example: This tool is very practical - (この道具は非常に実用的です). My plan is practical - (私の計画は実用的です).

女性的: "Feminine". The Japanese adjective '女性的 (じょせいてき)' means 'feminine'. This adjective is used to describe something that has qualities or characteristics traditionally associated with women, such as softness, gracefulness, or delicacy. It can be applied to physical appearance, behavior, or even inanimate objects. For example: She has a very feminine style of dress - (彼女の服装は女性的です). This vase has a feminine design - (この花瓶は女性的なデザインです).

国際的: "International". The adjective '国際的 (こくさいてき)' means 'international'. It is used to describe something that relates to or involves two or more countries or nationalities. This word is often used to refer to organizations, events, or activities that have a global reach or impact. For example: This is an international conference - (これは国際的な会議です). She has an international career - (彼女は国際的な経歴を持っている).

公的: "Official" or "Public". The Japanese adjectival noun '公的 (こうてき)' can mean either 'official' or 'public'. When used to mean 'official', it describes something that is authorized, sanctioned, or recognized by an official body or government. For example: Official document - (公的文書). When used to mean 'public', it describes something that belongs to or is accessible to the community or the general population. For example: Public transportation - (公的交通)

客観的: "Objective". The Japanese adjective '客観的 (きゃっかんてき)' means 'objective'. This adjective is used to describe something that is impartial, unbiased, and based on facts rather than opinions or emotions. It suggests a perspective that is neutral and focused on the facts. For example: The report was objective and did not take sides - (その報告は客観的で、どちら側につくこともなかった). An objective analysis of the situation is needed - (その状況を客観的に分析する必要がある).

主観的: "Subjective". The Japanese adjective '主観的 (しゅかんてき)' means 'subjective'. This adjective describes something that is based on personal feelings, opinions or interpretations rather than facts. It implies a view or judgment that is influenced by the person's own perspective or experiences. For example: The critic's review was very subjective - (その批評は非常に主観的だった). His opinion on the matter is quite subjective - (彼のその問題についての意見は非常に主観的だ).

衛生的: "Hygienic". The Japanese adjective '衛生的 (えいせいてき)' means 'hygienic'. This adjective describes something that is clean, sanitary, and promotes good health and hygiene. It is often used to describe the cleanliness of a place, product, or practice. For example: The kitchen is hygienic - (台所は衛生的だ). It's important to maintain hygienic conditions - (衛生的な状況を維持することが大切だ).

法的: "Legal". The adjectival noun '法的 (ほうてき)' means 'legal'. This word is used to describe something that is related to or based on the law. It can be used to refer to legal processes, obligations, rights, and more. For example: The legal system - (法的システム). It is a legal requirement - (それは法的要件です).

消極的: "Passive" or "Reluctant". The Japanese adjective '消極的 (しょうきょくてき)' means 'passive' or 'reluctant'. This adjective is used to describe someone or something that is not active, enthusiastic or assertive. It can describe a person who is hesitant to take action or express their opinions strongly. For example: He was passive about joining the club - (彼は部活への参加に消極的だった). Her attitude was reluctant - (彼女の態度は消極的だった).

積極的: "Proactive" or "Active". The Japanese adjective '積極的 (せっきょくてき)' means 'proactive' or 'active'. This adjective describes a person or action that is eager, enthusiastic, and willing to take the initiative. It implies a positive, assertive attitude. For example: She is a very proactive employee - (彼女はとても積極的な社員です). They took a proactive approach to solving the problem - (彼らは問題の解決に積極的なアプローチをとった).

私的: "Personal". The Japanese adjectival noun '私的 (してき)' means 'personal'. This term is used to describe things that are related to one's own individual, private life or affairs, as opposed to being public or official in nature. It can be used to describe personal opinions, private matters, or one's own individual perspective on something. For example: That is a personal matter - (それは私的なことです). I have my own personal reasons for doing this - (これをする私的な理由がある).

本格的: "Authentic". The Japanese adjective '本格的 (ほんかくてき)' means 'authentic'. This word is used to describe something that is genuine, real, or true to its original form. It conveys a sense of high quality and attention to detail. For example: This is an authentic Japanese tea ceremony - (これは本格的な日本の茶道です). The authentic Italian restaurant serves delicious food - (本格的なイタリア料理店は美味しい料理を提供しています).

全面的: "Comprehensive". The Japanese adjective '全面的 (ぜんめんてき)' means 'comprehensive'. This adjective is used to describe something that is complete, thorough, and covers all aspects of a topic or situation. It implies that something has been examined or dealt with in detail. For example: The report provided a comprehensive analysis of the problem - (その報告は問題の全面的な分析を提供した). The university offers a comprehensive curriculum - (その大学は全面的なカリキュラムを提供している).

