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What is the Kanji for "Miscellaneous"?

If you are wondering what is the Japanese Kanji for "Miscellaneous", you've come to the right place!

The Japanese Kanji for "Miscellaneous" is "".

This kanji has 2 readings:

Its onyomi readings are "Zou" and "Zatsu".

kunyomi readings are based on the pronunciation of native Japanese words, and onyomi readings are based on the Chinese pronunciation of the character.

If you visually breakdown this kanji, you can see is made up of 2 parts:

The component "杂" . And The radical "隹" means "Bird" .

Now, let's make sure you understand this kanji the other way around too.

What does the kanji "" mean in japanese?

"" means "Miscellaneous".

Japanese School Students learn this kanji in Fifth Grade, while foreigners may learn this kanji in preparation for the JLPT N3 exam.

Here are some words that use this kanji:

複雑: "Complex". The Japanese adjectival noun '複雑 (ふくざつ)' means 'complex'. This word is used to describe something that has many intricate parts or is difficult to understand or deal with. It can be applied to situations, problems, relationships, etc. For example: This problem is complex - (この問題は複雑だ). The economy is complex - (経済は複雑だ)

雑誌: "Magazine". The Japanese noun '雑誌 (ざっし)' means 'magazine'. This word refers to a periodical publication containing articles, stories, advertisements, and other features, typically covering a particular subject or catering to a particular readership. Magazines are commonly published on a regular schedule, such as weekly or monthly. For example: I bought the latest issue of the fashion magazine - (ファッション雑誌の最新号を買いました。)

雑音: "Noise". The Japanese noun '雑音 (ざつおん)' means 'noise'. This word refers to unwanted sounds or a disturbance in an audio signal. It can be used to describe a wide range of annoying sounds, such as static on a radio, background chatter, or mechanical hum. For example: There is too much noise in this room - (この部屋には雑音が多すぎます). The video had a lot of noise - (そのビデオには雑音が多かった).

雑談: "Chat". The Japanese verbal noun '雑談 (ざつだん)' means 'chat'. It refers to casual, informal conversation on a variety of topics. It is commonly used to describe light, unstructured discussions between friends or colleagues. For example: Let's have a chat - (雑談しましょう). I enjoyed our casual chat - (私たちの雑談を楽しみました).

混雑: "Crowded". The Japanese verbal noun '混雑 (こんざつ)' means 'crowded'. This word is used to describe a situation or place that has a large number of people or objects occupying the available space. It conveys a sense of being overly full or congested. For example: The train station is crowded - (駅は混雑している). The city center was very crowded during the festival - (街中は祭りの時とても混雑していた).

To make really sure you learn this Kanji, I've prepared an interactive lesson for you. You are going to learn the readings and meanings of this kanji.

But first, you need to know a little bit about Hiragana and Katakana.

Hiragana and katakana are japanese syllabaries, this means that each character represents a syllable.

This are the characters you need to know for this lesson:

The hiragana "ぞ" is read as "zo". The hiragana "う" is read as "u". The hiragana "ざ" is read as "za". And The hiragana "つ" is read as "tsu".

Heres a quick tutorial on how to use it. You'll be asked three type of questions: meaning, reading, and writing.

For meanings questions all you have to do is type the english meaning. If there is more than one meaning, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Reading questions you have to type the reading in romaji (roman letters, our normal alphabet) and it'll be automatically converted to hiragana if necessary. If there is more than one reading, you have to include them all in your answer separating them by commas (,).

For Writing questions some options will appear and all you have to do is select the correct ones.