論理的: "Logical". The Japanese adjective '論理的 (ろんりてき)' means 'logical'. This adjective is used to describe something that is based on clear and rational thinking, or that follows a clear line of reasoning. It can be used to describe ideas, arguments, or approaches. For example: His argument was very logical - (彼の議論は非常に論理的だった). The research findings were logical and well-supported - (その研究結果は論理的で裏付けられていた).

知的: "Intellectual". The Japanese adjective '知的 (ちてき)' means 'intellectual'. This adjective describes something or someone that is characterized by intellect, wisdom, or deep understanding. It can be used to describe a person who is highly educated, thoughtful, or analytical. For example: She has an intellectual discussion - (彼女は知的な議論をする). The university offers an intellectual environment - (この大学は知的な環境を提供している).

目的地: "Destination". The Japanese noun '目的地 (もくてきち)' means 'destination'. It refers to the place where someone or something is going, or the final point of a journey. This word is commonly used when discussing travel plans, directions, or the end goal of an activity. For example: I arrived at my destination - (私は目的地に到着した). The destination is far away - (目的地はとても遠い).

文化的: "Cultural". The Japanese adjective '文化的 (ぶんかてき)' means 'cultural'. It is used to describe something related to or characterized by culture, such as customs, arts, social institutions, etc. It can be used to describe things like cultural events, cultural diversity, cultural heritage, and more. For example: The performance had a very cultural atmosphere - (そのパフォーマンスは非常に文化的な雰囲気だった). This city is known for its rich cultural history - (この街は豊かな文化的歴史で知られている).

男性的: "Masculine". The Japanese adjective '男性的 (だんせいてき)' means 'masculine'. This adjective is used to describe something or someone that has characteristics typically associated with men, such as strength, toughness, or assertiveness. It can be used to describe physical attributes, personality traits, or even objects or activities. For example: He has a very masculine appearance - (彼は非常に男性的な外見をしている). This car has a masculine design - (この車は男性的なデザインだ).

性的: "Sexual". The adjectival noun '性的 (せいてき)' refers to matters related to sex or sexuality. It can be used to describe things or behaviors that have a sexual nature or are associated with sexual activity. For example: Sexual desire - (性的な欲望). Sexual harassment - (性的な嫌がらせ).

比較的: "Relatively". The Japanese adverb '比較的 (ひかくてき)' means 'relatively'. It is used to indicate that something is moderate or average in comparison to other things. For example: The weather is relatively warm today - (今日の天気は比較的温かい). This house is relatively inexpensive - (この家は比較的安い).

抽象的: "Abstract". The Japanese adjective '抽象的 (ちゅうしょうてき)' means 'abstract'. This adjective describes something that is theoretical, conceptual, or not concrete or tangible. It can be used to describe ideas, concepts, or forms of art and thinking. For example: Her paintings have an abstract style - (彼女の絵画は抽象的なスタイルです). The research paper discussed abstract topics - (その研究論文は抽象的なトピックを議論していた).

歴史的: "Historic" or "Historical". The Japanese adjective '歴史的 (れきしてき)' has two main meanings: 'historic' and 'historical'. It is used to describe events, people, or things that are important or significant in history. This adjective can convey the idea that something is groundbreaking, momentous, or highly influential from a historical perspective. For example: This is a historic event - (これは歴史的出来事です). The historical documents are kept in the museum - (歴史的文書がその博物館に保管されています).

的確: "Accurate". The adjectival noun '的確 (てきかく)' means 'accurate'. This word describes something that is exact, precise, or correct. It can be used to describe measurements, analysis, or other information that is reliable and true. For example: The report provides an accurate assessment of the situation - (レポートは状況を的確に評価している). Her answer was accurate and to the point - (彼女の答えは的確であり要点を得ていた).

典型的: "Typical". The Japanese adjective '典型的 (てんけいてき)' means 'typical'. This adjective is used to describe something that is representative or characteristic of a particular kind of person, thing, or situation. It suggests that something conforms to an expected pattern or model. For example: Her behavior was typical of a teenager - (彼女の行動は10代の子供らしい典型的なものだった). This is a typical Japanese house - (これは典型的な日本の家屋である).

徹底的: "Thorough". The Japanese adjective '徹底的 (てっていてき)' means 'thorough'. This adjective describes something that is done in a very careful, complete, and exhaustive way. It implies a level of attention to detail and commitment to a task. For example: She did a thorough job cleaning the house - (彼女は家を徹底的に掃除した). The team conducted a thorough investigation - (チームは徹底的な調査を行った).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "て" is read as "te". The hiragana "き" is read as "ki". The hiragana "ま" is read as "ma". And The hiragana "と" is read as "to".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.